
Google Wonder Wheel API or js widget

Hi, do you know a Google API or a jquery js plugin to visualize the data like "Wonder Wheel"? I'd like to use this widget with my data. ...

How to create Empty Label without any entries in it using Google Mail API Ver 2?

Hi, I want to create an empty label in Google apps using Google Mail API. Using Below code: MailItemService mailItemService = new MailItemService(domain, "Sample Migration Application"); mailItemService.setUserCredentials(userEmail, password); MailItemEntry[] entries = new MailItemEntry[1]; entries[0] = new MailItemEntry...

Based on which criteria google AJAX Search API will give search results ?

Hi, I have used google search API to get the results of google search but it gives me different results as I have searched directly in So,if anyone know here how is it possible then let me know.why both results are not same for same search keyword ? ...

Get marker position in (x,y) in Google maps

Hello all I am using google maps. I want to display custom info-window on marker click. For that the upper-left tip of my custom info window should cover the marker. The problem is I can not get the exact (x,y) ie map-div position of marker on map. For the first time I can get it using : var mposition = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(marker...

getting pagerank

how can I retrieve pagerank of any page indexed by google ? Has google any api or page for this ?? ...

Google Vizualization with CSV data

Hi, I have a URL that returns data in CSV format. I would like to use Google Vizualization to create an interactive chart of the data. I've looked at several examples on Google Chart and Vizualization web page but I'm a bit confused as I'm not familiar with JavaScript or web programming in general. Question: Do I have to use JavaScri...

SEO - Does google+other search engines index links within <noscript> tags?

I have setup some dropdown menus allowing users to find pages on my website by selecting options across multiple dropdowns: eg. Color of Car, Year This would generate a link like: The only problem is, because this link is dynamically assembled with Javascript, I've also had to assemble each possible combination f...

Google authentication php

how do I get the user's account information (at least his Gmail address) after the authentication has passed? ...

How to build website with two speaking language (Arabic and English)?

hi, I am beginner in web designing, I using CLASSIC ASP for web development. My client need his website in two languages (Arabic and English). What is the best way for develop website in multiple language? I read some information from website's :- Create website in two lanuages. for example ( (www.example...

Google toolbar reporting "This page is in Filipino" when it is English

How does Google Toolbar determine the language of a page to offer translation from it? Google is mis-identifiying a simple login page on our site as Filipino and offering to translate it into English. I've tried added a lang="en" attribute to the <html> element of the page, but that seems to have made no difference. Anyone know why thi...

Trying to link to my shopping cart on

Heres my saga - I'm trying to link to my shopping cart on, but it doesnt seem to be linking correctly. Heres my code: <!--Google Analytics --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unesc...

implementing google wave into a website

How do I implement my own personal copy of google wave into a website? Im talking about something similar to the "Acme Wave" example. I found but am unsure how I go from there to install it on a web host. ...

google indexing wrong page

When I google for cms tutorial my website is the first link which is obviously great. Unfortunatly it is showing the Under construction title I was using when I was updating my site. When you click on the link you of course you go to my website but the title link still remains "CMS TUTORIAL SITE - Under construction" in google instead of...

Change legend text style

Hi there, I only wanted to know if it's possible to change the style of the font (font-size, color) of the legend text in the Google Chart API. Thanks for your answers! Greetings Sebastian ...

Programatically adding "Birthday" to Google Contacts using Google contact API?

Hi, I am trying to add "Birthday" value to Google Contact using Google Contact API (C#). Can anyone help me out here. I am using Google Data API Setup( I got one solution as specified on this link But to implement accepted solution i need to upgrade to the latest version of the client library i.e API 3.0. But for .Net i am...

Programatically adding "New Custom Field" To Google Contacts using Google contact API

Hi, How to create new "Custom Field into Google Contact using Google Contact API (c#)? I used: ExtendedProperty obj_ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedProperty(); obj_ExtendedProperty.Name = "Department"; obj_ExtendedProperty.Value = "Sales"; ContactEntry.ExtendedProperties.Add(obj_ExtendedProperty); Thanx ...

Syncing google calendar with custom calendar

I am using google calendar API to sync google calendar with our custom calendar. Right now I am trying it with a crude way by asking user if he/she wants to sync their calendar with google or not. If they say "yes" , I show them login screen where they have to enter their google user id and password and the calendar will be synced. But n...

Online Collaborative Schema Design (leverage google docs?)

I'm looking for an online, collaborative database schema designer. App is for MySQL specifically, but generic DB designer is fine too. It's important that it can handle revisions (history of changes). This looks cool, and I could host it on a server - but doesn't look like it would handle multi-user: ...

How to use google translate to translate website automatically using geoip

I have been looking around the internet for a script which would use google translate api to translate a website automatically through a geoip script without the need of clicking translate button. Since google does provide a small div snippet which you can add to your website and then through a drop down menu you can choose the language ...

How to include Google Search results in webpage

Hello. Im doing a webpage about apples (the fruit), I want to include Google search results for apple recipes in the bottom of the page. How can I do this? If there is a copy-paste code in Google, I didn´t find it. Thanks ...