
How can I retrieve business listing with their geocodes for a specific region?

Hi, I have a form with a search box. User can enter any geographic location like country, region, city, etc. With this, I want to retrieve business listing alog with with thier geographic coordiantes. I will display this listing in a defined manner. If your clicks on a business, I'll show that location in the google earth browser plugin...

Google geolocation API - Use longitude and latitude to get address?

Hi all, I have noticed a lot of information about how to get your location using Google geolocation looks, based on IP. But I am wondering if and how I could use this service to input a location (longitude and latitude) and get back the current address, or at least a city, state. I would like to do this in C#, but I'll work with any l...

Force Refreshing Embedded Google Gadget to Update With New Data.

How do I force refresh a Google Gadget that's embedded in another website to update automatically and instantly when the Google spreadsheet/form that it's linked to updates with new data? ...

Reading Google search results using PHP ?

Is der any method to read the Google search result and display it own style . I want to read the contents of Google search results after users search for query will display only the .PDF files for the search queries is it possible to do with PHP ? ...

RDFa content implementation for products

I'm knee deep in the nightmare that is RDFa implementation for product information and am curious if anyone out there can provide some insight. Google flat out say's not to hide information just for the sake of providing data to machines unless it is information that is specific to machines. I could not find any information on the subje...

Modify the Google 'Add Bookmark' bookmarklet to store bookmark without popup?

The bookmarklet has the following code: javascript:(function(){var%20a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,""+c(b.location)+"&title="+c(b.title),"bkmk_popup","left="+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+",top="+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+",height=420px,w...

How to prevent a search engine from indexing a directory for a particular domain?

Hi, I have a web hosting package with 2 domains pointing to it. I've noticed on Google that it has indexed the directory of one of the domains for the other domain. Is there a way of preventing this from happening. ...

Tracking successful form completion for POST content in Google Analytics

Hi all, We have a client unable to switch a form from POST to GET, at the moment we're tracking form submissions via an event tied to the 'Submit' button. However, this tracks as a 'completed' form, someone who clicks submit but who might get the form returned with errors. Normally I'd either AJAXify the form and prevent submission of...

How will Google Native Client change the way we use Browsers?

I just came across Google Native Client Now, it looks really interesting that they ported Quake to run on a Browser and you can run C++ code on a browser to process things more quickly, but I am trying to understand, what is the practical usage of NaCl? What is the vision behind this by Google? To run software as a service on their "c...

android edit contact

hi im trying to add a phone number to an existing contact on android 2.1. Im currently using: ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Phone.RAW_CONTACT_ID,cursor.getColumnIndex(Phone.CONTACT_ID)); String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = '1'"; ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); Cursor cu...

Chrome Extension: How do I poll RSS Feeds to see if there is new content and display that as a number on the extension icon

I wonder if you could help a little. I want to have a simple Extension, that shows the number of new items in a RSS feed since the extension was clicked. It would poll every 2-3 mins for example and if the RSS feed is updated it should display a count of how many new items there are. I assume it has to set the setBadgeText field. An...

Howto use Google Finance gadgets JavaScript API

How can i get access to the Google Finance gadgets JavaScript API ( ?? I see the methods but how can i include the javascript api into a html file? Or must i use the google IDE? ...

Hide the top frame on google translate

<frameset rows="36, 95%" border="0"> <frame src="alfa.html" noresize scrolling="no"> <frame src=";prev=_t&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;layout=1&amp;eotf=0&amp;u=;sl=en&amp;tl=zh-CN"&gt; </frameset> How to hide the google top frame? JS? Jquery? And how... Thank...

get Google search suggestions while entering text

so i want to experiment with Google's search suggestion feature for word/phrase completion. I.e. stick the functionality of typing a search on their home page into a text editor for starters. is it possible to request these Google search suggestions with their REST API? Or somehow? ...

Redirect Search results from google to a specific page.

HI, I have a specific requirement, when a user searches in which returns me a list of results and one of the results is my website but it is pointing to a different page. I need help in 2 places, Client is planing to enhance my website so that what ever link of my website appears in google results should show as

SEO: Interesting duplicated content when using tabbed navigation...

Let me explain myself. I have a page that contains static information and information that I get trough an ajax call (using a tabbed navigation / works with javascript disabled also). For example when you go to basic data is showed and the first tab is opened. Then you can click on a tab and it goes to

Avoid event duplication when synching custom calendar to Google Calendar?

I have successfully saved all the events from my custom calendar to Google calendar with PHP script. But whenever i try to sync same calendar again, i see all the events are recreated & duplicated. Is their any Google Calendar API clue that might help remove the duplication? Please help. Regards. ...

Should I delete the record of my site with WWW in it?

I currently have both urls of my site listed in google and yahoo siteexplorer etc, there is some difference in the pages that are indexed. Do I need both, or can I delete the one with the www at the start and then let it find all pages using the new url? I have already set my preferred domain in google but can not see a way to do it in ...

why do site redirects appear in Google results? query. If you search "inisturkbeag" (which should people apparently do), you get, which redirects to Is there any way we can remove these from Google? Is it an ISP thing? ...

google ajax search API for .net

hi all. i use this library to search web from my application: ht tp:// I want to search this term with library above: "2012.2009.Bluray.1080p.DTSMA5.1.x264.dxva-FraMeSToR" in site using this code: Google.API.Search.GwebSearchClient client = new Google.A...