
Who owns a Google AdSense account?

Is there a way to tell who own a Google AdSense account by the java-script on the page? the google_ad_client or google_ad_slot? One of our sites was hacked and Google AdSense was placed on the pages. We would like to get as much information about the account and have Google shut it down, perhaps pursue legal options against the hacker....

Getting real Google results in Google AJAX API

Hi, When i perform a search I using the Google AJAX API ( (with gl=fr) the first found URL is : whereas when I use, the first link is : How I can get the same results using the API (I need the RESTinterf...

What Google Analytics information do you find most useful?

I'm working on a google analytics dashboard for a CMS I've created. I'm trying to decide exactly what information to display to the user. So what information would you want to see at a glance (when you first log in) and what information would you want access to, but don't need to see every time you log in? ...

Is there any WebM libvpx .Net wrapper?

Is there any WebM libvpx .Net wrapper to encode for example video created frame by frame from your C# code? (I know that in theory it can be done using DS filters but I do not want to mess with it..) ...

Adding Pictures in Google Maps

I need to add my picture as a popup to google maps specific address may be in latitude,longitude OR specific to my address in Google Maps. is it possible or any google maps api json like parameter configuration. pls let me know. ...

Google maps V3 API - css reset causes scrollbars

This is in my reset script: html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, t...

parse Google Image search results without Google AJAX API

Hi, How to get Google Image results URL on Ruby without using Google AJAX API. I tried to get all node with tag and id beginning with ipf* but I got only 11/21 images URL... with these APIs :'open-uri' and 'rubyful_soup' It seems Google has merged HTML (for the 11 first results) and dynamic HTML generated by javascript (for the 10 ot...

understanding google requirements.

hi, i have developed a site and its crawled by google. but some data is cached from long and not updated on google for long time say a week or so. how do i tell google that my data is being updated. bcos cached data on google is creating problems for me. and for data .. i place a tick mark(image) prior to it and i have a alt tage li...

Change Google Maps polyline z-index

Hi. I'm using the Google Maps API v3 directions service to calculate a route between two points. There are a lot of markers on my map and I want the polyline of the route to overlap the markers, so that the route is always visble. How can I do that? I tried to use PolylineOptions.zIndex, but this z-index value is calculated with regards...

How to make persistent a python dictionary on google appengine

Using datastore framework of appengine, what's the pythonic way to make persistent a {}? ...

randomize position of marker on google map

This problem has really troubled me and yet to have a solution. I have a list of locations with latitude and longitude. And each time i click on the button next, it suppose to auto open the infowindow of the location one by one each click. However, the infowindow and marker always open at the center. May I know how can I make the locat...

DJNativeSwing JebWebBrowser problem not showing google map

Has anyone got any experience with JWebBrowser rendering google maps. I can show a map and a maker but when I try and load the markes using xml the map is displayed but not markers. The code works fine in Firefox but not IE???? ...

Analytics for website traffic

I don't like using external code or services for anything, prefer in house. Instead of using Google analytic what other page tag analytic frameworks can we use to install on our system for traffic analytic? Or how hard is to build something in-house only for our website? It's a social website and would like to customize it to even track ...

Accessing Google Docs Metadata feed with gdata-objectivec-client

What's the simplest why to access/parse Google Docs Metadata feed with gdata-objectivec-client? ...

Google Maps API GroundOverlay Complete Event

Hi all, is there a way to, w/ google maps v3, listen to an event that will indicate a groundoverlay asset has been loaded? I'm loading an image onto the map and would like to be notified when the asset has completed downloading and has been presented to the client. Any ideas? Thanks ...

How to display weather inside an iframe in HTML?

Requesting this I got an xml file... How to get only the <temp_c data="35"/> and display it inside an iframe or some other html as 35° C... How to do this? Any suggestion.. EDIT: It is just a static HTML page and is it possible to parse the XML using jquery or javascript? ...

How does google "change background image" link work ?

When I look the source of this link, there is just this function javascript:void(0) and there is nothing else, I looked for usage of javascript:void(0) but there is not much place where it is used alone. So what is the secret ? ...

Google Health - Making a doctor profile and retrive profiles - JAVA

Hi all, I made an aplication in java who log in my health google account, take the CCR document and process it. Now I need to make and aplication that log into a doctor profile ( a profile that I will made ) and retrive CCR document of his patients. Can you help me with some indication, how can I do that? Thank you a lot ...

Google SERP description

I'm wondering why the Google SERP description of my site is only 129 chars. It's supposed to be 160 chars... or am I wrong? ...

Add tags with colon in JSP 2.0

I'm implementing a sitemap file with videos. Google asks these files to have tags like: <video:video> <video:content_loc>..</video:content_loc> </video:video> But JSP 2.0 doesn't allow me to. colon is supposed to be used for declarative tags. How can I generate these tags in a clean way? (no CDATA) ...