
Gridview paging using linq in

Hi All, I am retrieving data from sql database. I want to split the records and binding it in three different grids. Everything is working fine before applying paging. I am getting The data source does not support server-side data paging. error Code: DataTable StoreDisplayTypeList = storeDisplayBL.GetStoreDisplayDetails(); ...

Add a GridView to a ListView in Android

I'm trying to create a ListView that will consist of to types of elements: Strings and a GridView. I.e. putting both Strings and a GridView inside one single ListView. The layout should look something like this: String Item 1.1 String Item 1.2 String Item 1.3 String Item 1.4 GridView Item 1 GridView Item 2 GridView Item 3 Gr...

Renaming column name in excel after populating data from gridview

Hi all, I have a dashboard which is a gridview. I've a button to export the gridview data to excel which is already working fine. The only problem is that the column names are not user friendly and I want to change it while populating the data from the gridview. The column name of the gridview is not coming to the excel at all. It's ju...

Issues binding an IList within a view model to a gridview in mvc2

This may be an easy question, but if it is one i haven't found a solution. I have a view model that is updated when a button is pressed, and on the update an IList within it will be given some results (this i know works). However i am trying to bind this Ilist to a gridview within the view page. Every time i try to assign a datasource or...

Tooltip in GridView

What is the easiest way to include a tooltip in the gridView column? For example in this column <asp:BoundField DataField="short_comment" HeaderText="Comments" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="short_comment"/> I would like to have something like <asp:BoundField DataField="short_comment" ToolTipDataField="longer_comment"/> Obviousl...

No Default.aspx.designer.cs files in my ASP.NET project

My current Web Site does not have any designer.cs files. (Yes it is not a Web Application) The site is complete but now I added 2 Clases to my site and all good but when I want to make use of my GridView it tells me this: This is because I wrapped my code with the same namespace as in my classes like so.... namespace samrasWebPort...

Which gridview event to use to add items to the dropdownlist used in the edit template?

I would like to show different values in a dropdownlist, while editing a gridview, depending on which user is logged in. For example... The officer would see "Approved by Officer" status. The director would see "Approved by Director" status I am trying to add these programatically to a dropdownlist which I have in the edit template of...

Function that populates a dropdownlist inside a gridview edit template

I am trying to have different options for different user roles. Here is my code: Private Function GetApprovedBy() As String If User.Identity.Name = "officer" Then Return "Approved by Officer" ElseIf User.Identity.Name = "manager" Then Return "Approved by Manager" Else Return St...

custom paging in gridview

I am looking for paging(Top,Bottom) functionality for gridview(or any databind controls) i am using .net framework 2.0. i would like to have pointers thank you solution: i used jQuery plugin jquery.tablePagination.0.1.js for my solution ...

ModalPopupExtender stops working in GridView

Hi, I have an Ajax ModalPopupExtender inside a GridView with AllowPaging="true". On the first page it works fine, when you cycle through the other pages this stops working. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Code as follows: Settings for GridView: <asp:GridView ID="gvwComments" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" ...

Insert hidden column in asp:GridView but still available client side

This is simple. All I want to do is insert a hidden column into an asp:Griview that I'll be able to access through javascript. Any pointers? ...

Get Telerik Grid columns Header Text

Hi, I need to rename my grid headertext. My grid generate using autogenerated columns.i am getting data in Datatable and assigning it to grid. after assigning to grid i am using a function which called after databind() and it format the grid cells but not HeaderText. Can anybody help me out for this problem? foreach (GridColumn colum...

How can I retrieve a subset of data from entity object data source and pass to another page

I am playing about just now trying to teach myself a little bit about the entity framework. I have a Gridview data bound to a Entity Date Source using the Entity Framework. If I select certain items in that list I then wish to redirect another page and populate another gridview with just the items selected (but with more detail, differ...

ModalpopupExtender not hiding, and Gridview not refreshing

I have a Gridview within an UpdatePanel that shows some data from my Database. When you click on an edit button, it opens up a detailsView within a ModalPopupextender. When you enter in data in the textBoxes in this detailView and click "update", the Database is updated but the popup does not hide. Then, when I close it manually by cl...

ui controls for

i have been using the basic toolkit that is provided with VS 2008 I am currently looking for UI control toolkit from third party. I am basically concentrating on Gridview, treeview, textboxes, hoover, buttons and graphs(piecharts) Order of preference: 1.) Totally free( can be used commercially no royalties) 2.) semi free ( can be us...

How do I insert a new record into a nested child GridView in ASP.NET & VB?

I have a 2 tiered nested GridView in ASP.NET and I'm trying to insert a new record into the child GridView. I am able to Add/Remove/Edit records in the parent table but the child table is connected to my SQL database through the code-behind, so I am unable to use the SqlDataSource control like with the parent table. I have searched aro...

String manipulation in GridView on render (or prerender)

I need to dynamically modify the contents of a column in a GridView1 before it is displayed. Basically, I need to convert every 'Environment.NewLine' in a field to a so it displays as a new line on an ASP.NET page. How do I do this? ...

Setting label text in DataBinding in a GridView (ASP.NET/C#)

Hi all, I need to perform some string manipulation to a columns contents in a GridView, and I'm using the DataBinding event for the template field for this. I'm converting all Environment.NewLine's to 's for outputting. Here is the code: protected void Label1_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label lb = (Lab...

how to bind multiple fields to same column in ListView/GridView?

hello, in a GridView column i need to display a string composed from a set of fields on my view model. how do i bind multiple fields to same column and how do i specify the format string to use for this column? thanks for any help konstantin ...

Handling Gridview Postback

I have a page that has a Gridview and a text input field on the page. The problem I am running into is that when the Gridview needs to page or the user selects to display more results the page does a postback and submits the input field for the form, which cause the validation (Using VAM) to return an error and block the Gridview from pa...