
How can I easily keep consistent UI settings in C# Winform application?

I have a lot of different UserControls and would like to maintain consistent UI settings (mainly colors and fonts). My first try was this: public class UISettings { //... public void SetupUserControl(ref UserControl ctrl) { ctrl.BackColor = this.BackColor; } } to be called in every control like this: settings.Setu...

Do you ever create fake progress bars?

Do you (and would you) ever create progress bars that are just there to keep the client happy and moves without reflecting the true progress of the program? I remember reading about this somewhere, and am wondering if there are other developers that do it too... ...

Avoid Circular Reference in Swing GUI

Maybe it's not worth worrying about in this scenario, but lets say you have two classes, a JFrame with all its components, and a server-like class that handles requests from remote clients. The user is able to start and stop server objects through the GUI, and is shown various events that happen to each server object. Whether or not I us...

How to delete a file with javascript?

Did not have luck with these examples: Javascript File remove Javascript FSO DeleteFile Method Deleting a File There are no special permissions on the file. Is there a way to do this in JQuery? The requirement is - a certain file must be deleted from the web directory when another page is loaded. There is no security issue as this ...

Write gui programatically, or using an advanced gui editor (Java Swing) ?

I am planning to write a Swing-based application (using Netbeans 6.8). It seems that Netbeans has a very advanced GUI Editor... Still I have my doubts regarding the code generated by it. Additionally I don't like the fact the part of the code is locked (still I understand the need). Has anybody used Netbeans GUI Editor with success ? ...

Looking for some good GUI testing frameworks/gui automation test tools for Windows Forms .NET

Hello, I am looking for a good GUI testing framework/automation testing tool for windows forms based apps. Can you recommend any ? ...

How can I make a wxPython app constantly update and execute code?

Given the following simple program: import wx class TestDraw(wx.Panel): def __init__(self,parent=None,id=-1): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id,style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.SetBackgroundColour("#FFFFFF") self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT,self.onPaint) self.SetDoubleBuffered(True) self.circleX=320 ...

Evaluating creation of GUI via file vs coding

I'm working on a utility that will be used to test the project I'm currently working on. What the utility will do is allow user to provide various inputs and it will sends out requests and provide the response as output. However, at this point the exact format (which input is required and what is optional) has yet to be fleshed out. In ...

Splash screen in Windows

How can I display a splash screen using C or C++ in Windows? What libraries or Windows components would be applicable? ...

Square boxes instead of letters - bug, how to resolve?

Hi, I have a page with .net controls. For a long time, many years, pages was run correctly. But lately some signs were change from their normal display mode to squares. Looks like some encoding issue, but changing it, dosen't help. How can I resolve this issue? Why do I see square boxes instead of some signs? ...

Is there a library for editing program flow?

Hello, I was wondering if there is a library for editing program flow. I refer to conditions if, loops (do, while, for) and other elements that can exist inside a program. What I would like to have is some sort of a CAD application (similar to an UML editor) from where I can take some elements and edit their properties, make connection...

UI: What are the different ways to display a Has and Belongs to Many relationship?

This is not a question about a specific framework. I am using plain php with jquery. I am trying relate multiple products to multiple sets of options. That is each product can have multiple non-exclusive sets of options related to them. What would be the best way to represent this on screen? I suppose it could be a multiselect box. That ...

python gui events out of order

from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * class Gui: def __init__(self, root): self.container = Frame(root) self.container.grid() self.inputText = Text(self.container, width=50, height=8) self.outputText = Text(self.container, width=50, height=8, bg='#E0E0E0', state=DISABLED) self.inputText.grid(row=0, column=0) self...

Best practice for passing configuration to each GUI object

Hi, I am writing an application, where I do have few different windows implemented, where each window is a separate class. Now I need somehow to pass a single configuration object to all of them. My GUI is designed in way, where I have one main window, which may create some child windows of its own, and these child windows can have thei...

Easy to use AutoHotkey/AutoIT alternatives for Linux

Hi all, I'm looking for recommendations for an easy-to-use GUI automation/macro platform for Linux. If you're familiar with AutoHotkey or AutoIT on Windows, then you know exactly the kind of features I need, with the level of complexity. If you aren't familiar, then here's a small code snippet of how easy it is to use AHK: InputBox, ...

Blackberry - Disable Save option in BasicEditField ??

I am using a basiceditfield to take input from the user to do some simple string search. But if i type a few letters and wish to go back without continuing the search, it automatically asks me whether to save the contents of the field. I don want this to happen. Can i in any way disable the "Changes made!-save-discard-cancel" option in b...

Which datepicker does EveryBlock utilize?

I've found a great datepicker on EveryBlock's web site: Does anybody know which control do they use and is it available as a standalone control? ...

Can i change the view without changing the controller?

Pretend1 there is a place to type in a name:     Name: __________________ When the text box changes, the value is absorbed into the controller, who stores it in data model. Business rules require that a name be entered: if there is no text entered the TextBox should be colored something in the view to indicate baddness; otherwise it ca...

An "About" message box for a GUI with Qt

QMessageBox::about( this, "About Application", "<h4>Application is a one-paragraph blurb</h4>\n\n" "Copyright 1991-2003 Such-and-such. " "For technical support, call 1234-56789 or see\n" "<a href=\"\"&gt;;/a&gt;" ); This code is creating the About message box which I wa...

Qt - a QWidget that has a clickable hyperlink

Please tell me how to create a QLabel on the QWidget that has a text that you can click and browser will open the mentioned link. Please bring here a code snippet. Thanks! ...