
Bugs in Google Code itself -- where to report?

Where does one go to report bugs in Google Code? Alas, searching for "Google Code" within "Google Code" is futile as the title of every single project page contains the words "Google Code" -- assuming that Google Code is even self-hosting. ...

What programming language is used to design google algorithm?

It is known that google has best searching & indexing algorithm. The also have good relevancy. They are also quicker in getting down the latest results. All that's fine. What programming language (c, c++, java, etc...) & database (oracle, MySQL, etc...) they have used in achieving this. Since they have to manipulate with volume of...

Auto-size zoom on Google Maps in java? (depending android screen resolution)

Hey guys, i've got 2 GeoPoints given to show them on the map with markers... so far so good... how can I get the optimum zoom level for the MapController in order to focus the middle of both points, but also have them on the map. The whole thing should work at different screen resolutions. Sorry for asking that silly question, I know...

How to use the correct Google OpenID url to login to my site?

Hello everyone: I am trying to implement OpenID as one preferred option to my next web app here The code is taken from this tutorial and works if I use my openID from However, I believe most people would just love to use their everyday email address as their openID, as far as I know, Google, Yahoo, and some other big play...

Why does Google append while(1); in front of their JSON responses?

This is something I've always been curious about, is exactly why Google appends while(1); in front of their (private) JSON responses. For example, here's a response while turning a calendar on and off in Google Calendar: while(1);[['u',[['smsSentFlag','false'],['hideInvitations','false'],['remindOnRespondedEventsOnly','true'],['hideInv...

Implementing Google Crawlable AJAX URL's with Mod Rewrite

I'm looking to implement the Google crawlable AJAX states as described here: Essentially this requires specifying your AJAX states with a #!state value at the end of the url. This should then be passed to the application server (PHP in my case) as part of the query stri...

How to delete recently created Google Contact?

Hi, I am temporary creating one contact and immediatly after that i want to delete that contact. I am creating contact as follows: ContactEntry[] ContactEntry = new ContactEntry[2]; ContactEntry[0] = new ContactEntry(); ContactEntry[0].Title.Text = "Temp"; Uri feedUri = new Uri(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default")); ContactEntry...

Searchengine bots and meta refresh for disabled Javascript

Hi! I have a website that must have javascript turned on so it can work there is a < noscript> tag that have a meta to redirect the user to a page that alerts him about the disabled javascript... I am wondering, is this a bad thing for search engine crawlers? Because I send an e-mail to myself when someone doesn't have js so I can ...

Using Google Search REST API in Ruby

I'm trying to do a google search using Ruby, and print the 1st 3 results. Could anyone point me to a sample code? I'm unable to find it. ...

Set HTTP Caching Expiration, Recommended by Google PageSpeed

I ran tests on my website using Google's PageSpeed and it recommends that I "Leverage browser caching" and provided the following resource: This resource never explains how to actually change the expiration date of my http headers. Do I do this through ....

Where can I obtain the Google Base feeds for Real Estate?

Does Google provide a feed so that I can read IN their Google Base Real Estate database?;hl=en If so, where is this feed and how do I access it? UPDATE: To clarify more ... everything I've seen on Google Base documentation for Real Estate talks about ways for someone to su...

Google Analytics - Goals - Advanced Segments - Does it keep cookies for tracking visitors?

Hi there, I am working with Google Analytics - Goals and Funnels for quite sometime, but one thing is is not clear for me. I would very much appreciate if you could help me. We are advertising on several sites rotating several different ads. Our main goal is to collect as many sign-ups (new users) as possible for as low price as possib...

Google minify - Get a timestamped URI to a minified resource using the default Minify install

Hi, I am using Google Minify and I want a timestamped URI. The readme.txt suggests this: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo Minify_groupUri('css'); ?>" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Minify_groupUri('js'); ?>"></script> but it also says: 'Before including this file, /min/lib must be in your in...

Accessing Google Spreadsheets with C# using Google Data API fails with Mono

I'm trying to access my Google spreadsheets using the GData API. I have followed the example which looks like: var service = new SpreadsheetsService("myTest"); service.setUserCredentials(username, password); var query = new SpreadsheetQuery(); var feed = service.Query(query); This should return a feed with a list of spreadsheets. Howe...

help with google android

how powerfull is google android bluetooth programming? is it considered a low level programming langauge/emulator that enables me to have full control over bluetooth? ie protocols,encryption,layers.... ...

Double Tap -> Zoom on Android MapView?

Hi guys, after a little bit of work my route application works fine :) The only thing I just want to add is a double tap zoom in function, but I don't know how... could you give me a hint? nice greetings, poeschlorn ...

How does Google Analytics save data to a database

Hello everyone, I am making a Google Analytics like project for my school assignment. I have two questions primarily: 1) Exactly when does Google store the data to the database? When it does it use XHR with some server side scripting language to store it to the database or is there a way to do it using plain javascript? 2) How do I get...

How can I fetch Google static maps with TIdHTTP?

I'm trying to return content from from within Delphi 2006 using the TIdHTTP component. My code is as follows procedure TForm1.GetGoogleMap(); var t_GetRequest: String; t_Source: TStringList; t_Stream: TMemoryStream; begin t_Source := TStringList.Create; try t_Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; try ...

How can I give values to webBrowser control text boxes ?

Please go to this website : and see the software video. This guy is giving values to webBrowser control text boxes from database / datagrid / textbox etc. Can anyone tell me how is he doing that ? I think every website have different ids for text boxes then how he is giving values to those fields ? Also, how i...

Does google count back links from Flash?

Our Flash widget is quite popular on the web. There is a link to our web-site embedded inside the widget. Does Google count this link as a back link to the site? ...