
Calculating the Length of Intersections (through a 2d grid).

I have a line that I must do calculations on for each grid square the line passes through. I have used the Superline algorithm to get all these grid squares. This gives me an array of X,Y coordinates to check. Now, here is where I am stuck, I need to be able to calculate the distance traveled through each of the grid squares... As in, ...

Gridsplitter ignores minwidth of columns

Hi. I want to have a simple 3 column grid with resizeable columns and a MinWidth of 80. The code looks like this: <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="120" MinWidth="80"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" MinWidth="80"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> <ColumnDefini...

Qt: How to layout records in a grid? QListView or QGridLayout?

Still learning the fundamental concepts... I want to layout items that come from a database in a grid. Each item will have a custom view with a preview picture, attributes and controls. The grid can change size, i.e. 3, 4, 5 columns (large-small previews). Is this best done by adding (looping through the table) custom widgets to a grid...

How to sort th in a thead row using jQuery UI sortable?

Hello everyone! I'm trying to make a very simple grid plugin myself. My problem starts when I want to allow the user to change the columns order (not sort the table rows, change, e.g. the first column to show at the all right of the table). I'm using jQuery UI sortable but I found out that when the user starts dragging a th, jquery ui a...

Silverlight - How to pan inside the grid after zoom in

I have following : <UserControl x:Class="DemoGarbage.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d" d:Des...

Suppress wxPython GridTableBase refresh?

How can I make the code snippet below refresh when I want? For example, if I run it as it is now, the table.SetValue(0,0,'test') line will update the grid straight away. Is there anyway to change this behavior so that I can do an arbitrary amount of changes to the GridTableBase, and then ask for a refresh? If so, how can I change the co...

Is it possible to auto-resize a frame according to a grid in wxPython?

First, is it possible to do a static auto-resize of the frame according to the grid? As in, when the script is run the frame is resized according to the grid, but if the grid is resized later on the frame stays the same size. Second, is it possible to make the frame dynamically resize according to the grid? As in, the frame will resize ...

Real-life grid/distributed-computing application source codes etc..?

Hi, I started-off by making a chess AI engine (simple min-max), and ended-up trying to develop something like BOINC, but MUCH more lighter/re-distributable and most importantly decentralized. I was searching for sample applications to run on it and test it, but all I could find was some "impossible to understand" pi value calculators and...

XPF.Grid.GridControl access row data

Hello. I use XPF.Grid.GridControl, bind to IEnumerable data gridControl.DataSource = dataSource; I need highlight row depend on cell value. Cell contains color name. Ok I use: <dxg:GridControl.Resources> <Style x:Key="ColorRowStyle" TargetType="{x:Type dxg:GridRowContent}"> <Setter Property=...

GWT Selectable Grid

Does anyone know of a good selectable grid for gwt google web toolkit? I need this functionality ported over for my application. Just for example I would like it work similar to pfselect for the jquery library. Thanks, ...

2D Tile System not behaving properly

Hello and Welcome I am trying to make a 2-D tile system heavily based off of the Snake example. The original mTileGrid is still there, but there is a new array: mMapGrid. The point is to copy the data from mMapGrid to mTileGrid on each update cycle and therefore simulate an area larger than the immediate screen. I wrote more functions...

Why does silverlight run into an endless loop when printing document longer than 1 page? .HasMorePages = true

Hi. My 1st question here on stackoverflow. I am trying to print a long grid, which was dynamically generated. pdoc.PrintPage += (p, args) => { args.PageVisual = myGrid; args.HasMorePages = false; }; When I use args.HasMorePages = false;, it prints the first page of the grid as it should (althoug...

GXT with JAXB classes

I am trying to create a user interface which contains an Editable grid which contains data from XSD file. I have generated the required classes from the XSD file using XJC. But I cant figure out how to load the data into the grid using methods of the JAXB generated classes. Can anyone please tell me how to go about doing this? I have imp...


I'm studying ExtJS. I'm trying to make a table with CRUD. This is an example of my code. Ext.onReady(function(){ var writer = new{ encode: true, writeAllFields: false }); var proxy = new{ api: { read : 'read', create : '...

Bottom borders on WPF Grid

Hi everyone, I've got a pretty simple question regarding the WPF Grid Control. I'd like to set a bottom border on each row in the grid, but can only find how to put all 4 borders around each cell.. my code is quite simple <Grid Height="174" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="23,289,0,0" Name="grid2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="730...

jQuery grid recommendations for large data sets?

I was looking around for jQuery grid recommendations and came across this question/answers: In looking through the many jQuery grid solutions out there, it seems they all want to have the entire data set on the client. If I have a large data set (thousands/millions o...

SilverLight Binding Grid ColSpan

Can we use Binding for Grid ColSpan/RowSpan? For example, <StackPanel Grid.ColSpan={Binding ColSpanValue} /> ...

UPDATE row in grid in extjs 3

hi everyone I have a form and below that a grid. When a add some data in form and click "Insert", it inserts data in grid. When i double click on grid all the data from grid fills up in form. I then change the data. (similar to Example) The problem is I am not able to "UPDATE" row in grid. I am not using datawriter ...

Limit Decimal Places in DBGrid

I have a DBGrid which is connected to a ClientDataSet and it has a field UnitCost. What I want to do is to limit to 2 decimal places every value that will be assigned to that field. Is there an easier way to do this other than validating every input value? ...

Create table / grid in a Wireframe Visio 2010 diagram

I'm loving the added Wireframe template and corresponding shapes in Visio 2010. One thing I can't seem to find though (not in Visio, Office help or using Google) is a good way to draw tabular controls. The only built-in shape that comes close is a List Box of which I can link several together. However this has several disadvantages as t...