
Is it possible to choose Datagrid grouping order in WPF?

Hi guys, I've just started to learn WPF/C# and I picked a project which would actually be useful to me instead of variations of Hello, World! programs. It's a small app that polls a game server for player information and binds it to a Datagrid. The data is grouped by team, which can be one of four values: Blue, Red, Spectator, or None....

How to group by month+year? As you see, here I have a long list of entries, sorted by date, very simple. So in mysql there would only be the columns 'name' and 'date', for example. And if I'd want to make a list out of it with php that would also be very simple, just sorting by date. But how w...

looping through Wordpress posts

hi i am trying to get wordpress posts, 3 at a time, this is the code i'm using: <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post() ?> <?php if(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature', true) != true) {; ?> <div class="show_col"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { ?> <div class="set"> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" t...

Grouping items disregards items style ( Groups show up empty )

This is basically a follow up question to my previous question found here I'm trying to group items in a combobox but my problem is that either the GroupDescription is shown or the items. If I add collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Team")); then my ComboBoxItem style will be disregarded (it never gets to...

Converting an IEnumerable list to a grouped list in Linq

I have a function that returns the following type: IEnumerable<IGrouping<String, ExportTransaction>> In this function I create a list of the following type, using a linq expression: IEnumerable<ExportTransaction> The Linq code looks like this: IEnumerable<ExportTransaction> transactions = ctx.ExportTransactions ...

Ext JS Problem with MultiGroupingStore/MultiGoupingView user extensions

Hello all, I am facing an issue with the MultiGroupingView extension that is used to get more than one level of grouping on grid data...I am using the version posted on this thread. the thing is, whenever i move the mouse over any row on the resulting grid, this error occurs on FireBug: gs[i].id.split("gp-")[1] is undefined Line 4...

Emprise Javascript Bar Charts - How to create grouped bars in bar chart

I'm trying to create a bar chart where the data is grouped. Eg. let's say the first 4 bars are 'Dark Orange', the next 10 are 'Fire Brick', the next 5 are 'Dark Orchid' & the last group are Yellow. I know there's a property called groupdBars, but I'm unsure of how to utilise this:

SQL Query to return child records relative to groupings

I am developing a system to process recurring billing for members. Items to be purchased can be grouped together for a special package rate, or purchased individually for a higher, stand-alone rate. The portion of my database schema that determines the amount to be paid for recurring items consists of the following 4 tables: MEMBER_RECU...

Force the colour of a grouping in a stacked bar chart.

Hello, I'm currently stuck with BIRT as you might expect. As indicated in the title, I'm looking for a way to force BIRT to associate a specific colour to a grouping in a stacked bar chart. I need this behaviour because I'm generating several charts using the same parameters and data source, but on different filters. Because the repar...

Algorithm to find optimal groups

A device contains an array of locations, some of which contain values that we want to read periodically. Our list of locations that we want to read periodically also specifies how often we want to read them. It is permitted to read a value more frequently than specified, but not less frequently. A single read operation can read a conti...

mysql - getting the last 10 unique months

I want to get the last 10 unique months where there have been events, stored as event_date as a mysql date. I am using coldfusion so could group the result but can't get that working as I would like. This is what I have so far. SELECT MONTH(event_date) AS month, YEAR(event_date) AS year, event_date from events so ideally if there wer...

TSQL Finding Order that occurred in 3 consecutive months

Please help me to generate the following query. Say I have customer table and order table. Customer Table CustID CustName 1 AA 2 BB 3 CC 4 DD Order Table OrderID OrderDate CustID 100 01-JAN-2000 1 101 05-FEB-2000 1 102 10-MAR-2000 1 103 01-NOV-20...

get data for one semester in mysql

dear all..i want to make some report which get data for one semester. this semester started at april and finished at september in each year. But for the second semester it will get data from october until march(next year). how do i do to make this grouping or aggregation? i'm just now the basic query like: select * from dt_tb where `dt`...

Group functions of similar functionality

Sometimes I come across this problem where you have a set of functions that obviously belong to the same group. Those functions are needed at several places, and often together. To give a specific example: consider the filemtime, fileatime and filectime functions. They all provide a similar functionality. If you are building something l...

mysql where count(column_name) = 1?

Hi there, Here is the query I am using: SELECT k_id, COUNT(k_id) AS k_count FROM template_keyword_link WHERE k_id IN(1,2,3,4,5) GROUP BY k_id; This query returns something like 1 | 6 2 | 1 3 | 4 4 | 1 5 | 9 I want to add something like AND COUNT(k_id) = 1 so I end up with 2 | 1 4 | 1 However I get invalid use a group function...

WPF DataGrid Grouping does not show up due to binding error

Hello, I get this error message: System.Windows.Data Error: 5 : Value produced by BindingExpression is not valid for target property.; Value='System.Windows.Data.ListCollectionView' BindingExpression:Path=MaterialList; DataItem='MaterialBrowserListViewModel' (HashCode=24964411); target element is 'CollectionViewSource' (HashCode=365180...

WPF DataGrid is extremly slow, how can I improve the Initial Loading time ?

Hello, I have a Window with a DataGrid showing grouped Data. I am loading around 4 x 300 items in the WPF DataGrid which are grouped in 4 groups. Grouping disables Virtualization. I set IsAsync="True" so my Window opens fast but the DataGrid is just filled AFTER 11 SECONDS ??? What can I do to speed up the loading/display of my data...

Using sqlite GROUP BY in a 'conversation-like' thread

We have a VERY old Sqlite database that can NOT be resigned/changed at this late stage. It has fields like User1, User2, and ConversationDate. How would I use "GROUP BY" so that instead of 2 records output... I would only get 1? Bad output: Bob contacted Fred on 01-Jan-2007. Fred replied to Bob on 11-Jan-2007. Desired outpu...

A special case of grouping coordinates

I'm trying to write a program to place students in cars for carpooling to an event. I have the addresses for each student, and can geocode each address to get coordinates (the addresses are close enough that I can simply use euclidean distances between coordinates.) Some of the students have cars and can drives others. How can I efficien...

WPF ItemsControl ItemTemplate border with GroupStyle

This is the first time I've posted a pic, so hopefully it turns out well (a picture is worth a thousand words, and I don't want to type a thousand words). But, the image below is what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a collection of objects that I'm needing grouped by property "Group". I'm using a CollectionViewSource that is bound to m...