
How to do paging in master-detail report(SSRS)?

I want the paging of master-detail report (SSRS) in detail table, i have joined two tables for datasource. I have given the expression in table group like this '=Int((RowNumber("list1_Details_Group")-1)/12)' but it breaks the page after every list instead of rows???? ...

C# GroupJoin efficiency

without using GroupJoin: var playersDictionary = players.ToDictionary(player => player.Id, element => new PlayerDto { Rounds = new List<RoundDto>() }); foreach (var round in rounds) { PlayerDto playerDto; playersDictionary.TryGetValue(round.PlayerId, out playerDto); if (playerDto != null) { playerDto.Rounds...

Forms Authentication Role Provider based on Sharepoint Site Groups?

Are there any custom role provider implementations which use the Sharepoint Site Groups as equivalent roles? Ideally, I'm looking to programatically add / remove members from roles which are equivalent to the site groups. The site groups are already being used to allow / restrict access throughout the site and I would prefer not to have...

In a graph, how to find the nearest node to a group of nodes?

Hello, I have an undirected, unweighted graph, which doesn't have to be planar. I also have a subset of graph's nodes (true subset) and I need to find a node not belonging to the subset, with minimum sum of distances to all nodes in the subset. So far, I have implemented breath-first search starting from each node in the subset, and th...

C# LINQ: Join and Group

I have two tables TableA aId aValue TableB bId aId bValue I want to join these two tables via aId, and from there, group them by bValue var result = from a in db.TableA join b in db.TableB on a.aId equals b.aId group b by b.bValue into x select new {x}; My code doesn't recognize the join after the group. In other words, the grou...

Vbscript - Creating a script that mirrors several sets of folders

Ok, this is my problem. I'm doing a logonscript that basically copies Microsoft Word templates from a serverpath on to a local path of each computer. This is done using a check for group membership. If MemberOf(ObjGroupDict, "g_group1") Then oShell.Run "%comspec% /c %LOGONSERVER%\SYSVOL\\scripts\ROBOCOPY \\server\Templa...

Help Converting T-SQL Query to LINQ Query

I am new to LINQ, and so am struggle over some queries that I'm sure are pretty simple. In any case, I have been hiting my head against this for a while, but I'm stumped. Can anyone here help me convert this T-SQL query into a LINQ query? Once I see how it is done, I'm sure I'll have some question about the syntax: SELECT BlogTitle FRO...

Rails ActiveRecord friendly code from a Complex Join, Sum, and Group query

PROBLEM Hello, I am having no luck trying to break down this SQL statement into ActiveRecord/Rails friendly code and I'd like to learn how I can avoid a find_by_sql statement in this situation. Scenario I have users that create audits when they perform an action. Each audit is of a specific audit_activity. Each audit_activity is wort...

Repeating group or not

Is SName in the following table considered a repeating group? link text Each of the subject listed in the SName field is in a separate cell. As far as I know a repeating group is when a cell contains more than one value. Therefore I am not sure since the subjects are in separate cells. ...

NHibernate: SELECT MAX() with JOIN

I have a Vendor. Every Vendor has several Reservations, with a ReservationDate on it. I want a list of Vendors that have not made a reservation yet today. In SQL I would do something like this: SELECT v.Id, MAX(r.ReservationDate) AS MaxDate FROM Vendor v INNER JOIN DailyReservation r ON v.Id = r.Vendor_Id GROUP BY v.Id HAVING MAX(r....

Linq to sum on groups based on two columns

Hi, I have a class as below: Class Financial { string Debit; string Credit; decimal Amount; } And I have a list with objects of this class, with multiple records. All I need is to perform a groupped sum, something like in sql Select debit, Credit, sum(amount) group by Debit, Credit I tried with a statement as below: f...

How to make WPF Listview works same as Photoshop layer

As we can see in Photoshop layer window (or other image editting tool also), it has several features: groups with folder-like header (collapse/expandable) ungroupped item (no header) sort "manually" by dragging. In case of No 1, I made groupped item with expander control. (ref) In case of No 3, Sort manually can be solved with this...

Android 2.0 How to get display name and number in a contact group

I get a list of contacts in a given group id by id Cursor cur = ctx.managedQuery(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID, GroupMembership.CONTACT_ID }, GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(id), null, null); if (cur.moveToFirst()) { ...

Android 2.0: how to add contact groups in the emulator?

how to add contact groups in the emulator or sync with Google contacts or device contacts? ...

Practices for Group Management - in Application or Directory Service

Hi: I am trying to grapple with group management policies in a number of application and directory services (both AD and LDAP). Can anyone refer me to online or book resource that has examples or best practices for group management? Thanks. ...

iPhone CoreData: How to group fetched results by day?

Hi! I am developing an iPhone App with CoreData. One of my entities has an NSDate property named 'time'. It stores times to the minute/second. As my sections i'd like to have the date to the day. So if there are to entries '2010-06-14 8:00' and '2010-06-14 11:00', i'd like them to be grouped to '2010-06-14'. Currently I just use @"time...

Mysql Limit column value repetition N times

Hi at all, is my first question here, so be patient ^^ I'll go directly to problem, I have two table Customer (idCustomer, ecc.. ecc..) Comment (idCustomer, idComment, ecc.. ecc..) obviosly the two table are joined togheter, for example SELECT * FROM Comment AS co JOIN Customer AS cu ON cu.idCustomer = co.idCustomer With this I se...

How to create a Text Field in Grouped Table view Cell in iPhone

Hi Guys, I want to create a text field in the group table view cell. If i create one text field in a cell, the text fields are over lapped in all the grouped table view cells. I donno how its happened. So i want to create a text field in a grouped table view cell (Not all the cells). How can i achieve this?. Is there any sample code ava...

Win32: List View Group Header Text Color

In Windows, a List View can have its items grouped, as in the following picture: My application employs a white-on-black GUI. Most of the controls (buttons, edit fields, check-boxes etc.) I have created myself, but I am kind of fond of the Windows List View control, so I want to use it. To this end, I set the background colour to blac...

Drupal Organic Groups: Automatically make all members group admins

I'm using Drupal 6 to build a web application which will be centered around small groups (using Organic Groups). All the groups are invite only, and once a user is a member of the group I trust him to have full groups admin rights (e.g. invite other users). Any ideas on how I can set all group members to be group admins by default. Che...