
Greasemonkey is getting an empty document.body on select Google pages.

Update The root cause appears to be a bug in Greasemonkey. Essentially, GM would start running in the main document space (window.self ==, but never finish! Instead, GM would switch over to an iframe, on the select Google pages, and finish there. This does not seem to be 2 instances of GM, otherwise there would be no prob...

google collections ordering on map values

I would like to order a map(A,Double) based on the values. Function<Map.Entry<A, Double>, Double> getSimFunction = new Function<Map.Entry<A, Double>, Double>() { public Double apply(Map.Entry<A, Double> entry) { return entry.getValue(); } }; final Ordering<Map.Entry<A, Double>> entryOrdering = Orde...

google map dynamic array waypoints

Hi; I want to create wyptns array. But it will be dynamic array. It excepts max 20 elements.I think that,I must combine four array for 70 elements. But how?? Then embedded this code.. var request = { origin: start, destination: end, waypoints: waypts, optimizeWaypoints: true, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravel...

blank space on google home page

2 questions, i was doing nothing productive, and tried selecting the google home page (a left click drag and select whole page) on i see that beside the search box, on the left side, there is an empty space &nbsp; i looked up the source code and there indeed was a <td width=25%>&nbsp;</td> stupid as it may sound, but i was s...

How do I return to my app after opening up another app?

Hi, i have a webview in my iphone app where a google map location is opened like; Directions now the google map native app opens fine, but how could i add a RETURN button so it would jump back to my html page. Now i have to click my home button and the app close back to the desktop, so i have to start my webview again. in android its...

Google GSA Stems for scandinavian languages

I have installed Scandinavia-2.1-1 language bundle to our GSA. After that I expected to find those languages available in Query Expansion, but nope nothing new there. Am I missing something? How are you other Scandinavians handling stems for your language? ...

Translate a picture to text on Android?

I know that google goggles will translate a picture to text. What I want to do is allow the user to take a picture (no problem), translate that picture to text(?) and then do some processing on the text (no problem). Is there any API on android that allows this? or is there any way to programtically communicate with google goggles? I wo...

Google translate service for GNU gettext PO files that supports ngettext style plurals

I'm looking for a front-end to google translate that supports translating GNU gettext PO files with NGETEXT style plurals, eg. msgid_plural, msgid[0] ... msgid[n]. I've found several free translation services for PO files [1], but none of these services support ngettext style plural strings. Our PO files have a fair number of plurals th...

How to get a OAuth token for Google Buzz using username and password without showing Googles login page?

To read Google Buzz activities, an authorization token is required. A web application would redirect to Googles login page, where the user logs in and a token is returned back to the web application. But I have a local Java application without a UI (like a script). This application knows username and password. How to get an authorizatio...

How to get sites identical in content but different in language and TLD indexed by major search engines?

Hi! Is it possible to get two "editions" of a website both indexed by the major search engines (Google/Yahoo/Bing/Teoma) which differ in content language only and are hosted under different TLDs? Say English content is available at "", German content at "". Now, if e.g. is used I want it to ...

Will dynamicaly generated content via Javascript hurt SEO

This is what I would like to do. I would like to load content dynamically. Everything except the actual content will be rendered by javascript. I will place all the require information in a javascript variable or array at the bottom of the page. Then I will use javascript to place the content in the designated area. These are the types...

Which SEO practises are likely to be responsible for SO questions appearing so quickly in Google searches?

Does anyone have some idea as to how come questions posted here on SO are showing up so quickly on Google?. Sometimes questions submitted are appearing as the first 10 entries or so - on the first page within 30 minutes of submitting a question. Pray tell, what sort of magic is being wielded here? Anybody have some ideas, suggestions?....

Google Directions for Offline Demo

We are getting ready for a trade show early next month where we will not have Internet access on the show floor. We've put together machines with local installations of apache, mysql, etc. and are using host files to mimic the various domains we access. But, one feature of our software is using Google maps to get directions from one ...

GoogleMaps API extracting building shape information.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to extract building shape (polygon) information from google maps automatically. It appears that you can only downloaded information relating to shapes you've created yourself. Example here. Information relating to building shape and height is stored by google, so I'm hoping there's a way to extract it. ...

Google Docs iphone library error reporting

I'm in the process of adding a Google Docs interface to my iPhone app, and I'm largely following the example in the GoogleDocs.m file from Tom Saxton's example app. The objective-c library I'm using is from The library file used is from gdata-objectivec-client-...

Google Maps - Reserve Geocode -> Error "invalid label"

Hello! I have the coordinates of my marker. Now I want to get the address of the marker. So I searched the web and found google maps reserve geocode. Now I tried to do the following: $.getJSON(''','+ point.lng() +'&key='+apiKey+'&sensor=false&output=json&callback=?', funct...

Google SEO - Get a list of my pages in Google's index?

I'm attempting to diagnose an issue wherein Google reduced my page count from 86,400 to 17,500 over the course of three days. Is there any way I can get a complete list of the pages that Google has in its index for my domain? Details I normally wouldn't post actual links for my site, but here's a good example: our De...

Google maps sometimes does not return a geocoded value for string

Hi Guys, I have the following code: It basically looks into a HTML list and geocodes and marks each item. it does it correctly 8 out of ten but sometimes I get an error I set for show in the console. I can't think of anything. Any thoughts is much appreciated. $(function () { var map = null; var geocoder = null; function initialize(...

SEO Google - Navigation Title vs. Page Heading

Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows if theres a connection between what a navigation item is named and the page heading it goes to - does this have an impact on SEO? so for example, if i had in my navigation menu an item called About Us, but when you click it you come to a page with the heading Learn Who We Are (i.e. wrapped in [h1] he...

How can I Add Google My Maps API on my website?

Hello Friends, I want to Add Google My Maps API in my website, but didn't find any good reference. Please help me. Thanks ...