
ICalendar not readable by google calendar.

Operating system : WinXP Program and version you use to access Google Calendar (FF3.5): I'm developing a script (based on an existing vCal ASP.NET class I found online) to generate an .ics file. This file works perfectly when importing to Outlook 2003. When I try to import to Google Calendar, I get the following error: Failed to impo...

Google Website Optimizer not tracking conversions

In a nutshell my split tests aren't tracking conversions at all. My A/B pages are on, and my conversion page is the last stage of my shopping cart on I thought the most concise way of explaining this would be to post my page source code: To summarize, ...

How to find time spent per user per application in Google Apps?

Is it possible to obtain some kind of statistics on which user spent how much time on which application when they log into Google Apps? Applications example would be gmail/sites/talk etc., ...

Only show activities from a specific gadget in OpenSocial

I created a gadget which is able to post activities: function postActivity(text) { var params = {}; params[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = text; var activity = opensocial.newActivity(params); opensocial.requestCreateActivity(activity, opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH); }; And I request activities by doing...

Google Maps iPhone API Terrain View

We're using MapKit on an iPhone app to display a Google Map with terrain view. However, the terrain view only shows when the user has an active Internet connection, the moment the user's Internet is off, the terrain on the map disappears and it appears flat. Is there any way to keep the terrain view on even when the user isn't on an act...

Google Suggest - What determines the sort order of suggested queries on google?

How is this sort order determined? Is it ranked by popularity, number of results, or a mysterious google algorithm? Does there algorithm take into account the search popularity of a query (using google-trends data or something)? Edit: I found a news article dating back to when google suggest was made public in 2004. Here is an excerpt.....

google translator JavaScript

How to translate English langauge text to a foreign language with google translator via JavaScript without showing a google toolbar? ...

PHP Library to test loading speeds

I was wondering whether there is a simple PHP library to test the loading speed of a web page or a single resource similar to Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow. The reason is that I'd like to build a web based alternative. ...

Google Calendar API - Automatically Identify Events from a String (.NET Framework)

Hi, I've looked through other questions but i don't think this has been asked before: I have an email client i'm building in the .NET framework, and would like to automatically create google calendar events (just like in gmail). Is there a way to feed an email message (i.e. a string) and automatically identify if there is a possible eve...

How to parse results from google blog search?

Hello! I'm trying to parse the number of results from google seach blog. Could somebody please help me! returns a complete page. On the right side you can see (Results 1 - 10 of about 2,504,830,546 for a. (0.05 seconds) ). How could I get 2,50...

Google Translate translates inline Javascript Code

Hi, I have some PHP code that sends a section of html code including some inline Javascript code by curl to google. When i get it back from Google translated into the language that i chose, the Javascript code has been translated too. Any ideas as to how i can stop Google translating my inline JavaScript code? Thanks, M ...

Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection - how safe is 301 Redirect?

Hello, I have a travel related website that has been online for several years (since 2004). It currently has allot of traffic, but there are issues that prevent it from reaching full potential (no optimized and user friendly url's - it uses allot of params, bad database design which makes it difficult to expand and add new languages etc...

How to make html-files with content to be used in a simple ajax site to behave nicely in google?

I made some ajax sites in the past where I used ajax to get more of a desktop application feeling for my sites and also to keep the site maintainable. My strategy was making one index page and from there pulling in html content from some subpages. (So far I didn't use ajax to send data to the server.) The problem that I ran into is this...

Google Analytics cookies

My problem: I erased all cookies from my computer. I sent Post request to the X server log and sent me a "normal" Set-Cookie with its parameters, but then somehow it will send request for Google Analytics (GA), in which the "strange" header (utma, utmac, utmcn ...). This happens when I send request in browser. But when I pass a request t...

Using "ContactsQuery" for searching particular contact in Google contact using Google API Ver 2

Hi, Currently i am searching particular as below: Feed<Contact> f = contactsRequest.GetContacts(); foreach (Contact e in f.Entries) { if (e.Title == "MyContact") { MesageBox.Show("Contact already exist"); } } This will work fine if no of contacts are less.But above code will become slow for large no o...

Gmail IMAP OAuth for desktop clients

Recently Google announced that they are supporting OAUth for Gmail IMAP/SMTP. I browsed through their multiple documentations, but still I am confused about if they support OAuth for installed applications. 1. In this documentation they say: Note: Though the OAuth protocol supports the desktop/installed application use case, Goo...

Google apps API problem with read-only feed?

Hi all, I am beginning to use the google data api (specifically for the finance app). I can read my portfolio's just fine, so I am authenticating correctly (or so I think). However, when i try and create a portfolio, I get a 'feed is read-only' error. The constructor for the service: public class FinanceService : Service, IService { ...

How to display two series via Google Chart API?

I can't get the two series of numbers to scale together. Here is sample code that you can paste into... cht=lxy chs=400x300 chd=t:20,30,40|1,4,2|24,34,44|3,7,1 chds=20,40,1,4,24,44,1,7 chxr=0,20,54,2|1,0,7,1 chxt=x,y chxs=0,ff0000,12,0,lt 1,0000ff,10,1,lt chco=FF...

Google AJAX Transliteration API: Is it possible to make all input fields in the page transliteratable?

Hello, I've used "Google AJAX Transliteration API" and it's going well with me. Currently I've a project that I need all input fields in every page (input & textarea tags) to be transliteratable, while these input fields differs from page to page (dyn...

How to tell Google a page has moved?

We have #1 and #2 spots we would like to keep, but because of the way things were jumbled we have to migrate to a new domain. We do not want the new domain to be penalized for duplicate content, we want it to naturally take the spot on Google. How do we tell Google our page has moved? ...