
Is there any good (eazy, small) sample of working with google openid? (php)

Is there any good (eazy to understend, small - not lotof code lines) sample of working with google openid? (php) - What I need is to see how to get users name from google openId ; a good way of how to integrate openid into my current users DB (tooday in DB I have table user with name and pass)? and how to get any Idea about if useri...

Is there a Google Earth control available in the iPad SDK?

Is there a Google Earth control available in the iPad SDK or someway of having google earth inside my new iPad app? ...

Where to get the Google Search XSD

we are developing an Google search component for our website. We are getting the result from Google in the form of XML. Where Can I find the XSD for Google search results? ...

Android Marketplace, how would I email a link that would open the Market place from a device?

I want to offer a webform on my app's website that sends an email to the provided address, that if opened from a Android device would launch the marketplace on the phone. I have used the following: It takes me to a loading screen, but I get Sorry, the application Market (

Is it possible to have to call the Google AJAX Feed API twice on the same page?

I was thinking of using a slider panel to display two different feed-sections. For example pulling in Tech in one div, and Sports in another.. Thanks! ...

Need .Net method to compute a Google Pagerank request checksum.

The company I work for is currently developing a SEO tool which needs to include a domain or url Pagerank. It is possible to retrieve such data directly from Google by sending a request to the url called by the Google ToolBar. On of the parameters send to that url is a checksum of the domain whose pagerank is being requested. I have f...

Has anyone used JanRain / RPX to enable users multiple login options (e.g. Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc)?

I'm debating whether to consider using a product like this to provide my users with multiple login options or to build/maintain this myself internally. What are the pros of this product/service? What do you see as the major arguments NOT to use this project/service? ...

How to Migrate EML data in chuck to Google Apps Mail using Google API ver 2 ?

Hi, I am migrating EML mails to Google Apps. When i try to Migrate a EML file with two attachment 2.1 MB and 1.96 MB. It is throwing exception: "The request was aborted: The request was canceled." I am using below code: MailItemEntry[] entries = new MailItemEntry[1]; String msg = File.ReadAllText(EmlPath); entries[0] = new MailItemE...

Google checkout invoice through API

Hey all I am trying to find a way of sending email invoice via google checkout's API (and also in PayPal) I can't find how. or at least how to generate a new order (money request) thank you ...

2-Legged to Google via oAuth DevDefined (.net)

Has anyone been able to get oAuth working with the gMail feed using the DevDefined oAuth library? I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to get this working. Seems like I either get a 401, or 411 returned. I used this as a template, but it doesnt appear to be as easy as entering in the google token endpoints string OAuthReque...

how do Google and Yahoo replace the URL in the browser status bar?

On the Google and Yahoo search pages, the URLs of the 10 search result links actually point to or The URLs have extra arguments that allow or to redirect to the actual search result when the link is clicked. When the user mouses over the link, the search result URL (and not the or y...

Post Loading ads - using appendChild to move an IFRAME with text link ads

I have changed code around to basically load an add the bottom of the page in a hidden div and attached an onload event handler that called document.getElementById(xxx).appendChild() to take the hidden ad and move it into the right spot in my page. This works GREAT.. however when the ad is a text ad it AFTER i move the ad there is nothi...

Works in Google charts but not in Eastwood?

This chart works fine in Google charts, but when rendered in Eastwood, it doesn't use the 2nd provided color, rather it applies the first color to both bars in the chart.,81&chco=FFF000|00FFFF&chxt=x,y&chl=Bar1|Bar2&chtt=Chart Any suggestions as to...

how to put the gps new cllocation co-ordinate to google map in objective-c.

i want to use the gps to update the user location on google map,i am using the following method. -didFailWithError and -didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation but how can i get the newlocation on the google map, because for that we want the latitude and longitude. and then put that in setr...

option & jQuery .click() won't work together

Hello, this works great in FF but not in IE, Chrome or Safari. $('#countryDropDown option').click(function() { var countryID = $(this).val(); dostuff(); }); // countryDropDown = id of select So, as you can see I want to attach a click event to each option. I alos tried var allOpts = $('#countryDropDown option'), l = allOp...

how to merge login with google or other mail account like this site provide?

how to merge login with google or other mail account like this site provide? ...

Context aware breadcrumbs with php sessions - Will search engines index each variation?

Some pages on my website appear differently depending on where the user has been, using php sessions. for example with breadcrumbs: standard crumb setup: All Books -> fiction -> Lord Of the Flies if the visitor has just been on the 'William Golding Page', a session will have been created to say, this visitor is broswing by auth...

Are scripts hosted at Google cached accross multiple sites?

If I visit 1 website that has a reference to say jQuery hosted at Google Code, and then I visit a 2nd website that has the same reference - will the file be cached across both websites? i.e. will it re-download it on the 2nd website, or just use it from cache? ...

Google Maps modal dialog (JQuery)

I would like to display a map with a single marker using a nice and simple modal dialog. Are there any easy to use solutions for this? Ideally a jquery modal dialog with support for google maps or a way to easily get an iframe code for a google map given latitude and longitute only ...

Majordomo/Mailman - Yahoo/Google Groups

Hi. Not an app question, but thought that I might ask here anyway! The responses might help someone. I've got an app where we're going to be dealing with 5000-10000 people in a group/pool. Periodically, different subsets of people will break off in their own group. I'm looking for thoughts on how to manage/approach this situation. (F...