
Is it possible to integrate flash SWF app into GTK+ Gui and be able to interact with it from your C code?

Is it possible to integrate flash SWF app into GTK+ as part of Gui and be able to interact with it from your C code? Do you know any examples avaliable for reading there code? ...

Fading Indicator message in Java

How to/What is a good library, to create a fading indicator message in Java like that of Outlook when you get a message, or Ubuntu/Gnome when you've connected to a network? ...

Composition vs Inheritance and GUI toolkits

It's said that composition is preferred over inheritance. Every single open source GUI toolkit however uses inheritance for the drawn widgets (windows, labels, frames, buttons, etc). I checked Qt, wxWidgets, and GTK+. Is there an example of a GUI toolkit (written in any language) that uses composition instead of inheritance to separat...

Hosting QT gui app within Java gui app

I have a gui app A, written in QT and another gui app B, written in Java. I wish to make app B the container of app A.I reparent windows in app A with windows in app B by passing proper handles to it. However, windows in app A dont get painted properly when app B is refreshed. Do I have to pass refresh events across to app A? Cant the ...

Refresh Button in java

I need to make a simple refresh button for a gui java program I have the button made but its not working properly. I just am not sure what the code needs to be to make the button work. Any help would be really appreciated.I figured the code below ` refeshButton.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() { @Override ...

Qt creator, insert custom menu at specified place into menu bar

Hi, I have created a menu bar and some menus with Qt creator. One of the menus had to be coded to use QActionGroup features. Now it is easy to add my custom menu to the menu bar with: printMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Print")); but my menu will be in the last position of the menu bar. How do I add my menu at a specified place? (e.g....

Java Box Class: Unsolvable: aligning components to the left or right

I have been trying to left align buttons contained in a Box to the left, with no success. They align left alright, but for some reason dont shift all the way left as one would imagine. I attach the code below. Please try compiling it and see for yourself. Seems bizarre to me. Thanks, Eric import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt...

GUI editor for DOT language (Mac OS)

Hi, i have a problem. I need to create pure diagram for my project (Django). I use django-extensions to generate DOT diagram. Diagram is very pure, but now i want to add for example comments on this diagram. It is possible to do this? Maybe anyone can advise me some software for this? ...

How do functional language gui bindings work?

Do they typically use non functional aspects of the language (including mutable variables). Are there other strategies? Could you describe them? ...

Writing OpenGL enabled GUI

I am exploring a possibility to write a kind of a notebook analogue that would reproduce the look and feel of using a traditional notebook, but with the added benefit of customizing the page in ways you can't do on paper - ask the program to lay ruled paper here, grid paper there, paste an image, insert a recording from the built-in came...

How should nested components interact with model in a GUI application?

Broad design/architecture question. If you have nested components in a GUI, what's the most common way for those components to interact with data? For example, let's say a component receives a click on one of its buttons to save data. Should the save request be delegated up that component's ancestors, with the uppermost ancestor ultimat...

Good things to know when developing a GUI architecture from scratch

What are best practices, tips, and general things to keep in mind for building an OOP GUI architecture? ...

Adding multiple views to a listview.

Hey guys, I tried to add these views to list view using this kind of factory but everytime I try and add the view to a ListActivity, it comes up with nothing. What am I doing wrong? I set my list views like so: List<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(); for(int x =0;x<tagg_views.size();x++){ lv.addHeaderView(views.get(x)); } ...

How do I export GUI mockups to Python GUI code (e.g. wxpython)?

I want to take my mockups and export them to code using any python GUI library (wxpython, pyqt, etc). For example, this capability already exists for mockups->HTML/Javascript here: I need a fast, easy, high level mockup tool like balsamiq, not a slow, low level tool like boa constructo...

creating a static "app" that consist of a single picture

I need to create a program that consists of a unmovable, always on top bitmap, with no menu bar or anything, and does not show up in the task bar as program. It needs to always start in the same place. Essentially I need to mask a part of the screen by using a bitmap that blends into the scenery. I am not sure which properties I...

Login screen delay in CentOS 5.4 x64

I was happily running my CentOS 5.4 before something bad happened that somehow corrupted the 'nautilus' package. It stopped me from using the default Gnome Desktop. Then I installed (using yum) the KDE and nautilus later on. Now, KDE is running perfectly with one exception that it takes around 10 minutes before showing up the Login Scre...

Select Multiple Images Using GalleryView

Hi guys, I was just wondering if Android had built in code so that I could select multiple images in a gallery-view and then have those images exported as filenames in a string array(ex /sdcard/~f1.jpg, /sdcard/~f2.jpg,...). Again any help is appreciateds! Just to let you guys know, the gallery I'm using works fine (for one image) -- a...

Intercept jTable selection change events

I found this forum thread which suggests overriding ListSelectionModel to prevent rows from being selected. I would like to prevent selection changes when there are unsaved changes (external to the table) for the currently selected item UNTIL the user confirms the discard. Something like: public class confirmSelectionChange extends Def...

how can c# help in drawing using memory layers concept?

hello all i am facing problem in drawing dynamically in a picture box. i works very good when the drawing objects are few but as the drawing objects increases the response time of my GUI is getting worse and worse, my GUI works very well up to 90 drawing objects but i have to support more than 1000 so this technique didn't work for me. ...

Are there any modern GUI toolkits which implement a heirarchical menu buffer zone?

In Bruce Tognazzini's quiz on Fitt's Law, the question discussing the bottleneck in the hierarchical menu (as used in almost every modern desktop UI), talks about his design for the original Mac: The bottleneck is the passage between the first-level menu and the second-level menu. Users first slide the mouse pointer down to the...