
How to read text file in JADE

I am stuck in putting the Jave text file read code in JADE GUI. Please assist.I.e. Show using a simple code. I am new to Jade but experienced in Java coding. ...

How do i make a picturebox selectable?

I am making a very basic map editor. I'm halfway through it and one problem i hit is how to delete an object. I would like to press delete but there appears to be no keydown event for pictureboxes and it will seem like i will have it only on my listbox. What is the best solution for deleting an object in my editor? ...

Incorrect sizing of a JPanel in a JScrollPane In Java 1.5

Hi, I am making an image loading component which consists of a JPanel containing a JScrollPane, which in turn contains another JPanel. What this component does is allows images to be dropped on top of it, after which point the image is loaded and the inner most JPanel is set to the size of the image dropped. This in turn causes the sc...

Neat way of calling InvokeRequired and Invoke

I seem to remember seeing some neat way of calling InvokeRequired and Invoke to avoid repeating too much code in every event handler but I can't remember what that was. So does anyone know a neat way of writing that code? Preferably for VB.Net 2005. ...

Compact Framework best practices: Building a GUI

I'm maintaining a Windows CE app built with the .NET Framework that has about 45 forms. There are 5 'sections' which lead to the function you want. The application is 100% full screen and it is important that it can't be minimized. Since there are so many forms, it's difficult to keep track of which form should be displayed after one is...

How should developers cope with so many GUI configuration combinations?

These days, any decent Windows desktop application must perform well and look good under the following conditions: XP and Vista and Windows 7. 32 bit and 64 bit. With and without Themes. With and without Aero. At 96 and 120 and perhaps custom DPIs. One or more monitors (screens). Each OS has its own preferred font. Oh my! What is a ...

Java Graphics not displaying on successive function calls, why?

Hi, I'm making a visualization for a BST implementation (I posted another question about it the other day). I've created a GUI which displays the viewing area and buttons. I've added code to the BST implementation to recursively traverse the tree, the function takes in coordinates along with the Graphics object which are initially pas...

C++: GUI libraries for embedding into an interpreter

I've got my interpreter up and running - quite bug-free and stable for now - now I want to add some visual options to my language to play around. What is a good GUI library easy to use and mainly easy to embed and "link" to my programming language? What general rules do I have to follow? I'm currently on XP with Microsoft Visual Stud...

BlackBerry - How can i show a Label with emoticons??

I need to show a Label with emoticons included already in the blackbery interface, with flags, etc. ...

Java Appending a character to a textarea

I'm looking to appends a character to a textarea in. I have a simple GUI designed to look like like a mobile phone and I want to be able to click on one of the buttons and update the textarea with that character. If I click another button, I want to be able to append that character to the first. How do I do this? Obviously right now it i...

Just curious, in NetBeans IDE 6.1 how can i get icons for my custom GUI components in the GUI editor

This is by no means really important, i was just wondering if the community knows how to put icons for my custom GUI components that show up in the NetBeans GUI designer. What i did was make several Swing components and then i use the menu options to add them to the GUI pallete, but they show up with "?" icons. It would be nice if they...

Where does the professional sheen of a GUI application realistically come from?

I have been playing around with php-gtk recently and in the past I have experimented with Java to make GUI 'hello world' apps. However both these types of applications have had a bit of a clunky (almost childish) look and feel to them. I cannot deny that they are handy for making apps for in-house use (and I totally respect the amount o...

How would you build a "pixel perfect" GUI on Linux?

I'd like build a GUI where every single pixel is under my control (i.e. not using the standard widgets that something like GTK+ provides). Renoise is a good example of what I'm looking to produce. Is getting down to the Xlib or XCB level the best way to go, or is it possible to achieve this with higher level frameworks like GTK+ (maybe ...

Java action performed when text is entered into a textarea

I'm wondering if someone can help me out. I entered a character into a text area from a button, and want to use the string entered into the textarea to retrieve words from a list. Bear in mind, there could be numerous characters entered. Is it possible for a text area to detect when text has been entered and to action it? ...

Implementing scroll view that is much larger than the screen view with random images

What I'm trying to do is to implement something like the fruit machine scroll view. Basically I have a sequence of images (randomly generated on the fly) and I want to allow the users to scroll through this line. There can fit approx 10 images on the screen, but the line is virtually unlimited. My question is what would be the best appr...

what's the GUI framework visual studio is using by default???

Hi guys, as far as i know, visual studio is a GUI code generator among other things, you drag a button and put it on the window, a code is written for you behind the scene. my Question is: what's the GUI framework Visual studio is using by default??? i know it integrates with some GUI toolkits as Fox, GTK and QT . ...

Java Positioning a list on a GUI

I'm trying to add a JList to a GUI, but am wondering how to position it? I want it to appear on the right hand side of the TextArea for data that will be sent to the GUI for selection. Can anyone suggest how to do this? Here is the code (note: very new to Java and GUI's) protected static void createAndShowGUI() { GUI predict = ...

Return popupmenu selection in MATLAB using one line of code

I have a GUI which uses a selection from a popupmenu in another callback. Is there a way to return the selected value of the popupmenu in only one line without creating any temporary variables? I've tried several solutions, but I've only managed two lines with one temporary variable: Three lines: list=get(handles.popupmenu1,'String'); ...

Hide or Disable? In this example and in general...

I have the following set of controls. Scenario 1: If you select one of the first 3 radio buttons and click enter, focus will jump to the Passport Number text box. If the user selects "Other", the "Other, Please Specify" textbox is enabled and, for convenience, screen focus (the cursor is moved) to that textbox. Scenario 2: The "sp...

JFace Providers and MVC/MVP/etc.

Where do the JFace providers belong in an MVP or MVC architecture? Or should Provider pattern be treated as a different way of View-Model separation? If so, is it the same as the ASP.NET Provider pattern? Is there an article on a proper design of JFace applications using Providers? ...