
get infos from __utmz Google Cookie and send it via Email

Hi I got a ASP file and would like to get infos from __utmz Cookie and forward it with mail. I use this code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // // Get the __utmz cookie value. This is the cookies that // stores all campaign information. // var z = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utmz=', ';'); // // The cookie has a numb...

Customize the Google Links

Is there any way to customize my google links the top of my google apps? ...

Major disadvantage of GOOGLE TRANSLATOR

Can anyone tell me what are the major disadvantage of GOOGLE TRANSLATOR? ...

Retrieving Cookie values from different domain

Hi! I have a site for example which store a cookie when user enter etc. But my search page has a different subdomain/domain How do I retrieve the cookie from when i try to retrieve the cookie using the google search appliance . it gets me the cookie for I need the cookie va...

connecting to Google Apps Spreadsheet with android

Using the following code fails with a NullPointerException and the attached stacktrace. At this step I have successfully authenticated with google and try to access the following URL: The call to getResponseCode fails (also the getInputStream call would fail) Any help appr...

Does Google uses AppEngine for its own products?

I've been wondering: does Google uses AppEngine for its own products? ...

Is there a way to display a single country in Google map? It should be only one country, not parts from other countries included

I need to display only a single country in google map. I need to display only one country and the parts of other countries should not be there.. for example if I want to display U.K. it should display only UK and sea around, no parts from other countries should be visible. Is there a Google API call or any other method? I couldn't find ...

How to remove google map Direction paths?

I need to remove the Direction paths drawn on Google map? I know how to remove markers, but when you remove markers path is not getting cleared. Is there a way to remove the direction path than creating map from the beginning again? ...

Why does this embeded google maps item break in IE?

A coworker asked me to help try and fix this, and we are both stumped. This works perfectly in firefox, chrome, and opera, yet sadly it breaks in IE. Here is the page ...

Adding Google analytics tracking code within fb:share-button

Does anyone know how I can add Google analytics tracking code within the FBML of a share button? Code is as follows: <fb:share-button class="meta"> <meta name="title" content="TITLE"> <meta name="description" content="DESCRIPTION"> <link rel="img_src" href="someimage.gif" /> <link rel="target_url" href="

Google OpenID problem: setup_needed and blank setup_url

Usually when I try OpenID login in immediate mode and it fails, I get a response setup_needed along with the setup_url field, which I can then use to redirect user to login page. But in the case of Google, setup_url returns blank. Why is this so? How and where do I redirect the user then? I use Janrain's OpenID Enabled library: http://w...

What is the dominant reason for Python's popularity as a systems and application programming language?

Coming from an enterprise systems background (think Java and Windows) - I'm surprised at the popularity of python as a prototyping language and am trying to put my finger on the precise reason for this. Examples include being listed as one of the four languages Google uses. Possible reasons include: enables rapid systems application pr...

Google protocol buffers compare

I want to compare two *Message*s or (two sub parameters) of Google protocol buffers. I don't find an API do achieve it. Any ideas? ...

jquery and google table visualization

Hi There, I am hoping that there is someone that can help me. I am using the google.code visualization tools and jquery on the same page. I am calling the $(document).ready function on the document but suspect the problem lies with calling the google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization); function. Which still loads after the document.r...

How do I make certain tables searchable by google?

I'm using perl, and I want others to find certain issues on my site using google. How can I do that? In wordpress (php) there is this option: I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers I would like to do the same using perl. ...

Setting marker on google map

Hi, I am trying to set a marker on my Google map. I think I do it like Google wants me to, however the marker does not show up on the map. What am I doing wrong? You can see the implemented map here: <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { var latlng = new google.maps.LatL...

Rails App Google Indexing

I noticed a problem with indexing my rails app when submitting it to Google webmaster tools and testing with curl. My root is currently set like so: map.root :controller => "posts" which will explain when i run: $ curl it only returns the posts controller and not the homepage in its entirety: <div class="post"...

Add to favourites link for Google Chrome

The "add to favorites" link code that I use, works for firefox but not for Google chrome extensions. What should i use to create a link that adds to Chrome favorites/bookmarks ...

Google Maps API for Android in a WallpaperService (live wallpaper)

Is there a way to use the Google Maps API for Android in a Live Wallpaper? From looking at the API, mapViews seem to require a MapActivity, so I'm not sure if there an easy way to make this work in a WallpaperService out of the box. ...

Google Analytics - Sub-domains set as referring sites

Hey All, Just want to thank everyone in advance for the help and information gathered. Here is basically what I'm trying to accomplish: I need sub-domain visitor statistics to be tracked in a single profile, show up as the referring site and still allow for event tracking I have read this,