
Icon of android application is not getting displayed

I made an icon and saved it in res/drawable directory as icon.png and edited the line <application android:label="@string/app_name"> in AndroidManifest.xml to <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">. But on restarting the emulator, the icon doesn't get displayed. There are no other icon.png files in ...

How can I access the objects created by DirectionsRenderer in Google Maps V3

Hi, Is there an easy way to get access to the objects/properties of the markers and infowindows created by the DirectionsRenderer? (i.e. the "A" and "B" endpoints of the route) I'm looking to replace the "A" & "B" markers' infowindows with one that I've created (containing dynamic content) from another "non-route" marker. I've tried ...

How to parse google's response?

I don't know if I said it right. I am thinking of making a tool that extracts data from google searches. Say I want to get the number of pages returned for a particular query and feed that to my program/tool. How do I go about this? ...

Using Google's transliteration on blocks of text?

Would it be possible to transliterate text blocks (say, after being copied and pasted in to a control) using the Google Transliteration API? Instead of having the transliteration work on text as it is being typed as it would with say: If so, how would I g...

Google Ajax Language translation question

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to use Google's code to translate text ONLY if it is NOT English. The code below works if you enter Spanish or another foreign language, but it just repeats English if English is entered (obviously we don't need English translated). Any ideas? Thx. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transition...

Google Bookmark Feeds returning 400 or not loading

I have a google ajax api key and I've been trying to access the various google bookmark feeds but am receiving either a 400 bad request or feed did not load error when attempting to access the feed from my script or code. These are the feeds I've tried accessing: XML:;num=1000 Fails using...

Would like to see example "HTML Snippet" from Google Adsense API

Google Adsnse has an API that you can use (if you qualify) to generate Adsense ads on your site. The core feature is the function generateAdCode that returns "an HTML snippet that can be dropped into an HTML page for the page to start receiving Google Ads." Try as hard as I could, I couldn't find a basic example of what that returned "...

Google image api, how to get more than 8 results per search

Hi all. I'm using google image api, i've set large result set, now it retrieves 8 images. What should i do in order to get more images at once? more than 8 images Thank you ...

Google AJAX Search API onclick of image

I want to use the Google AJAX Search API to let users choose an image from the web to use as a background in my website. However, I can't find how to change the result images so that it doesn't open a new window with the image anymore, but it runs my javascript code to use the image as background. ...

Google I/O Android Sample Application

Hey all, I heard recently that Google were to opensource the Google I/O Android application - the one which showed the next available talk, speaker info, etc. Does anyone know whether this is true, and if it is, do you know where I can access the source? On a related note, does anyone know of a sample application which concentrates on ...

How to "star" a URL in Google search programatically

I inevitably end up bookmarking a lot of sites because I think they might be useful in the future. Then two days later I have no idea what the bookmarks point to. What I would like to do is instead star these bookmarks in google. That way when I do a similar search they will be shown at the top of the list, and I don't have a massive li...

Why can't some users see my location limited Android app in Market?

I have published an app on Android Market which is limited to Norway. I'm able to find and install it myself from Market, as can several other Norwegian users. A colleague (Android 2.1) and a friend (Android 1.6), on the other hand, cannot find it. They both have phones bought in Norway, with SIM cards from Norwegian providers. Why ...

Require Google to return email address as part of OAuth

I am using OAuth to access Gmail with dotNetOAuth. How can I force Google to return user's email address as part of callback after authorization? By default, Google OAuth callback only returns the token secret and access tokens. ...

Placing Google Custom Search Input Box Over An Image

Developing a wordpress blog. Wanting to install the GCS box over an image centered inside the page. Example: Have an image 700px by 100px centered inside a page. I would like to add the custom search box over that image to create a "background" for the custom search box ...

Google Checkout Serial Number issue

Hi, I'm using google checkout for my website with Custom Order Processing. I am using server-to-server posting and getting a response something like _type=checkout-redirect &serial-number=c821326e-7caa-4d51-9b2e-48ef7ecd6423 &redirect-url=;shoppingcart=8572098456 and the serial numb...

Google ecommerce code not working?

Hello, I am trying to set up google ecommerce tracking code, I have followed google examples but It doesnt seem to be having any effect on their site. Does this code look correct? var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXX-X']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); _gaq.push(['_addTrans', '1-112461-12777...

Package more than 1 widget in a Android App

So I've been playing around with android app and widgets. have a few things running. but one thing i cant seem to figure out is how to package more than 1 widget. say i wanted to release my set of widgets? where in the manifests can i do this? thanks ...

Is there a way to programmtically create new users on Google Apps Email?

Is there any way to create a new user on Google Apps email, via some sort of API? I need to create new users upon a specific trigger in my code. Thanks! ...

google cse customization or google CSE dynamic navigation?

hi i am using google cse in my blog.. i want to customize the results like....i will explain with simple scenario.. In my webpage haing the three columns.. middle column having displaying search results..i have left column having the catagerization like products(etc based on the meta tag keywords).. if the user is searching for a par...

google calendar

I have doubt regarding Google calendar API.I had created calendar using google calendar developer guide.I want to retrieve the calendar Id through program.How is it possible? ...