
How to create an N:N relation editor in web page?

I have to create a small "who does what" web application for incoming letter routing: there is a relatively long list (about 600 items) of employees; there is a short list (about 5 items) of tasks; when assigning a task to an employee, due date must be specified; As a result, i need a list (sequence of items matters in this case, sin...

Questions on converting a matlab code into a professional software

I am working in MATLAB to write a medical image processing/visualization software that uses MATLAB’s image processing toolbox heavily. My choice of using MATLAB was largely based on availability and my comfort in it and my initial goal was to complete my algorithm and test it. I have largely ignored the GUI part – so I have a software ...

Windows Mobile Standard: Scrolling and About dialog

My application's About dialog consists of a couple labels, an image and a LinkLabel control (link to my website). My problem is the LinkLable, which is at the bottom of the form, receives focus, so the form scrolls down to it. Since the other controls on the form don't receieve focus, I can't scroll the form. As a workaround, I tried us...

Using ZODB directly from C++. Examples and design hints.

I'd like to use ZODB directly from C++ and don't want to write Python code for that. Have you had any experience doing so? If I were to use C++ for GUI and quering/writing data from/to ZODB, how the design should be? ...

How to implement the "Edit" menu with "Undo", "Cut", "Paste" and "Copy"?

Greetings, for one of my applications I'm trying to implement an "Edit" menu. This menu usually has the standard-entries Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste. This menu is not there by default, and users seem to expect it especially on Mac OS X. Is there a an easier way of implementing this, without doing so in every widget manually? Since most ...

how to create a gui for my compiler ?

i am using flex as lexical analyzer and bison as parser generator , but the result of both is console window and i want to have a gui (like ide) for it so how to do that . thanks ...

How to get a window with specified resolution system settings independent

Hello, I am testing a GUI (Swing based) interface and need to do it with special screen resolution. Is there any way to keep original system resolution and display the window of the application under test with specified resolution (system independent) ? Any tool for that kind of things? Thanks, Marcin ...

No Default Date in SWT DateTime ...

I'm using a SWT DateTime component. It sets the current date as a default selection, when instanciated. How can i prevent this? I want that no date is selected at all... Thanks Patrick ...

Is it possible to build custom GUI like this in Java?

I made this in Photoshop and I plan to use it for my file sharing application: I was wondering if it was possible to create GUI for my application that is gonna have this look and feel. If I can't build it only by using eclipse or NetBeans, are there any other tools that could help me? ...

Gui Design Help - MFC

Hello, I need to design a Task Manager, not like windows task manager, but a more generic one. like "i should take my kid to school" kind of task. So, i need to design an appropriate scalable gui ? (in the future there might be hundreds of tasks) Can someone suggest a place/app to look at ? in addition, and on related subject : I op...

JTree Multiple Node Renderer problem

In the following file, is it possible to have different images for BlackBox and WhiteBox nodes? import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class JTreeBasics{ JFrame f; DefaultMutableTreeNode root,n1,...

Is there a demand for Touchscreen-based UIs for Car/Mobile PC Platforms?

Does anyone know if there's a very big demand for a touchscreen-based keyboard less UI for Car, Navigation, or Mobile devices? I know that Android is a very big, very popular platform. So is Cocoa Touch. What I'd like to envision is using a Java UI with something like Qt that can be applied to a touchscreen. I would initially use And...

Win32: How can i set the color of windows Title, Scrollbar etc.?

I am updating a GUI of a Win32 Application in white text on black background. Thats simple for my content. But how can i change also the color of my child windows (Titlebar, Scrollbar etc.). i Know there is WM_CTLCOLORDLG to set the color of Dialogs. I also know there is WM_NCPAINT, but that would leave all painting (i.e of Scrollbars) ...

Are there any good tools for finding usage statistics of GUI, broken down panes and components?

Collecting usage statistics per web-page on sites is common practice, I'm interested in a similar thing, but for GUI:s. You see Google Chrome (and others) collect usage statistics so Google can find out what features people use, to data-mine what seems to "work". A straight-forward way to do this is to explicitly log the interaction wit...

Radio button default state in a questionnaire.

I am writing a questionnaire in ASP .NET MVC. The format of the questionnaire is one yes/no question per page. The questionnaire is a safety questionnaire where, for the majority of the time the user will answer no to the questions. Should I set the default state of the radio buttons to 'no' to save the majority of the users time (enhanc...

How to get readable text on the glass (wpf)

Here are two screenshots: A full-glass window over white background: The same full-glass window over back background: The question is: in WPF, how do I use TextBlock so that it will be readable on the glass? I already tried <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0" BlurRadius="20" Color="White"/> with no acceptable success. (Maybe I did...

How do I access a .NET GUI application through a Web Service?

Howdy, I've been searching for a while for an answer to my problem but so far have found no reliable links. What I'm trying to do is this: I've built a Windows .NET GUI application. I'd like to be able to access the functionality of the Form Controls through a Web Service. Are there any good links on how to do this? Thanks for your hel...

Blackberry - ButtonField visibility depending on LabelField focus

I have 3 fields in my ui 2 buttons, one on top and other on buttom of a label field...when ever the label field gets focus i want the buttons to appear and i should be able to click on them...and when the label field loses focus the buttons should can i do this... ...

Keyboard Tabbing Stops working on Windows GUI

I have a windows gui built in Microsoft Visual C++ and when the user performs a certain set of actions the keyboard tabbing to move from widget to widget stops working. Simply put, there are two list boxes with an add and a remove buttons. Selecting a row in listbox #1 and pressing the add button removes the object from list box #1 and ...

Blackberry - BasicEditField with LabelField behaviour

i want a BasicEditField to behave just like a label field...the reason i want this is i cant use label field in my case as in case of 9500 the onFocus method does not work for some reason...but it does in case of basic edit i need to create my own label field... ...