
Key colors are different from what is on graph in JFreeChart line graph.

I've created a graph with 3 sets of data. They display correctly, and have the coloring/shape that I've specified. However, in the key the shapes correspond to the data points but the colors are completely different. Has anyone run into this/have any thoughts? ...

i am unable to find the algo of short path plz help in this??

"Bob has become lost in his neighborhood. He needs to get from his current position back to his home. Bob's neighborhood is a 2 dimensional grid, that starts at (0, 0) and (width - 1, height - 1). There are empty spaces upon which bob can walk with no difficulty, and houses, which Bob cannot pass through. Bob may only move horizontally o...

Facebook album pagination callback

Hello, I've tried to paginate an album that contains more than 25 images with Graph API. The returned JSON contains a "paging" property that leads me to two JSON strings, for example the "next page" is: FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24adb366({... The problem is that I don't know what to do with this response. FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f24ad...

dynamic connectors in Visio .vdx files

Hello, currently I try to understand vdx files, because in future I want to generate my own. I now have problems with dynamic connectors. When defining them like follows: <Shape ID="46" Type="Shape" Master="10"> <Geom IX="0"> <MoveTo IX='1'></MoveTo><LineTo IX='23'></LineTo></Geom> </Shape> .... <Connect FromSheet="45" FromCell="BeginX...

Have labels fill axis - Core-plot

Hi, I am attempting to write an application with core-plot that will scale the y-axis values between the smallest value and the largest value. This part works well, however when these values are drawn on the y-axis line, the values do not take up the entire length of the y axis. Statement to set up y-range: plotSpace.yRange = [CPPlotR...

Facebook "OR" queries with the graph API

Searching for "OR" queries on facebook is an exercise in futility as "OR" gets filtered. Cannot find a way to search for " X or Y or Z ";type=post Results in it only finding posts which contains both Cats and Dogs: { "id": "100000895865837_129212313793038", "from": { ...

Can the Jung2 graph library traverse a digraph

Does anyone know if the Java Jung2 graph library provides the in-built capability to traverse a Digraph given a start Vector? I did see that there's a BFSDistanceLabeler class that returns a map of distances, which could do, but I then need to sort the values (highest distance first) and iterate through the sorted set. I'm creating a de...

Calling method twice crashes application

Hi, am writing an application that plots point on a graph and am using the below method to return an array of these points. I have two views, each displaying different graphs but both have this identical method. Whichever graph is used second causes the application to crash when it reaches the line "NSArray *reading ...". I can't figure ...

Incidence matrix instead of adjacency matrix

What kind of problems on graphs is faster (in terms of big-O) to solve using incidence matrix data structures instead of more widespread adjacency matrices? ...

Calculating pageranks for a sparse directed graph with high percentage of deadlinks

Hi, I am a graduate student in computer science at Indiana University, Bloomington. For one of my research projects, i am working on calculating pageranks for a directed graph which is very sparse and has a high percentage of deadlinks. By deadlinks I mean nodes that have outdegree zero. Sometimes, in a graph with a lot of deadlinks, ...

plotting very long time series - scroll bars?

I have a very long time series of data to plot, and if I "zoom in" enough to see the interesting features, I can only look at a very small section of the data, and must replot every time I want to look at a different time window. What I would like is a solution that gives me a graph with a horizontal scroll bar so I can browse around wi...

What is a fast algorithm for finding critical nodes?

I'm looking for a quick method/algorithm for finding which nodes in a graph is critical. For example, in this graph: Node number 2 and 5 are critical. My current method is to try removing one non-endpoint node from the graph at a time and then check if the entire network can be reached from all other nodes. This method is obvious not...

Help on using boost relaxed heap

Hello all, I'm implementing a few graph algorithms at the moment and am wanting a container with the complexity of a fibonacci heap or a relaxed heap (specifically I want at least O(logN) for push and pop and O(1) for reduce_key). I'm not keen on implementing this myself if at all possible (development and testing overhead and time) an...

PHP GD ttftext center alignment

I'm using imagettftext to make a bar graph and at the top of each bar I want to put the value. I have the following variables for each bar (which are really rectangles) $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $imagesx $imagesy $font_size Also, The fontsize should decrease as the string length increases. ...

Building a sideways scrolling chart using SilverLight

I am trying to build a sideways scrolling chart using SilverLight 3. I want to display multiple pieces of data that span a set of numerical values; however, the values are not parallel as they are in a bar chart that has a standard base value for each piece of data. Think of it as a Gantt chart with the top scale being zipcodes and the...

Identifying graphs in heap of connected nodes -- how is this called?

I have a SQL table with three columns X, Y, Z. I need to split it in groups in such a way that all records with same value of X or Y or Z are assigned to the same group. I need to make sure that the records with same value X or Y or Z are never split across multiple groups. If you think of records as nodes and values of X, Y, Z as edges...

Looking for a graph layout framework for iOS

For an iOS application I'm making I need to show groups of elements grouped together according to their type, and different groups of types separated from each other in a nicely done layout. I thought of using an undirected graph, with the grouped nodes all pointing to each other in a sort of circular reference, and then each group as ...

finding loops in graph/tree

Possible Duplicate: Best algorithm for detecting cycles in a directed graph Hi Could sb tell which algoritym I should use to find a loop/cycle in graph or tree ? Maybe sb has a pseudocode or sth I could start with. ...

Time Aware Social Graph DS/Queries

Classic social networks can be represented as a graph/matrix. With a graph/matrix one can easily compute shortest path between 2 participants reachability from A -> B general statistics (reciprocity, avg connectivity, etc) etc Is there an ideal data structure (or a modification to graph/matrix) that enables easy computation of the ...

Finding two distinct path in a DAG with Maximum sum of vertices

I want to find the two distinct path with no shared vertices in a Directed Acyclic Graph so that sum of vertices in the two path becomes maximum. I have an O(n^3) answer for it which is pretty obvious, I need a better way. Thanks in advance ...