
How retrieve latitude and longitude via Google Maps API?

How retrieve latitude and longitude via Google Maps API? ...

How to programmatically delete mail from Google Apps Mail using Google API ver 2 for .NET

I have created a dummy mail to create Empty Label in Google APPs mail. Now i want to remove this dummy mail after label is created? How can i do that? ...

Is there a posibillity to import own data into google analytics?

I want to compare own data with data generated by google analytics. For example I want to see the number of my twitter followers compared with my page visitors per day. Is there a way to do something like this? ...

Links from Google appending index.php to my URL

I recently put up a site and I have been doing some SEO. However I noticed that links from Google search append index.php to my links. For example a site page which clearly appears as on search together with correct content sample when clicked on ends up in the new browser as Note...

Google Maps setCenter() problem

I'm using google maps. In my code i've used setCenter() function. My problem is that marker is always located on top left corner of map area (not at the center). Please tell me how to resolve it? My piece of code is lat = 46.437857; lon = -113.466797; marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(lat, lon)); var ...

more button in calendar

Does anyone know jquery plugin for more button in month view of a calendar which shows all events of a particular date in case those events are not getting accommodated in that date. edit++ I want a jquery plugin for table row resizing. Month view of calendar is shown in table format and sometimes all the events of a particular day do ...

Google map "zoomend" event issue

On my web page, I show "items" as markers on Google map. I use MarkerClusterer which groups nearby markers into groups depending on the zoom level. In addition, I only want to add markers that are located within the currently visible map region. And so far things are good. The javascript is as below. // main function for the map ...

Creating a custom google desktop video sidebar by using a flash.

Hi all, I am new to google desktop sidebar.....I want to create an video gadget in which the videos should be playing one by one....Can we use flash player for creating an video gadget in google desktop sidebar.....Can any one help me pls.... Thanks ...

Creating a custom google desktop video sidebar by using a flash.

hi all, I am new to google desktop sidebar.....I want to create an video gadget in which the videos should be playing one by one....Can we use flash player for creating an video gadget in google desktop sidebar.....Can any one help me pls.... Thanks ...

How can I prevent users from overriding the total cost in a shopping cart, when submitted as a hidden input field?

I'm having serious problems with accepting payments. I'm passing the total amount in a hidden field <input type="hidden" name="checkout-flow-support.merchant-checkout-flow-support.shipping-methods.flat-rate-shipping-1.price" value="129.00"/> Some of the users changed this value to 2 using firebug and submitted the form. Instead o...

Where to write map.checkResize();

In google map code, where to write map.checkResize() ? My code is var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), { googleBarOptions:{ onGenerateMarkerHtmlCallback: doGenerateMarkerHtmlCallback, showOnLoad: true } }); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(lat, lon)); var topRight = new GCo...

Google Maps showing black instead of transparency on location bubble in Internet Explorer

Hi there... I am having problems with the shadow under the location information bubble on google maps in Internet explorer. It is showing black where the transparant shadow should be. Of course it works fine in firefox. Anybody know how to fix this? Or at the very worst disable the shadows underneath altogether? Here's the map that I ...

standard/best practise for images as links?

Should i be doing a tags with background images? (allows img sprites) or a tags containing img tags? I'm thinking semantics and transparency for search engines, is there a norm? ...

Google Chrome Extension

How do I open a link in a new tab in the extension HTML. E.g. clicks on icon sees Google chrome window which has the window.html inside there are two links, one link to open a link in a new tab, other in the original tab. I used window.location, doesn't work like that. ...

Google Chrome Extension

Is there a way to replace inside the DOM of a page using the replace() in javascript In the source code I want to replace: <div class="topbar">Bookmark Us</div> to <div class="topbar"><span class="larger-font">Bookmark Us</span></div> When a Google Chrome extenstion is on the matched website of a URL and it will do the above. Any...

Will adopting an html5 semantic structure improve my SERP rank?

By using the new html5 tags like header, footer, nav, article, etc. and even micodata/formats to structure your website. From what I understand this will help search engines understand your page. If so would this help your SERP rank? ...

Are Rich Snippets page specific or domain specific?

Google will now parse certain microdata (for example reviews) on your web pages and display the info in search results. They call this Rich Snippets I am wondering is this page specific or domain specific? I keep all my reviews on a separate review page thats linked to from the home page. But my review page itself is very unlikely to b...

Update Google Latitude location from 3rd party android app

I am working on an app that uses the GPS on my g1. I'm wondering if it is possible that when I am using the app I can have it update my Google Latitude location every x number of minutes. Any thoughts on how this may be accomplished? ...

Google map infowindow maxWidth issues

USing version 3, the maxWidth doesnt seem to work if it's less than 200 ...

How do I use a jQuery not selector to select relative URLs?

I'm working on a little jQuery script to add Google Analytics pageTracker onclick data to all relative URLs on my forum, allowing me to track clicks to external sites. I don't want to add the onclick to internal links on forum.sitename or sitename, and I don't want to add them to any hrefs marked # or that start with /. My script below...