
Google Map : Update XML data based on the current viewable map area

Please direct me to a right source. I have a google map. I want to read data from XML file and display markers. But I also want to update this XML file, based on the "current viewable map". So if a user moves the map, then we update the XML file and display the appropriate markers on the map. What would be the best way to do this? ...

How to send mail with large size attachment using System.Net.Mail to Google Apps ?

Hi, I am trying to send mail with large size attachment upto (1MB,2MB). But sending mail fails.(Sending to Google Apps) as: MailItemEntry[] entries = new MailItemEntry[1]; String EmlPath = "C:\\testemail.eml"; String msg = File.ReadAllText(EmlPath); entries[0] = new MailItemEntry(); entries[0].Rf...

google salve - maven

Hi all, I tried to install google salve by adding following statements in the project's pom file: However, when running mvn dependency:resolve it states "unable to find resource "salve:salve:jar:2.0" in repository salve What's wrong? <dependency> <groupId>salve</groupId> <a...

npruntime & addEventListener

Hi, I am writing a chrome plugin in which I want to register click event, means whenever we click on DOM window, the handler inside plugin will be called. For that I am using CPlugin class. The constructor is called from NPP_New(/argument/). When I run the browser and click anywhere, I noticed that ScriptablePluginObject's HasProperty a...

Flash and Google Maps - Only Last Icon showing

I have a simple Map and geocoding sample in Flash using CS4 The problem is simple - I can retrieve a short list from the google search api, but when I try to generate the icons on the map using a loop, only the last icon is displayed. (ignore the house icon, it is generated earlier) I feel I am missing something or made a stupid AS3 mi...

Is the Google I/O 2010 Android app open source?

The Google I/O app was made by Google to help attendees to the conference track which sessions they want to watch and see the entire schedule. I was wondering if it was available as open source since it has some good UI design and usability patterns. ...

serializing data with google charts api

I have the following google chart code that im working with as an example: Type: Line Dimensions: 270x150 283,285,295,204,340,#41C0E4 64,120,130,170,175,180,#3962C2 1,2,5,12,28,34,#005E91 Bottom Label: test The following is the URL which generates the image below;cht=lc&amp;chtt=&amp...

Custom Google Route that avoids certain points

I'm writting a web app in php that gets custom routes. Using the Google Maps API I am able to get the route from point A to point B. Now, I would like to avoid a certain point that appears along the found route. Is that possible? Does Google Maps allow this operation or do I have to compute it by hand? If so, have you got any idea where...

Session handling in python / django

I am creating an application that lets users login using Google, Facebook and the website's native login. The site is being built in Python / Django. What would be the best way to handle login, session management and user authentication? I do not want to use the in-built Django user management. I am using Django very sparingly(URLs, te...

what language was google written in at the beginning?

i wonder what language Larry Page and Sergey Brin wrote google with? not the languages that are used today, but for the version launched from their dorm. thanks ...

HTML5 offline cache google font api

I'm trying to create an offline HTML5 test application, and am playing with the new google fonts api at the same time. Does anyone have any ideas how to cache the remote fonts? Simply putting the api call in the cache manifest doesn't work, I assume this is because the api actually loads other files (ttf, eot, etc). Any ideas if using t...

With Google's #! mess, what effect would a redirect on the converted URL have?

So Google takes:!pageState and converts it to: ...So... Would be it fair game to redirect that with a 301 status to something like: and then return an HTML snapshot? My thought is if you have an exis...

How to I change the text location on my google map for map clusters in Fluster2?

Hi, I'm using google maps to create a bunch of POI on a map. I'm using the Fluster2 library to cluster the POI together when there are too many in a certain location. This all works fine and I'm very happy but I would like to move where the fluster2 text is written so it matches my custom icon. ie: it has a marker with 5 written over i...

Limitation for google sitemap.xml file size

can any one please let me know the memory limitation(MB) of google sitemap.xml file size. ...

losing leading & trailing space when translated using Google Machine Translation

Hi , I am using google ajax based translation API like in the below example. google.load("language", "1"); function initialize() { var text = document.getElementById("text").innerHTML; google.language.detect(text, function(result) { if (!result.error && result.language) { google.language.translate(te...

how to go on previous screen from current screen in Android app

How do I go to previous screen from current screen in Android app? I know there is a back button on phone, but it takes me to beginning screen of my app and I want my buttons on app to work for going back to previous screen. ...

Google Maps: openInfoWindowTabsHtml + GDownloadUrl (Ajax call) question

I am facing the following problem. On an Google Map I want to add info windows with tabs, where content is loaded from an external file using the GDownloadUrl method. The code works about fine, but with two problems. a) The first time I click on a marker, nothing hapens. I need to click twice to get an info box. After that it works ok...

Return 0 when a value of a cell is negative

I have a google spreadsheet that uses this function: =SUM(E:E) - SUM(C:C) It adds up all the values of column E and column C and them subtracts the difference. I would like to be able to return a 0 if the difference is negative. ...

Google Spreadsheets & Retrieving cell values in HTML

I have a spreadsheet with various financial information in Google Docs, and I'd like to make some kind of dashboard web page for myself to summarize things. Getting charts in is easy, however, putting in things like the totals of monthly outgoings. I know I can save the spreadsheets to html, or embed the entire spreadsheet or select sec...

PacMan on Google homepage, how is it implemented?

I was wondering, how was the PacMan game on implemented? Javascript? ...