
Is there a good tool for doing Android layout design?

I have tried DroidDraw and the Eclipse layout editor and both seem very difficult to create anything other than very simple layouts. I find myself dropping back to the XML file to be able to manipulate it. Has anyone found any good tools to design the actual screens? I am not looking for a mock-up tool... but an actual tool to create...

Which C/C++ GUI toolkit does support Office 2003/2007 styles

I don't need ribbons but i would like to have the blue/orange style. Currently i planned to use WxWidgets but it seems to be not able to do anythink like this. Do i have an alternative other then MFC + Featurepack ? ...

Silverlight 4 desktop application sometimes zooms when touching it... and cannot zoom out

Hi, I have a Silverlight 4 desktop application which I control using a touchscreen (on an HP Touchsmart). Most of the time it works fine but sometimes when clicking something everything just zooms in and every time it happens things get bigger and bigger. The only way to get the normal size again is by restarting the application. Ha...

UI template with big controls

Im not sure if this question is appropriate to go in here but after some hard effort in google I had no option but to post this here. I'm in the process of doing some UIs for a touch screen, but not sure how the template should look like. e.g. how big the buttons/text/labels should be. If anyone has experience in doing s similar stuff,...

library for simple GUI appications

I tried to use WTL, but i couldn't make it to work on VS2008 Express, there is any other option? I would like to test if any, before recur to the plain API :/ need to be small and have no external dependencies Thanks in advance! ...

Java - SwingWorker - problem

I am developing a Java Desktop Application. This app executes the same task public class MyTask implements Callable<MyObject> { in multiple thread simultaneously. Now, when a user clicks on a "start" button, I have created a SwingWorker myWorker and have executed it. Now, this myWorker creates multiple instances of MyTask and submits t...

free pivot table implementation for qt

I'm looking for free implementation of pivot table view for Qt. Does someone know where to find such piece of code? Or maybe it's trivial to implement... ...

GUI Application becomes unresponsive while http request is being done

I have just made my first proper little desktop GUI application that basically wraps a GUI (php-gtk) interface around a SimpleTest Web Test case to make it act as a remote testing client. Each time the local The Web Test case runs, it sends an HTTP request to another SimpleTest case (that has an XHTML interface) sitting on my server. ...

How to make a plugin for [Path] Finder to browse zip-archives as folders?

What really surprises me is lack of some essential functionality in Finder, when one migrates from Windows to OS X. One of the things is a possibility to open an archive as a folder, i.e. staying in the directory tree and being able to drag and drop files from the archive to folders in the tree, sidebar etc. What would you do to enable ...

How to learn GUI programming in F#

These days I am interested in learning F#, and would like to use it for GUI applications. Unfortunately I have no previous background in .Net or C#. Are there any good resources (web sites, books) for learning this without going through C# first? Many thanks in advance. ...

How should I organize my Java GUI?

I'm creating a game in Java for fun and I'm trying to decide how to organize my classes for the GUI. So far, all the classes with only the swing components and layout (no logic) are in a package called "ui". I now need to add listeners (i.e. ActionListener) to components (i.e. button). The listeners need to communicate with the Game clas...

How do I make functions run by g_idle_add/g_timeout_add work asynchronously?

g_timeout_add (100, (GSourceFunc) read_next_packets, NULL); I can feel the GUI response is slow because of the above statement. How can I make it work asynchronously so that it doesn't affect the GUI response? ...

Patterns and Libraries for working with raw UI values.

By raw values, I mean the application level values provided by UI controls, such as the Text property on a TextBox. Too often I find myself writing code to check and parse such values before they get used as a business level value, e.g. PaymentTermsNumDays. I've mitigated a lot of the spade work with rough and ready extension methods l...

Java - SwingWorker - Can we call one SwingWorker from other SwingWorker instead of EDT

I have a SwingWorker as follows: public class MainWorker extends SwingWorker(Void, MyObject) { : : } I invoked the above Swing Worker from EDT: MainWorker mainWorker = new MainWorker(); mainWorker.execute(); Now, the mainWorker creates 10 instances of a MyTask class so that each instance will run on its own thread so as to ...

What books are available in market for learning the Windows API for GUI development with C++?

Please give me some titles, preferably not free books. I don't need it to be free; it would be better if published by McGraw Hill, Prentice-Hall, Springer, or any other good publisher. Note that I'm interested here in programming with C++ only. ...

radio button group matlab

i have two set of button groups. first button groups has two radio buttons and second group has four radio buttons. if button 1 is selected in group1 and any one from the group 2. similarly for button2 in group 1 and any one from group2, respective function calls must be made on click of push button with these combinations. how to do it...

QApplication In Non-Main Thread

I need to exec() a QApplication in a thread that is not main (my GUIs must be plugins that can be dynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime, so I have no access to the main thread). Does anyone know of a (relatively) painless way to hack around Qt's restriction against starting QApplication outside of main? I'm developing in Linux wit...

Scripting window positioning in OS X

My primary computing setup is a macbook pro with a large external monitor. I'm looking for a convenient way of moving a number of the windows of open programs from the laptop screen to the external monitor when I plug it in. I've seen a few partial scripts for accomplishing this, but nothing comprehensive. Ideally I'd like to specify ...

How can the crosshair of ginput be restricted to one plot?

I wrote a small MATLAB program with a gui. Inside the gui I have, among other things, a plot in which the user should be able to select two points. For this I use the function ginput, which creates a crosshair for selection. Unfortunatley the crosshair extends the whole window and is not restricted to the plot, which doesn't look nice an...

Matlab GUI: How to Save the Results of Functions (states of application)

Hi, I would like to create an animation which enables the user to go backward and forward through the steps of simulation. An animation has to simulate the iterative process of channel decoding (a receiver receives a block of bits, performs an operation and then checks if the block corresponds to parity rules. If the block doesn't corr...