
Google Maps - panTo() - not working?

Hi, I'm trying to allow a user to set their location and then have Google Maps pan to that location. I can't seem to get panTo to work, instead of updating my map it just reloads the page. Page here: http://dub[remove] Any ideas? ...

How to use Custom Namespace for a Google Merchant Center Item Feed

I have declared the namespace that i am using: <?xml version='1.0'?> <entry xmlns='' xmlns:g='' xmlns:c=''&gt; here is a typical xml node i have: <c:gold_type type="string">White Gold</c:gold_type> Yet, when i submit my feed ...

Google Page Rank

Hi All I've heard and read that Google's Ranking System is like a points system, and that certain things such as Backlinks, properly-formatted html and many other things are each worth a certain amount of points. Can somebody please provide some sources on this? I have Google'd for this, but just came across a whole bunch of... nothing...

Double script tags in Google Analytics tracking code

This is more a curiosity question than anything else... Google instructs to add the analytics tracking code as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' typ...

how to increase Speed of a component made from Javascript or JQuery ?

I want to make my component faster, I am using Javascript and JQuery to build that. I am using JSON object to communicate with component and back-end is python. Is there any suggestion to make component faster? ...

Simple way to check google username and password in iphone app

What is the simple way to check google username and password whether it is correct in iphone app? ...

Is there any way I can use google-image serach API?

Hi, I want to retrive search results from google images from my .net application. Is there any way out there? Thanks, Subhen ...

how to connect j2me application with gtalk

Hi, I have created a login page on mobile. after login with google username and password, i want connect it with g-talk. I need to see my all gtalk contacts on mobile application. How I authenticate and get contacts here, Is there any web service url for user authentication ? Please help me! ...

Looking for Google Reader javscript commands for controlling events

I've played in the /reader/ui/ code for a few hours now, and couldn't figure this out. Also, I didn't see any exact help when searching StackOverflow. This is really a JavaScript un-obfuscator question. I'm looking for a way to call the obfuscated Google Reader javascript commands... and am having trouble determining what actual funct...

Google Contacts Data API and PHP

I'm developing a PHP application to retrieve the list of contacts from a GMail account. I'm looking for a solution which would enable the user of my application to provide the login and password to their Gmail account in my application (as opposed to getting redirected to Google) and then automatically do the retrieval. The retrieval pro...

Google search ajax api is to restrictive. Any alternatives?

The google search ajax api is terrific, and the .net wrapper available on codeplex makes using it from a .net project very simple. However, the api itself is crippled so that it only returns 64 results per query. Not very useful for many applications. Ignoring the likely TOS problems, are there known .net libraries that can query the r...

Calling subactivity from subactivity

I have three activities in my android app. First activity is main application screen which gives option to open second screen containing second activity. But when I click on the button on second activity which was supposed to open third activity screen, I get "Application has stopped unexpectedly" error. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="u...

use python / django to let users login to my site using their google credentials

I want to let users use their google account to login to my website. Exactly the way SO lets me. Can anyone please point in the right direction? I'm assuming the oAuth library is to be used but what I'd really like is a snippet of code I can directly copy paste and get this to work. ...

C# Suggestions For Parsing Google SERP Results from a desktop application

I need to obtain the Google Search Results Ranking (SERP) for keywords + search terms using C#. I know Google provides an Ajax search API for web-based apps. But I need to do it from within a desktop application. Any suggestions about where I should start? ...

Android Google Directions

Some Questions about Android and Google Directions Service: Is there a native way on Android to use the Directions Service from Google or are there any nice Wrapper Frameworks? I would like to retrieve the time needed to get from A to B and maybe show the route in a table and/or map. As far as I know directions can only be retrieved f...

How to Login Google webmaster tools with XMLHTTP

Hello, I have tried so many times but I couldn't get it worked. I am trying to log in google webmaster tools to get Search Queries List (top 20) I used XMLHTTP and AspTear, but no action :(. It says "my browser isnt cookie supported" But how can I log in google webmaster tools via xMLHTTP cookied enables? xmlhttp has any parameter ...

Does Geoname web service has a limitation on requests?

Hi all, Can anyone tell me if the Geoname web service, which provides the address and lat/long information, has a limitation on requests? e.g. 2,500 hits per day. Cause I found that Google Maps API allows 2,500 hits per day. Thanks very much. Yours, Ling ...

Should I use a hosted version of JQuery? Which one?

Should I use a local copy of jquery, or should I link to a copy provided by Google or Microsoft? I'm primarily concerned about speed. I've heard that just pulling content from other domains can have performance advantages related to how browsers limit connections. In particular, has anyone benchmarked the speed and latency of Google v...

Integrate Google Calendar and other services on an Android App?

How can I integrate services like Google or Microsoft and use information from the user like Google Calendar information. For example, how would I sync the Microsoft Outlook notes with an app on Android? ...

Retrieving of coordinates from google maps and search

I know there is a way to retrieve the coordinates by clicking on the map, using specifically document.getElementById("lonTb").value=point.x; document.getElementById("latTb").value=point.y; Firstly, i have a html file namely MapToolKit.html, a mapGPS.js and a mapSearch.js. how do i input the coordinates returns ...