
What is the best way to implement search on my site using google search?

Hi, I'm developing a simple site for local student contest. I want to implement some basic search functionality (just a textbox with submitButton or submitLink). The site contains several pages with static informational content there, and one google-forms iframe(register for the event). Is it a good idea to implement my search with ...

Are all Google Chrome extensions open source by default?

I want to know if i write a Google Chrome extension, will anyone be able to use my code? ...

best SEO method for date in url structure?

I'm working on an events website so dates are very important search terms, ie: 'whats on on fri 14th september' I've seen it done in various methods for example: domain/whats-on/city-hall/14-09-2010/event-name.html domain/whats-on/city-hall/2010/09/14/event-name.html the first is 'shallower'. the second could be clearer for google to...

Is there a way to create custom pathways using the Google Maps API V3?

I need to create custom pathways using the Google Maps API V3 for a map of a campus I know I could create pre-determined paths based on checkpoints that I input, but I need to be able to make it so that a user using the map I've created can click from one side of the campus to the other, and have the option to either follow roads/sidewa...

Using the pre-installed Google Maps instead of an own activity by using Intents?

Hey guys, I just wanted to know wether it is posssible to pass geocoords to the google maps app bis intents or something similar. I wrote an app for displaying route, coords and so on by myself, but wouldn't it be more elegant to ask google maps itself for displaying this? I don't know if this is possible, but maybe, one of you can ans...

google search as an rss feed

Hi guys, Is there a way to have treat google serach results as an rss feed? For example say I worked for stackoverflow and wanted to montior how if the results from the following search url: changes from day today. It would be cool if I could append &output=rss to the url and get ...

Google Forms w/ jQuery Validate Not Submitting to Form in IE 7

In IE7, when a user fills out this Google Form w/ jq validate.js, and clicks the Submit button, the page navigates to the "success" page, but our form isn't showing the submitted content. I read that IE 7 has issues with input elements having both a type and class/id...

How can I get my dragged event updated in Google Calendar

I managed to drag and drop a Google Calendar event, but what do I have to do for this information to be updated in my Google Calendar. Thanks ...

Google results problem with firefox addon

I have written a firefox addon with which user can add notes to the pages they are viewing. Users can also highlight the content they like on the page. My addon adds some css and javascript files to the page once the document is loaded. The extension is working properly except with some google results pages. The results sometimes appear ...

Convert Google results object (pure js) to Python object

So I'm trying to use Google Map suggest API to request place name suggestions. Unfortunately I can't find the docs for this bit. Here is an example URI:,-3.5&spn=11.9,1.2&hl=en&gl=uk&v=2 which returns: {suggestion:[{query:"London",... I want to use this ...

Is Google API for .NET (version 2) Redistributable ?

Hi, I made a small product using Google APIs. Now i need to sell it to my client. I made installer and simply added all APIs. But now it is showing error of type COM. How can i resolve this issue? ...

Using Google Checkout, can I add items to the cart with text links?

Demo here using buttons I want to use, if possible text links in place of input buttons. Thanks everyone! ...

Does Google punish content duplication across multiple country domains?

I like the way Google handles internationalization, with domains such as,, etc. I'd like to do this for my own site, but I'm concerned that Google will interpret this as content duplication, particularly across countries that speak the same human language, as there won't be any translation to hint that th...

How to get previous versions of a spreadsheet with Google Docs API?

The "previous version" interface on Google Docs is very primitive. It wouldn't even allow you to select two arbitrary versions for comparison (but correct me if I'm wrong.) How can I access the previous versions via the API? ...

How check if blocked and use my hosting of jquery?

I use but some compaty may block this site, so in this case I want to use my local version on jquery /JavaScripts/jquery.min.js. How can I do it? ...

OpenID and Google hosted domains

I get an "The remote name could not be resolved: ''" When using this open ID identifier: And it's true, that the DNS record doesn't exist. But I'm wondering why it goes to look there in the first place. All I want to be doing is to check if the user can login to ...

What is the email limit on Google Apps Script?

Can someone tell me if there is a webpage that lists the official Google limit on emails sent from a Google Apps Script? In testing my little script I got a Service invoked too many times: email (# 59) and now I can't send any more emails. The obvious place for this information would be in the MailApp.sendEmail documentation. But, tha...

Unable to migrate mail to 'google apps mail ' with Other domain user credentials.

Hi, I am trying to Migrate mail on 'Google Apps Mail'. When i give Admin credentials it get migrated successfully. But when i use Domain user credential it shows error " Execution of request failed: ". I want to migrate mails to user not to Admin User.Then why there is need of Admin credentials ? I am using Google API Ver 2. Thanx ...

What language is Picasa written in?

This was asked about a year ago, but never really answered. It would be great to find out what language/gui framework was used to write Google's desktop Picasa app. Any ideas? ...

How to download all your google docs from shell

Hello, gents. I learned how to download single google doc. But I am trying to make a script that downloads all my data in text format and then merges them in 1 text file. So, I wonder how to implement downloading part so that 1 can get zip file with all my files just as you do with web browser. Here is my newb script to get single file. ...