
Qt Animation: Appearing & Disappearing Objects

I'm writing a video annotation application with Qt4 in which users need to be able to seek to various points in a video, putting markers on various objects and then setting keypoints for those markers so that they stay on the objects in the video as they move around. QGraphicsItemAnimation seems like a great place to start for these mar...

Embedded wxWidgets for ThreadX OS

I'm working on an embedded system using ThreadX. The project will involve a GUI. I'm looking for a port of wxWidgets for embedded on ThreadX operating system. My search has turned up wxWidgets for embedded Linux and WinCE. Also, is wxWidgets difficult to port to a new (different) OS? Thanks, (The project tools are C++ using Gre...

How is the GUI for Windows Media Player 10 produced? Is it WPF?

I'm sure WPF could produce a GUI replica, but is it actually made with WPF? I've done some searching, but I'm not able to find what GUI library they used. ...

C# GUI programming for beginners: where to start?

Hello all I'm a C++/Java developer and have no idea about .net or GUIs. I need to develop a windows app for 2000/XP/Vista/7. I think I've come to conclusion that C# is the best and the fastest way to go (please correct me if I'm wrong). What do you recommend? Which GUI approach should I learn? (Forms? Any other stuff?) Is it the best w...

how can I add movable images to my GUI ?

I want to add an image which can move like when you sign in,you will see an image of yahoo messenger that moves suddenly. thanks ** I also work with NetBeans** ...

Cross Platform C library for GUI Apps?

Free of charge, simple to learn/use, Cross Platform C library for GUI Apps? Am I looking for Qt? Bonus question: Can I develop with the said library/toolkit on Mac then recompile on PC/Linux? Super Bonus Question: Link to tutorial and/or download of said library. (RE)EDIT: The truth is that I'm in the process of catching up on the C...

Java: GUI component for displaying diffs?

Hello, I'm writing a programm in which I need to generate a diff and display the result. Is there any GUI component out there, with which I can easily accomplish this task, or do I need to hack something for myself? I'd prefer using a Swing component, but any other technology will be fine, too. ...

what problems to expect when deploying net GUI application (on winxp/vista/7)

Hello all i like to build .net GUI application and to be able to deploy it on wide windows version as possible for non teachi persons , what should i be planning before i start to write the code like which minimum net version to compile which GUI to use ? include the .net framework in the installation or not ? to include net framework...

Swing: Setting a function key (F2) as an accelerator

I have a menu item, "rename", for which F2 is set as an accelerator. Indeed when the menu is displayed there a little "F2" indication next to "rename". Sadly, this does not work. This accelerator triggers no response. When I change the accelerator to CTRL+F2 - it works. It seems that I should use an InpoutMpa/ActionMap. The problem wi...

.NET GUI control library for an (audio) player

I am going to build a player GUI control (a C# user control) for playing audio and other streamed data. The control should have at least the following controls: Pause/Continue/Forward/FastForward etc... as Buttons (with icons) Current position as some form of a slider Current time as digital clock Especially I am looking for a nice t...

Why does my icon handling code throw a NullPointerException?

I have added an image for my button,but when I run that frame this exception will be thrown .why?please help me. init: deps-jar: compile-single: run-single: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>( at ClientGUI.IdAndPasswordFrame.initCompon...

R Script: Determine whether the script is run in the GUI or from command line

Is it possible to determine - from within the script - whether the script is running in the R-GUI (specifically on OS X) or whether it has been called from Terminal/command line (i.e. R --vanilla -f script.R)? If so, how is this possible? I'm asking because I have a script that can run parallelized (using the doMC library), which ...

Coding GUI in C

I don't quite understand when people code in C, how they create their GUI interfaces. I've never seen a GUI implementation in C. I wondered if there is C libraries that allow you to create a GUI such as the one's we use daily in Windows or Linux? ...

Why it doesn't draw an animated curve?

This is my class which I found on the Internet. It was originally an applet but I don't want to use it as an applet so I changed some methods (such as init() to a constructor). However, it doesn't work. Would you please help me? SignInFrame Frame: public class SignInFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame { Panel panel; /** Creates new fo...

How can I create an animation frame with netbeans?

I use netbeans,and I insert an image on the lable which is on the desktop pane ,I want to rotate that image in its place ,what should i do? please help me. thanks. ...

Fire event from Async component in UI thread

I'm building a non-visual component in .Net 2.0. This component uses an asynchronous socket (BeginReceive, EndReceive etc). Asynchronous callbacks are called in the context of a worker thread created by the runtime. The component user shouldn't have to worry about multithreading (This is the main goal, what I want) The component user ca...

How do I deal with multiple common user interfaces?

I'm working on a python application that runs on 2 different platforms, namely regular desktop linux and Maemo 4. We use PyGTK on both platforms but on Maemo there are a bunch of little tweaks to make it look nice which are implemented as follows: if util.platform.MAEMO: # do something fancy for maemo else: # regular pygtk The...

Issue with Qt slider signal/GUI

When a user moves the slider it will trigger a signal and based on that I want to call a method readData from dataClass, to return me a string and then print it in guiClass. But it does not work. I get Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”. I am using Xcode. As soon as I move the slider the program crashes and highlights line 9. 1...

Calling sleep on current thread stalls my main GUI

I have one class DataThread inherited from Thread. I am using two DataThread objects ReadThread and WriteThread. I have another thread where Main_GUI is running. Now when I press a button on main_GUI it calls a method x.method1() and then this method uses the WriteThread method WriteThread.sleepForReset(). In public void sleepForReset...

Qt Fold/Unfold Widget?

It there a widget like this: It should be able to show/hide some contents under it. ...