
Windows Peer to Peer Global_ Group without third party ipv6 tunnel

I have been trying to develop a peer to peer application that uses Micosoft's Peer to Peer Group library. Basing my work on the Creating a Group Chat Application acrticle on msdn. This works fine for local groups and will also work for global groups if I have a thrid party tunnel adapter installed such as the gogo6 client. However fro...

How to create a ground of checkbox in Cakephp? and how to store it ?

I have a field called Hobbies, I wish to store all the hobbies selected by the user to be stored in the database as CSV. How can I do this in Cakephp? ...

Dynamically Naming Groups in Python Regular Expressions

Is there a way to dynamically update the name of regex groups in Python? For example, if the text is: person 1: name1 person 2: name2 person 3: name3 ... person N: nameN How would you name groups 'person1', 'person2', 'person3', ..., and 'personN' without knowing beforehand how many people there are? ...

Group and count in Rails

I know I've seen this before but I can't find anything now. I want to group a query by a certain column and be able to display how many are in each group. I got the first part down: @line_items = @project.line_items.all(:group => "device_id") This is for my line item index view, which is just a table displaying the line items. How...

Add a Group by to a Hibernate Criteria-Query without Projection

I have a Criteria-Query, which joins a second table B, to select entities from table A. The problem is, that this query returns some entities from table A multiple times. But I need the results to be distinct. Using Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY is useless, becaus this filters out the multiple occurences after the SQL-Query was execute...

Add comma-separated value of grouped rows to existing query

I've got a view for reports, that looks something like this: SELECT, a.value1, a.value2, b.value1, /* (+50 more such columns)*/ FROM a JOIN b ON ( = a.b_id) JOIN c ON ( = b.c_id) LEFT JOIN d ON ( = b.d_id) LEFT JOIN e ON ( = d.e_id) /* (+10 more inner/left joins) */ It joins quite a few tables and return...

Joomla 1.5 user group questions

Does it affect the way joomla authenticate users if I add a custom user groups in the Joomla 1.5.15? Does it make it less secure? I'm planning to add a custom group at this table: jos_core_acl_aro_groups Someone told me that if I add a new user group and the group_id is greater than 25 (this i...

Print rows that dont exist in table???

Simple question. I have a query that sums rows grouped by date. Basically, it counts how many membership applications in a day and prints out the results day by day. Naturally, if there are no applications in a day, it doesnt show that row (example below 15th and 17th had no applications..... Date | Applications ------------...

Jquery Validator plugin, how to validate fields with one error message

Here is the problem i have, i have 3 select lists. Basically its a date to choose like DAY MONTH YEAR and i need to validate 3 of them but with one error message meaning each one of them must be selected or will give an error message. I have it working but i come up with 3 error messages for each field which is not what i need. Here is ...

Does active directory prevent modification by clients not on the domain?

I have a method AddUserToGroup to add a user to an active directory group. I am invoking the method on a machine not attached to the domain controller containing the user and group. When group.Save() is invoked an PrincipalOperationException is thrown: "Information about the domain could not be retrieved (1355)." Does AD prevent modi...

ajax jquery groups validation

here is my code: groups: { phone: "phone1-phone2-phone3" digits: true }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { if (element.attr("name") == "phone1" || element.attr("name") == "phone2" || element.attr("name") == "phone3") error.insertAfter("#telephone"); else error.insertAfter(element); }, debu...

See if user is part of Active Directory group in C# +

I need a way to see if a user is part of an active directory group from my .Net 3.5 c# application. I am using the standard ldap authentication example off of msdn but I don't really see how to check against a group. Thanks for any suggestions! ...

php how to group a multidimensional array by a particular value?

Hopefully, I can explain this correctly... I have a multidimensional array and am trying to group them according to the value of one the keys. So, I'm trying to group them by level, but I won't actually know the level beforehand. So, it's not like I can put it in a for loop and say while $i < 7, because I won't know that 7 is the max...

Getting linq error with group

I am getting the following error when I add the linq grouping. Error 5 'System.Linq.IGrouping' does not contain a definition for 'Description' and no extension method 'Description' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Linq.IGrouping' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) using (var db...

How do I write a regular expression that excludes rather than matches, e.g., not (this|string)?

I am stumped trying to create an Emacs regular-expression that excludes groups. [^] excludes individual characters in a set, but I want to exclude specific sequences of characters: something like [^(not|this)], so that strings containing "not" or "this" are not matched. In principle, I could write ([^n][^o][^t]|[^...]), but is there ano...

WCF get Group of a User

Hi, I wrote a huge application which uses WCF services to do things like read from databases and also to be able to use integrated security. Atm I use the following code to get the current logged on user name: string userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; However I want to be able to get the active directory groups the u...

How to set width of jquuery ui datepicker with multiple months

How can I set the width of the datepicker div when showing multiple months? I've tried changing the css for .ui-datepicker-group and .ui-datepicker-multi, but when I view it in Firebug the width is overwritten. ...

SQL - how to count groups of rows and display the top/bottom 3

I realise this is likey to be an easy one, but my SQL is basic at best. Lets say I have a table containing a list of orders, with 'item_id' being one of the columns. I need to display the 3 least (or 3 most) popular orders of item. I know that I need to group the orders using item_id and then count them. Then I need to display the bott...

Struggling to translate SQL Query to Linq in a Domain Services Class and Entity Data Model

Visual Studio 2008 | Silverlight 3 | SQL Server 2005 | Domain Services Class | Entity Data Model I have a database table "Students" with columns FirstName, LastName, Semester, ProgramOfStudy, Column etc....... The goal is to return a Total (number of students grouped by first letter of lastname), based on the first letter of the lastna...

XAML WPF Vertical Scroll bar line by line instead of group by group when grouping

Hi! What I want to do is scrolling line by line instead of group by group when my items in listview are grouped and I press down/up arrow button of vertical scroll bar. Thanks! ...