
Will Google index my site like this?

Suppose I have a URL in my query string. Someone told me that Google does not like it because they believe we are pulling content from another server. ...

How to check if googlebot will index a given url ?

We're doing a whitelabel site, which mustn't be google indexed. Does anyone know a tool to check if the googlebot will index a given url ? I've put <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> on all pages, so it shouldn't be indexed - however I'd rather be 110% certain by testing it. I know I could use robots.txt, however the problem wit...

Google Earth API - 3d Model Overlays

Does anyone know why the google earth api only supports COLLADA (.dae) 3d model overlays and not kmz??? KmlModel GEPlugin.createModel ( string id ) Creates a model. A model is a 3D object described in a COLLADA file. COLLADA files have a .dae file extension. Models are created in their own coordinate space and then loca...

Android: Getting extended information using the google search API (Reviews, Description etc)

I'm writing an app for android that allows users get information about places nearby. The app is using the Google AJAX Search API. However I'm having a problem in that I can't find anyway via the API to get information such as ratings, reviews or venue information; as on this page. Can anybody give me any pointers on where i can get th...

missing : after property id javascript error in geolocation

Can anyone see a problem with the following i hope its a simple snag but its driving me mad.. firebug brings up the 'missing : after property id' - I have looked online but cant suss it any thoughts..? navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position){ var lat = position.coords.latitude; var lon = position.coords.long...

Google Maps Rollover Problem in a Flex Website

Hi, I'm using Google Maps in my Flex site to create a map. I've got polygons overlayed on the map. When the user rolls over a polygon an infowindow opens identifying the area and the fill Alpha of the area is set to 0. On roll-out, the info window is removed and the fill Alpha is returned to the default, 0.2. The polygons display and t...

How can i solve "Captcha required" error in Google Apps API Ver 2 for .NET ?

Hi, I am migrating Contacts to Google Apps. But after migrating around 300 contacts I am getting "Captcha Required" Exception at line : Uri feedUri = new Uri(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri(UserName)); ContactEntry createdEntry = (ContactEntry)service.Insert(feedUri, ContactEntry[0]); I am using Ver2 of Google API. How can i solve th...

Gwt-gdata authentication

Hi guys, I'm writing an application with GWT and I found on the internet that there's a library to use easily gdata features. In particular I need to use the integration with Google Calendar. I followed the official guide on gwt-gdata site to do the authentication ( ) but unfortunate...

where's should i put RDFa Events mark-up?

I've decided to include data markup for my events site to make it easier for search engines to use my data. I've decided to go for RDFa over microformats and microdata, however I'm unsure how to best use it... my site: 1 page with a list of events with the essential details for each, each event is clickable taking you to a page with th...

Send 404 when requesting index.php through .htaccess?

I've recently refactored an existing CodeIgniter application to use url segments instead of query strings, and I'm using a rewriterule in htaccess to rewrite stuff to index.php: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L] My problem right now is that a lot of this website's pages are indexed by google with a link to index.php. Since I made t...

Google Code Jam 2010 Large DataSets Take Too Long to Submit

Hey Guys, I'm participating in the 2010 code jam and I solved two of the problems for the small data sets, but I'm not even close to solving the large data sets in the 8 minute time frame. I'm wondering if anyone out there has solved the large data set: What hardware were you running on? What language were you running on? What perfor...

Host of Referer

How to find out the Referers host? My Problem is, i wont to check, is user from google adwords or organic search... so i checking refferer, but the refferer ist allways google organix search... if some one have a be´tter idea :) tell it. But I found out, that the HOst is a speacial one! So now I wont to check for Host of the Refferes s...

Get URL and save it | Chrome Extension

Basically on my window (when you click the icon) it should open and show the URL of the tab and next to it I want it to say "Save", it will save it to the localStorage, and to be displayed below into the saved links area. Like this: Something like bookmarks :) ...

Client or server side invocation to google API?

I'm writing a web application with GWT and I've to call google calendar's API to retrieve some information. I now have this dilemma: Is it better to use a client side invocation (using javascript or gwt-gdata library) or using the standard google library for java to call the service at server side and then passing all the data to the cli...

Set cell format in google spreadsheet using python api

I am using gd_client.UpdateCell to update values in a google spreadsheet and am looking for a way to update the formatting of the cell i.e. color, lines, textsize..... Can this be done? Are there examples or other documentation available? Anything to get me going would be great ...

Google bar chart not allowing me to label two bars?

Take the following chart. Everything is as I want except the 2nd label, 'Two', is being ignored, and the first label is being centered beneath both bars. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?;chs=200x200&amp;chd=t:10|80&amp;chco=000000,333666&amp;chxt=x,y&amp;chl=One|Two ...

Is it possible to modify Android internals and reinstall the operating system on a phone?

I have an android phone and am thinking of a project in which I will need to modify the operating system and reinstall it to the phone. Is this possible to do so? Can i be sure my phone is not gonna give up on me? Thanks. ...

Google Analytics Script inside XML File

Hi, I would like to know If I can add my ecommerce analytics tags inside an xml formated file? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); _gaq.push(['_addTrans', '1234', // ...

embedding a slideshow photo gallery with Picasa that autorepeats?

how can I modify the embedded photo gallery slideshow from Google's Picasa to auto repeat the pictures, i.e. play them over and over again? This is the code Picasa gives me for embedding in a website: <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="267" flashvars="...

Google Javascript v8 - multithreading

Hi guys Suppose I have the following piece of code bool run (void) { HandleScope hande_scope; Handle<String> source; Local<Script> script; Persistent<Context> context; context = Context::New(); Context::Scope context_scope(context); script = Script::Compile("var a = 1; var b = 2;"); Local<Value> result...