
MPI difference between Communicator and Group

I have read the definitions of these terms and my interpretation is that there is a one to one relation between a group and a communicator. A group is a set of processes which wish to communicate with each other and a communicator is an implementation for a group. Is this correct? Why have two different terms if this is so? ...

Grouping data in an NSMutable array

Hi guys, I have an array i load with lots of data from an xml file. I am displaying this on a tableview and then when you click on say an author it goes through to display all their books. At the minute my NSMutableArray has an entry for every each book with title, author and so on. So in the table of authors it display the authors name...

php curly braces groups

is there a function or regex or anything to group items by a { and } tag? so it should group items by the opening tag { and the closing tag }. but be careful, there are also groups inside parent groups like so: group { text1 group2 { text2 } } so basically think of it like php, you make an opening tag, you need to clos...

How to group using XSLT

I'm having trouble grouping a set of nodes. I've found an article that does work with grouping and i have tested it and it works on a small test stylesheet i have I now need to use it in my stylesheet where I only want to select node sets that have a specific value. What I want to do in my stylesheet is select all users who have a use...

Is it possible to have a local group for an LDAP user

I have an LDAP server to which i do not have full privileges and an ubuntu system with LDAP authentication to which i am root. Is it possible to add an LDAP user to a local group? (i dont know if i phrase this correctly but all i want is to have a user in LDAP in a group without edititing the actual database) ...

MVVM Group Radio Button

What is the best way of binding a number of RadioButtons to an enum using MVVM? The only way I can think of is binding each group box's IsChecked to a property, and in the setter of that property assign a value to an enum in the view model. Any help is appreciated. ...

MySQL SELECT statement that groups results by id?

Hi all, I am trying to create a MySQL SELECT statement that will select a bunch of rows from a table and will group the results by the id of the row (multiple rows will have the same id). Here's an example of what I'm trying to do. Let's say I have the following table: id | name 1 | Art 1 | Arnold 1 | ...

has any gae-simple or gae source code achieve 'group' or 'bbs forum' on google-app-engine..

i want to find some source code about 'group'(like group app in pinax) or 'bbs forum' on google-app-engine, has anyone know this ? thanks ...

How can I ring a dial group and land everybody that answers into a conference room?

I'm using FreePBX from a Trixbox install to manage an Asterisk server. I added a dial group with ringall strategy, but as soon as one person answers, the other extensions in the group are dropped. I'd like to keep ringing these extensions so that everybody that picks up the call lands in a conference with the caller. It would be accepta...

How to select the first row for each group in MySQL?

In C# it would be like this: table .GroupBy(row => row.SomeColumn) .Select(group => group .OrderBy(row => row.AnotherColumn) .First() ) Linq-To-Sql translates it to the following T-SQL code: SELECT [t3].[AnotherColumn], [t3].[SomeColumn] FROM ( SELECT [t0].[SomeColumn] FROM [Table] AS [t0] GROUP BY ...

Linq Group on a multi-level object with select statement

Hi, I've got 3 dataset objects that are nested with each other using entity set objects. I am selecting the data like this var newList = from s in MainTable from a in s.SubTable1 where a.ColumnX = "value" from b in a.Detail where b.Name = "searchValue" select new { ID = s.ID, Company = a.CompanyName, Name = b.Name, Date = s.DueDate Col...

Nhibernate linq group by duplicate fields

Hello, I have a simple query like: from e in endContratoRepository.GetAll() where e.Contrato.idContrato == contrato.idContrato && e.Volume.idVolume == 1 && group e by new { e.dpto.idDepartamento, e.centroCusto.idCentro...

Is there any way to group edit buttons in MediaWiki?

Is there any way to group the edit buttons displayed above the edit dialog in MediaWiki? By grouping, I mean like Word does (and even this editor) - you can add dividing lines to group them so that e.g. Bold and Italic are in one group, numbered list and bullet points in another. We've added lots of new buttons (in EditPage.php) and th...

Regex optional match in python fails

tickettypepat = (r'MIS Notes:.*(//p//)?.*') retype =,line) if retype: print print Given the input. MIS Notes: //p// Can anyone tell me why group(0) is MIS Notes: //p// and group(1) is returning as None? I was originally using regex because, before I ran into problems ...

MSBuild Working with ItemGroup and EXEC Command

I created the ItemGroup shown in the code snippet. I need to iterate through this ItemGroup and run the EXEC command - also shown in the code snippet. I cannot seem to get it to work. The code returns the error shown below (note - the Message is written 2 times, which is correct), but the EXEC Command is not running correctly. The va...

Searching for Windows User SIDs in C#

Context Context first - issues I'm trying to resolve are below. [EDIT] The application in questions is built against .NET 3.5 SP1. One of our clients has asked as to quote how long it would take for us to improve one of our applications. This application currently provides basic user authentication in the form of username/password com...

Center label instance inside VGroup in Flex

Hi all I am trying to center my labels below my image inside my VGroup. The labels are align to left now and it seems like HorizontalAlign is not working on spark component. Anyone knows how to fix it? Thanks a lot. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="...

Posting topic on Facebook Groups

I would like to know whether it is possible to post "topics for Discussion" on Facebook Groups by using either the old Rest API or Graph API? I somehow was unable to find any function within the API which would help me to do so. Any work around or alternate solution to the above problem is welcome. Thanks. ...

linq groupby in strongly typed MVC View

How do i get an IGrouping result to map to the view? I have this query: var groupedManuals = manuals.GroupBy(c => c.Series); return View(groupedManuals); What is the proper mapping for the ViewPage declaration? Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<IEnumerable<ProductManual>>" ...

PHP - How to SUM and GROUP BY a multidimensional ARRAY by a key?

I have a multidimensional array and am trying to group by a value of one the keys. So Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Edward Foo [desc_topic] => Array ( [0] => Apple [1] => Banana [2] => Orange ) [qt...