
Translate a webpage in PHP

I'm looking to translate a webpage in PHP 5 so I can save the translation and make it easily accessible via rather than users having to go through google translate. I've found various easy ways to translate text via CURL, however what i'd really like to be able to do is translate an entire webp...

Allowing Google to bypass CAPTCHA verification - sensible or not?

My web site has a database lookup; filling out a CAPTCHA gives you 5 minutes of lookup time. There is also some custom code to detect any automated scripts. I do this as I don't want someone data mining my site. The problem is that Google does not see the lookup results when it crawls my site. If someone is searching for a string that i...

Getting "AllDay" for every calendar i create in Google apps using .NET google API Ver 2 .

Hi, I am creating a calendar in google calendar using Google API ver 2. Problem i am facing is: I am getting all calendar as "ALLDAY". I tried below code: When eventTime = new When(); eventTime.AllDay = false; entry.Times.Add(eventTime); // i am not setting dates as i am assigning them in recurrance data. How to make all day event t...

add extra hint icon at current google map

my code is written from Now all marker icons can be displayed at current google map. But now I want to add some function. When getting description of item (it will map to opposite icon) ,if user click this description, a hint will display near the map icon at google. I...

Android & Google Maps: Trouble with getting fingerprint and signing certificate

Hi there, I'm following the guides online here( ) and i'm having trouble "Getting the MD5 Fingerprint of Your Signing Certificate". Ive found the location of the keytool and now when i put into the command line keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\Chris...

google charts: bar, y axis ascending order?

How is it possible to have the y axis, go from say 0-100, or even 0-1000, right now its all jumbled up and doesnt make any sense, i do not want to sort my data.,y&cht=bvs&chd=t:40,20,80,2,11&chco=76A4FB&chls=1.0&chs=200x125&chxl=0:|mon|tues|wed|thu|fr|1:|40|20|80|2|11 ...

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress. The site url is I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords. Since I have ma...

how to Google Analytic dat through YQL or Yahoo pipes??

I use Google analytic, i want to retrieve the last 100 search string from my Google analytic account using YQL or Yahoo pipes, how can i do it?? Please help.. ...

Does Google not allow webclients?

I have the following: string html_string = ""; string html; html = new WebClient().DownloadString(html_string); and when I get the length of HTML, it's returning only the first 28435 characters. Is it possible that Google is not allowing webclient access? ...

the best method for google indexing text content in images?

Hi everybody, I have a webpage where I put 1 image once in a while, this is just like I would like to know how to let google know the text in my images. My approach is to put the text in alt html attribute, like this: <img src="" alt="RETARD - aw, that's a sick tatto...

google search results - append custom parameter to url string

how do you append an additional url parameter to a link in your google search results? is it possible to do this within the style sheet? for example i have - i want to change the link to thank you ...

Google Bot information?

Does anyone know any more details about google's web-crawler (aka GoogleBot)? I was curious about what it was written in (I've made a few crawlers myself and am about to make another) and if it parses images and such. I'm assuming it does somewhere along the line, b/c the images in are all resized. It also wouldn't s...

google search rankings and trends api

I'm looking to find an api/program/interface to get the following information. a term(s) overall popularity - ala google trends how a website shows up rank wise in for said term(s) - ala googlesearchpositionfinder and how many websites have the term(s) - standard google, e.g. Searching for foobar and urban dictionary shows up at positi...

Error in creating Google Calendar "Reminder"

Hi, I am using below code to create a reminder in Google calendar (using Google API ver 2 for c# ): EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); entry.Title.Text = "testing from .NET"; entry.Content.Content = "testing from .NET"; String recurData = "DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20071202T080000\r\n" + "DTEND;TZID=Ame...

May I use prefix for my packages?

I have a hobby opne source Java project hosted at google code (linkset). May I use a prefix "" as a package name for this project? P.S. I dont own "org.linkset" domain :( but i like the name :) ...

Dublin Core and Google SEO

Hello all What do you think, is Google using Dublin Core tags when indexing site ? Are these tags (DC.description etc) important for Google ? Thanks. ...

Setting Up Apache Alias for Parallelized Downloads

I'm trying to point: to so that works. However, I do not want or to work. I'm trying to implement additional domains for parallelized downloads, but need to make sure that users can't access any other content other than images, c...

Can I load multiple libraries using google.load(...) ?

On Google code playgorund, I tried to load multiple library like below google.load("jquery", "1"); google.load("mootools", "1.2.1"); But it breaks the code, why ? Thanks EDIT: In the left hand pane in playground, I select Library and then jquery, its runs just fine but when I also add mootools in the code, it won't work and I don't s...

Customer Google Analytics in Web App

I have a web app where people can create custom content on the web which is hosted by my service. I want to provide users with the ability to track activity on their specific page via Google Analytic. I've seen some other companies providing this option (MailChimp). I was wondering if anyone had experience in implementing this kind of s...

Image suggestion with jQuery from Google

I'd like to make a script which search in Google and shows the 1st relevant image. I mean, if you type to the input field: car if you search to word "car" via Google and it suggest the 1st image for me. What do you think, are there any method to do this? ...