
Is there Google Hosted Version of these jQuery plugins?

Hello Could find the google hosted version of javscripts timeago.js - timeago: a jQuery plugin, version: 0.8.2 jquery.popup-min.js - ColorBox v1.3.6 - a full featured, light-weight, customizable lightbox based on jQuery 1.3 ...

How to use "gContact namespace" in new version (c#) ?

Hi, I am trying to use " gContact:billingInformation" and "gContact:nickname" . But i am not getting "gContact" in c#. I am using : (Google.GData.Contacts.dll : File version using Google.GData.Contacts; using Google.GData.Client; using Google.GData.Extensions; using Google.Contacts; How can use above features in my code? plz...

How to add Nickname in Contact Entry?

Hi, I want to add "Nickname" in Google Contact using "Google.GData.Extensions.Apps" . I am able to create Nickname as: NicknameElement obj_nickname = new NicknameElement(); obj_nickname.Name = " Jenifer"; But how to add i to Contact Entry? ...

Backup Google Calendar programmatically:

I'm struggling with writing a python script that automatically grabs the zip fail containing all my google calendars and stores it (as a backup) on my harddisk. I'm using ClientLogin to get an authentication token (and successfully can obtain the token). Unfortunately, i'm unable to retrieve the file at

Download link of "Google Contacts API version 3.0" for .NET.

Hi, I have 2.0 version of Contacts API. But i am looking for newer version "Contacts API version 3.0" for .NET . Can anyone send me download like for it thanx ...

OpenID token from Google (using www)?

I've come across the following situation when using OpenID and Google as the authenticator. If you type it takes you to Which returns a different token than if I were to login to, which would take me to As a result, Google returns a different authentication toke...

I need an OpenOffice Calc formula to fetch the Google PageRank for the top 5 listed results of a given search term

I have a list of search terms: A | B | C | D | E | _______________________________________________________________ 1 | SEARCH TERM PR #1 PR #2 PR #3 PR #4 2 | lcd screens 3 | mud 4 | eurpoean sport cars 5 | perfume How can the search term in my spreadsheet ...

Universal Authentication to Google Data API?

Hey, I want to be able to have say 10 admin users store all their documents on google docs for a domain (''), and have everyone else be able to view them through ''. I'm just not certain how the whole authentication thing works in that case. Should I use OAuth, or would ClientLogi...

What is the difference between Google Keyword Tool and Google Search-Based Keyword Tool

What is the difference between: Google Keyword Tool and Google Search-Based Keyword Tool For example, when I search for "photo editing", I get completely two different Google report for number of monthly searches: 1,500,000 vs 54,000. Why does Google reporting two different number for exact keywords? Any idea? ...

Google Maps API - Event Listeners

Is it necessary to remove Event listeners in when using google maps javascript api? "assume that code is working fine" In other words do even listeners hinder website performance in such a way that one should ALWAYS remove/minimized unused listeners. Thanks ...

Google Analytics Library for As3

I am trying to push in the Google Analytics library into my As3 widget. I plan to use the EventTracking feature in addition to the regular HTML-like pageview tracking that it provides. I plan to use the library in As3 mode (not the Bridge mode) since the widget is embedded on a lot of external domains. Using the SWC to add the component...

OAuth in Google Data API using Java

Does anyone know any web application example where Oauth has been used in with google data API? ...

Delegate OpenID to Google (NOT Google Apps)

OK, I searched this question on SO but no good answer. After spent some time I figured out how to do it. I'm going to answer this myself as a way to share it. ...

Google maps API : V2 : Custom infowindow with bindInfoWindowHtml

The API documentation gave me hopes last night with "bindInfoWindowHtml". But it doesn't seem to replace the default infoWindow, even when you provide your own class etc. I have tried using other ideas like the labeledmarker. But it doesn't support draggable markers. Hence can't use it in my application. Here is the sample code whi...

How to create "ExtendedProperty" using "gd:extendedProperty" in c# ?

Hi, I am trying to create "extendedProperty" in Google Contacts using : <gd:extendedProperty name="" value="1234"></gd:extendedProperty> But i don't know how to use it in my code. Means how to sent this dta to google apps using http or webrequest. Can anyone hel me out here Thanx ...

How to display Google Online Spreadsheets in browser using Servlets

I am looking for a solution on how to display Google spreadsheets in web page using Servlets. Something like this: user logs into the application and then opts to create a new google spreadsheet. I just want to know how to display google spread sheet in web application using servlets. I don't want to create a spreadsheet in my account a...

Getting number of hits from Google API

I've tried to find a way to do this, but without success. I'm looking for a way to find out how many hits a search gets, and I don't want to do this manually, or with regex searching trough the html code. Surely the Google APIs must have a simple way to do this. Does anyone know of one? ...

How to return proper 404 for google while providing user friendly content to the user?

I am bouncing between posting this here and on Superuser. Please excuse me if you feel this does not belong here. I am observing the behavior described here - Googlebot is requesting random urls on my site, like aecgeqfx.html or sutwjemebk.html. I am sure that I am not linking these urls from anywhere on my site. I suspect this may be ...

Flex: Security error trying to access Google Checkout

I'm trying to integrate a Flex app with Google Checkout and code that runs fine on my local machine is throwing a Security Error when I test on my site. Here's the error: Warning: Failed to load policy file from *** Security Sandbox Violation *** Connection to

Composite operations in Android Canvas

I'm just starting with Android development and I'm coming from JavaScript/HTML world so I'm currently investigating the possibilities of the Android SDK. The HTML 5 canvas supports composite operations (See here). Is this possible in an Android Canvas? I scanned the API of the Canvas class but couldn't find anything useful. I need at l...