
What kind of library to use for display of graphical objects and right click context menus

Hi all, Goal: To develop a web based NMS interface which displays a network topology (e.g., switches, routers, links, endhosts). Each node should be 'movable' (draggable to an appropriate place manually or their best location computed algorithmically). I should be able to zoom into the network graph (say if there are many clusters of ...

Background image in java

hi, i'm trying to put an image as a background of my interface in java , i tried to write a class that does that and using it , but is there a simpler way to do that . here 's the code i used: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import javax.swing....

How do you create a GUI if you are not graphic savvy?

Imagine that you have the next silver bullet software idea and you are a terrific programmer but you don't know a thing about Photoshop and colors stuff. Do you hire a graphic? Do you steal from some free templates? Do you have any advice to handle this common problem? EDIT: My question is on GUI in general: Web, Desktop or Mobile. ...

Drawing on top of every windows on X11

Hi, I am trying to make an arcade machine. The user will purchase credits, which will allow him to play for X minutes. I want to write "9:42 minutes left" at the left corner of the screen, even if he's playing a full screen game (UrbanTerror, for example). I would really like if I could do this with Ruby, but any other language is OK. ...

Pass data from workspace to a function

I created a GUI and used uiimport to import a dataset into matlab workspace, I would like to pass this imported data to another function in matlab...How do I pass this imported dataset into another function....I tried doing diz...but it couldnt pick doesnt pick the data on the matlab workspace....any ideas?? [file_input, pathn...

Has anyone noticed that a WPF file dialog will pass a click through to the UI when double clicking to select a file?

I have some buttons on my WPF UI and I also need to choose files from time to time. I kept noticing strange problems where when I double-click an item in the file dialog, a button on the main UI would also get clicked. After experimenting, it seems that if you line up an item in the file dialog with a button behind it on the main UI an...

Displaying (rendering) HTML from a string in QT

I have html in a QString, what widget can I use to display it? (QWebView is not necessary as I dont access Internet) ...

Output to jTextArea in realtime

I have some code which takes a few minutes to process, it has to connect to the web for each string in a long array, each string is a url. I want to make it so that everytime it connects, it should refresh the jtextarea so that the user is not staring into a blank page that looks frozen for 20 min. or however long it takes. here is an ...

Swapping out the center JPanel in a BorderLayout

I have a JPanel sitting inside the center position of a BorderLayout of a JFrame. How can I swap out the current JPanel for a new one? ...

Completely Stand-alone gui-application

Which programming language and tools can i use, to develope a complete stand-alone gui-application? This application will be burned on a cd and should run on every windows-pc without any installations. ...

Soft keyboard does not show when Activity starts

I have added android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible" to my Activity in AndroidManifest.xml and here's my layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_pa...

[Flex 4] Removing sort arrows from AdvancedDataGridColumn Header.

Hello, I am doing this simple project using Flex 4 SDK and I got stuck with this simple problem: I have turned sortable property for AdvancedDataGridColumn to false, but the column header is still rendered as: As You can see, my label for this header is "06", but the column header is divided and it keeps the place for sort arrow. How...

Java Swing - How to access a JComponent of one JPanel from other JPanel, both added to the JFrame?

I am developing a Java Desktop Application with GUI implemented in SWING. I hava a JFrame. I have added three JPanels on that. One JPanel panel1 has a Start Button. Now I want to disable various componets on other JPanels when a user presses the start button on the panel1. Now how can I access the components of those other panels from ...

Android: Active project attempting to improve the GUI design process?

I'm not looking for a mock up tool, I'm looking for a reasonable GUI design tool for the final product in the style of Apple's Interface Builder. Droid Draw is buggy, out of date and inaccurate in my experience. Using the Eclipse plug in to do a complex layout makes going to the dentist seem fun. I'd even settle for hand-coding CSS pixel...

Java Container constraints question

I am using the following: java.awt.Container.add(Component comp, Object constraints) How do I specificy the constraints object? I need to be able to place a component within the container. Oh and my class extends JInternalFrame if this helps... I need to specify coordinates to place the component within the container ...

Should an icon show current state or next state?

When using icon images without text captions, should the icon represent the current state or the next state? For example I have a block of text that I want to minimize / maximize or I want to toggle showing All User Records or just My Records. I'm sure there are compelling arguments for either side and know that consistency is key, but w...

Improving MVP in Scala

The classical strongly typed MVP pattern looks like this in Scala: trait IView { } trait Presenter[View <: IView] { // or have it as an abstract type member val view : View } case class View1(...) extends IView { ... } case object Presenter1 extends Presenter[View1] { val view = View1(...) } Now, I wonder if there is any nice...

How to use a CTabCtrl in a MFC dialog based application ?

I need to do something which i expected to be was simple - create a tab control which has 2 tabs, implying 2 modes of operation for my app. When user clicks on Tab1, he'll be presented with some buttons and textboxes, and when he clicks Tab2, some other input method. I noticed that there was a CTabCtrl class thats used in MFC to add tabs...

Set attributes (margin, gravity, etc...) to an Android view programmatically (without XML).

I need to create a GUI (layout+views) in my .java activity class (I know it's far more flexible and easier to use .xml layout file, but I don't want to use it for now). I can't find any setGravity() (but a "Gravity" object I can't figure how to use) or any set setMargin() method for the "View" object. What is the easiest way to do it ?...

What is wrong with this layout? Android

Hi, I am trying to accomplish a view like this: left side = live camera preview, right side = a column of 4 images. But all that I managed with the following xml was a fullscreen live camera preview. Android 1.5 emulator. Thanks <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="