
mod_rewrite and redundant / old urls, some SEO best practices needed

Having a look at how google perceives our site at the moment and coming up short... Basically, we use a bog-standard structure of URL rewriting to make them look SEO friendly. for instance, a product URL takes shape of any string_([0-9]).html and so forth. of course, this allows us to link to whatever we want before the product id... ...

HTMLDivBalloon - Google Earth API Question

Dear all, I have a problem using balloons in google earth. I have some markers on the map, upon clicking on a marker, a balloon popup is shown containing some data, now when I click on the close button of that balloon, the click event of the map is also triggered which is really annoying as I have a handler attached with the map click e...

How can I verify a Googlebot

I'm going to block all bots except the big search engines. One of my blocking methods will be to check for "language": Accept-Language: If it has no Accept-Language the bot's IP address will be blocked until 2037. Googlebot does not have Accept-Language, I want to verify it with DNS lookup <?php gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); ?...

How does google mail implement the new upload functionality with html5?

I noticed while using Firefox and Chrome that in gmail I can now simply drag & drop multiple files in a new mail. Then suddenly a bar grows and I can drop the files there and they get uploaded. I think this is html5 functionality. Does anyone have information about how to implement this? What is needed from html5 and how to handle it se...

How to create an post entry in blogspot using php ?

I want to post entries in my blogspot blog using php. But i just cant do it. I read the googlr blogger documentation but i just cant understant. Can someone please tell me in simple words how to create an entry in blogspot? ...

How many font families are avalible for Google Font API?

I think the service is great but are these few the only fonts that are available: ? Or are there others and if so where can I see them? ...

Sitemap Encoding Woes

Hi, I'm having real trouble understanding the specification and guidelines on how to properly escape and encode a URL for submission in a sitemap. In the (entity escaping) examples, they have an example URL:ümlat.php&amp;q=name Which when UTF-8 encoded ends up as (according to them): http://www.e...

Javascript to check Gmail Unread Count

How in javascript would get the number of unread emails for the currently signed in gmail account? Related question - does Google offer any documentation on this sort of stuff? ...

google.load not working when run in jquery's $(window).load(function(){}); ?

I'm using the Google AJAX Feed API to search for a RSS feed. It works when I just run the javascript in the head of my HTML document in EXAMPLE 1 below (I know I'm getting no result, but that's a problem for another day!), but I need to actually run it when everything's loaded. I'm using jquery, so I've got a $(window).load(function(){})...

Google maps API cusom icon (not image)

Hello, I am using Google maps API. However, since I have very many icons, I am trying them to use with a mapping technology. Therefore I need to add an icon as a div instead of img. Is there a way to append icon to google maps as a ? Thank you. ...

Find nearest transit station / stopover (bus, train etc) in google maps

Hey guys, I searched the web but for now I didn't found anything. Is it possible to find the nearest bus/train/ official stations of public transportation types? The 'nearest' is a seperate case ;=) but is it just possible to find them? this is that i'm searchin :) They are tagged,...

Is there a way to manage Google Calendar sharing through Zend Gdata or otherwise in PHP?

Hello, I'm creating a custom calendar app that is using Google Calendar as a base. I am wondering if there is a way through the Zend Gdata library to manage calendar sharing. From the documentation it does not appear so, but I noticed that some other languages have the ability (.Net, Python). If it's not possible through Gdata, is the...

how to download 1000 images from google image search

Hi all, is there anyone know how to download top 1000 images from google image search? I tried google ajax api but it return only 65 images :( Thanks for your help! ...

How does Google Docs store documents (on the backend)?

I half imagine there being these great .docs in the sky... but another part of me doubts that my documents are even being stored in anything we'd traditionally call a "file." Does Google have its own document format? I feel like it must. Some branch of some existing format like ODF, maybe? Any idea what it's like, what's special about it...

Why is the Date header not set when I make a WebRequest in C#?

Tonight I started a small project trying to create a C# library to access the Google Storage API. When you create any kind of request to the Google Storage API, you have to include the "Date" header in the web request. I tried to create a WebRequest in C#, and noticed that I couldn't set the "Date" header manually. According to this M...

google maps: get coordinates from given street

hi all, i'm coding a app which uses google maps gps-coordinates. my question: what's the easiest way to get google maps coordinates with given address info (street, number, zipcode, city) by code (get/post method or such). thx ...

Query Google searches in Java?

Say I search for something on Google and I want to return the title and descriptions of the search given. Also I want to incorporate services like Google maps because sometimes when a product is searched on Google, the location of the store it is sold in is also displayed. How would I return that? ...

zoom level with satellite imagery using google maps api v3

I am having a problem where if I fit bounds to a single marker there is often no satellite imagery. Is there a way I can set the map to the closest zoom level that still has satellite imagery? I am using Google Maps API V3. ...

static pages in Django sitemap framework

Hello everyone, I have some doubts regarding sitemap.xml generation and Django's sitemap framework particularly. Let's say I have a blog application which has post_detail pages with each post's content and a bunch of 'helper' pages like 'view by tag', 'view by author', etc. Is it mandatory to include each and every page in sitemap....

How to change Geo information to real name

Is there a way to convert Geo information to real place name? For example, I take a photo on "137-159 New Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94105", the Geotagging information is : geo:37.786971,-122.399677 when I type the geo in google map, it can show the place name to me. Does google provide API to get it? Thanks in advance. ...