
Whats faster for including scripts, using CDN (Google) or store them locally in website root?

Whats faster for including scripts, using CDN (Google) or store them locally in website root? ...

Any Way to Further Customize Embedded Google Calendar?

I'd like to embed a few Google Calendars for my client's web site. The "Google Embeddable Calendar Helper" provides very few customization options. Updating the hex code for the background color in the generated source only works if you pick one of the ~70 standard Google Calendar bg colors. (I can tweak the "border" selector because...

Get Chinese Romanization from Google Translate API

The Google language translate API works cleanly to translate into Chinese: <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> google.load('language','1'); function googletrans(text) { google.language.translate(text,'en','zh',function(result) { alert(result.translation); }); }...

What's wrong with this SMTP dialog?

I'm running some tests with the Gmail SMTP, for some reason my script is hanging at this point: fwrite($smtp, 'DATA' . "\n"); $result[7] = trim(fgets($smtp)); $result[7] = substr($result[7], 0, 3); // 354 // the script starts hanging here fwrite($smtp, 'From: "Alix Axel" <[email protected]>' . "\n");; fwrite($smtp, 'To: "Alix Axel" <x...

how to calculate google backlinks using php

hi i want to create my own tool for back-links calculation using PHP. is there any api to fetech the data for back links ...

Where to start with Google Reader as an API?

I want to build a widget for WordPress that simultaneously displays my latest Google Reader items on the front page and allows for management from behind the WordPress dashboard. I can already add my "shared" items using code I've found in various Google searches, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for. I like the functionality of...

How to uniquely identify someone in oAuth

I'm currently creating a web app using Google's oAuth. I was wondering how I can uniquely identify an authenticated user so I don't accidentally add duplicates. ...

Google AJAX Transliteration API :- How do i translate many elements in page to some language at one stretch?

Hello, I have many elements on page and all of which i want to translate to some language. The language is not the same for all fields, that is, for 1st field it may be fr and for third field it may be en then again for 7th field it may be pa. Basically i wrote the code and it's working :- <script type="text/javascript"> ...

how can i insert a new sitemap with google gdata api? it returns 400 bad request

i try to insert a new sitemap to google using api, but i can't do it successful-_- this is the method var fullDomainUrl = ""; var entry = new SitemapsEntry(); entry.Id = new AtomId(fullDomainUrl + "sitemap.xml"); entry.Categories.Add(new AtomCategory("

Google local search API - callback never called

Hello, I am trying to retrieve some local restaurants using the LocalSearch Google API. I am initializing the search objects in the OnLoad function and I am calling the searchControl execute function when the user clicks on a search button. The problem is that my function attached to setSearchCompleteCallback never get called. Please ...

keyword position in google search using php and json

hi how can i find a word position in google search in my site (e.g there are several tool available which input as keyword and siteurl and display the keyword position in google) is there any api to fetch the position ? Thanks ...

how powerfull is Bluetooth on Google Android?

how powerful is Bluetooth programming on Android? is it possible to add new protocols and encryption techniques? or even change in the current protocols? does it support bluetooth 2.1+EDR? ...

Bluetooth on Google Android

is possible to use bluetooth in emulation mode on google android? what is the current implementation of bluetooth? is it 2.1 +EDR? ...

how to customize google map for own site?

Hi, i want to create google map for own task is that i have to fetch some information from database and i want to show in google map,with my icon.some thing like ";min=450000&amp;max=1000000" in right side ,google map is showing,excatly i want to show my google map.if ...

Toggle Image Overlays in Google Maps API v3

Hey guys. I've been building a small library for myself for a job I have at the moment building a map for a university. I've gotten pretty well everything I need in some basic form, but one thing has simply not been working, and is simply not giving me results. The university itself is sort of in a partnership with the neighboring c...

Instantiate google map object with a defined set of bounds?

Hello, I want to create google map using a pre-defined set of bounds. So instead of the usual var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map')); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0,0),5); I want to do something like var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map')); map.setBounds(new GLatLng(10,10), new GLatLng(20,20)); Is this poss...

Problem with Google AJAX Search API RESTful interface

When I send the following query;q=coffee%20New%20York%20NY using c# WebClient.DownloadString function or ordinary web browser I get JSON data which is different from data for the same query using JavaScript and Google AJAX Search API. From REST service I get the followin...

Google Maps for Absolute Dummies

Hi there, I just signed up for a Google Maps API key and was hoping for a wizard style application for setting up the map (not a static one), unfortunately I was immediately blinded by science! Can anyone point me to a tutorial where I can find out how to create a simple google map and place a callout bubble including am image of the o...

Google Maps 3.0 - Sometimes after removing markers, they stay around...

Sometimes when I remove markers they stay around in a "ghost" fashion -- they are clickable but there's no more icon. This is not every time and usually only happens when I remove more than one at a time. Here's my code for removing markers: for(var i in markers) { google.maps.event.clearListeners(markers[i], "click"); ...

GData is user part of Apps Premier domains or Apps Standard domains

Is there a way do figure out if a user is part of Apps Premier domains, Apps Standard domains or just a regular google account? ...