
can't use update gae

hello, recently i want to upload GAppProxy to GAE. but when i use the to update the files,there comes an error,it was: urllib2.URLError: urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:480: EOF occurred in violation of protocol i don't know why PS:i live in china,and may be because of the GFW. and when i use the type an...

How do I toggle 'draggable' for Google Maps GMarker object?

I want to have draggable markers (already done), but I need to be able to turn off draggability in certain conditions. Marker is created like this; var Marker = new GMarker(center,{draggable:true}); ...which works fine. But I can't figure out how to make it undraggable. ...

google maps in android

Hello friends, I am a new user of google maps API in android OS. I have made a small application in which i am using google maps. I want to add a functionality that when i double click (multi touch) on a map the map should zoom in. IS there anybody who has an idea how to do this or if it is possible please provid a code example. Thanks i...

Mystery: How does Google do cross-domain iframe communication?

Hi everyone, When you host Googles web search element on a page, a div is created which incorporates an iframe which points to a Google adsense ads page. However, if there are no ads for the specific query, Google somehow changes the class on YOUR domain to render the div (and iframe) invisible. They are NOT using postMessage, as it al...

Google Fonts Flash in Internet Explorer

I just set up Google Fonts API on my site. Internet Explorer, whenever I refresh the page, a default font flashes before the Google Font 'Reenie Beanie' loads. But shouldn't this be sticking in the cache or something so that once it loads once, it's there and no longer should default fonts show up? I'm using the WebLoader version to ca...

OpenID on Google not returning anything

Hi there, For some reason, the following code does not return anything: string alias = response.FriendlyIdentifierForDisplay; var sreg = response.GetExtension<ClaimsResponse>(); if (sreg != null && sreg.MailAddress != null) { alias = sreg.MailAddres...

Will I be able to embed google maps on a website that has markers without the API key?

Will I be able to embed google maps on a website that has markers without the API key? thanks ...

iPhone Analytics

With the recent changes in the SDK agreement, I am kinda confused if I'm able to put any type of analytics into my app. I don't want to do anything nefarious, just want to see which functionality of my app is getting used the most. I was looking at Google Analytic's mobile sdk to track the different views, just like page views but I have...

How can I query Google's Safebrowsing API to check a URL with Python?

I have a list of domains that I need to check for malware. Is there a way I could use Python to query Google's Safebrowsing API to get that information without the need for a database? ...

Google's analytics javascript in Facebook app is not executing in IE

google analytics is not tracking visits from IE in a Facebook app. I've been digging around the internet and cannot find a precedent for this issue. I have narrowed it down to the javascript not executing in the browsers which results in GA not tracking the page visit. all help / advice / pointing me in the right direction would be ap...

How difficult is it to write our own Robots API, similar to G Wave Robots API ? Please read the details of my query before answering.

Consider the following entities : a) My own Wave-server b) My own Robots API c) Tomcat d) Google wave server/any other wave server Let us consider that a and d interact with one another via Google wave federation protocol. Now, I want to write my own Robots API in Java (similar to that of G Wave Robots API) using which I want to crea...

Sample Code with Examples for the C++ Google Style Guide?

Are there any good places to get examples for the C++ Google Style Guide? ...

Google maps Geometry Controls from GMaps Utility Library

hi everybody, i'm working on google maps in specifically on geometry controls the point is, in this example when I click in line or polygon infowindow show up, but the language is english (by default I think) can I change the language? in the tooltips i can replace the text, but in this particular case i have no place do replace it, t...

kml click issue

I have two kml files. One contains polygons for counties, and the other pins on the map. I need to show the polygons and on top the points. The pins need to show the pop ups when clicked. When i set it up with first loading the polygons and then the points, the points are not click-able and the pop-ups do not appear. When it set it u...

Which license do you choose for google code projects, and why?

Starting a new project on Google code offers a choice of several licenses: Apache License 2.0 Artistic License/GPL Eclipse Public License GPL v2/v3 Lesser GPL MIT Mozilla License 1.1 New BSD License Which license do you choose, ans why? I'm also interested in opinions which license is the least restrictive license for commercial user...

How to autodoc .Net Google code projects?

I know how to generate html documentation using Sandcastle and similar tools. But if I want to host the project on Google code, how can I easily publish the documentation straight into the Google project Wiki pages? I can see the SVN repository has a wiki folder which I assume maps to the project Wiki pages and I guess I can make a buil...

Google Auth using Token

I've an android application that needs to navigate to a google service webpage (say calendar). Because I already have a Auth Token (using Android Accounts manager), I want to skip user being redirected to web login. Would auto-login be possible using authtoken ? If yes, what is the exact Url with params ...

Declaring a string in C# vs VB.NET

In the middle of attaching a Google Custom Search Engine onto my page, I have a string which I would declare in C# as String rxPattern = "<(?>\"[^\"]\"|'[^']'|[^'\">])*>"; How do I convert it to a string in VB? I mean store the same value into the string variable rxPattern using VB/VB.NET? ...

how do i start (and bind) a remote service in android that is implemented in another app (different package)?

hi there! i'm a bit stuck with remote services in android. thing is i implemented a remote service in package "a.b.c" and i want other applications to be able to access this service. i got rid of the whole crappy aidl-stuff and designed the "interface" of the service to work via broadcasted intents. works fine so far... problem is: how...

SEO, Google doesn't index my dynamic pages from db

Hi all, I have a new web site and I published it a few days ago.I am using database and creating web pages from database dynamically. Initially I was using querrystrings for URLs (like default.aspx?id=123&title=message-title), then I changed it to folder type URLs with 404 SEO method (like /article/123/message-title.html). Now, I am s...