
Looking for radial popup menu component for Delphi

Radial menus have started appearing in several places. I'm curious whether anyone has seen or is working on a radial menu component for Delphi? We have a concept of what we'd like, shown in the animated gif at (It takes about 10 seconds for the menu animation to start.) Does anyone know ...

Calculate possible number of lines in RitchTextField

I have a screen with a RitchTextField added, which has a custom font applied. I want to find the total number of lines that the RitchTextField can hold to avoid vertical scrolling. I tried to do this by getting the height of the RichTextField then dividing it by the the height of the font, the problem however is using rtfField.getHeight...

iPhone:The tabbing on a word playing back the recorded voice

Hi , I want to repeat here a functional: -Tap a Word or Drawing to seek in the audio. -Text and Drawings will highlight at the time they were recorded. Working example: Could you help me, how I can make it. Thanks a lot. ...

What's the easiest way (language, tools, etc) to write quick-n-dirty ad-hoc GUI apps in Linux?

For example to create a simple form with couple of controls, doing some simple logic on them, generating a shell command or a web service call and executing it here and now, assuming that it is going to be no tomorrow for this application, no unexpected things can occur to be handled, computer resources are unlimited, etc. The code'd be ...

Tuftian design for usernames display

I'm working on a website with a major social networking component. I want the short username display (1 icon (maybe 2) + a styled username) to indicate: presence (active, idle, away, offline) - font weight avatar (autogen or uploaded) - 16x16px prefixed icon explicit relationship to current user (followee, follower, mutual friend, FO...

GUI Pattern for showing that child is inheriting value from parent

What is good GUI pattern for showing that a child is inheriting a value from its parent. In other words, if the user sets some value in the Parent, how would we indicate in the child that the value was set from the parent? Parent | Value : Foo | |----Child Value : Foo => inheriting value from parent. ...

Duplicate styles not displayed by Java Swing

Hello all, I have a problem with a part of a project i am working on. I want to display some emoticons using Java Swing, however it won't allow me to display consecutive identical styles: This works fine: Smile Sad Grin This doesn't work: Smile Smile Smile I am using Styled Document and have little experience with it. The code is as...

SFML Input GetMouseX and GetMouseY not catching on to mouse movement

I'm programming a GUI in my app and I noticed that button presses weren't being registered very quickly. I did some lazy debugging (send coordinates of mouse to output) and I noticed that Input's GetMouseX and GetMouseY weren't responding nearly fast enough to when the mouse moved somewhere. This small tidbit should be able to reproduce...

How can I use a browser as gui for java?

Hello, I want something similar with php/jsp in java, but not on the server side, but on the client side. Maybe I can make a html file with i/o, or with some net.* classes. But what can I use for the button on the html page ? Thank you ...

How do I Make a Web Crawling Application User-Friendly

I'm creating a web crawling application that I want the 'average' user to be able to use. I'm concerned that a web crawling application is probably just too complex for most users though because users need to: Understand URL structure (domain, path, etc...). Understand crawling 'depth'. Understand file extensions and be able to setup ...

How can I get the background color of a selected element?

In Swing when using a JTree/JList/JTable selecting an item changes its background color. Is there any way to retrieve this color for the current look and feel when the component is not selected? Thank you. ...

How can I get this kind of dropdown with Qt? (Specifically PyQt4)

This is the type of dropdown window I would like. It has columns, with different types of data in each. I tried just using tab delimiting, but it made it look sloppy. How could I get a dropdown / combobox element like this using PyQt4? (Ignore the black box, I just wanted to hide my system files). ...

higher level Python GUI toolkit, e.g. pass dict for TreeView/Grid

Started my first Python pet project using PyGTK. Though it is a really powerful GUI toolkit and looks excellent, I have some pet peeves. So I thought about transitioning to something else, as it's not yet too extensive. Had a look around on SO and python documentation, but didn't get a good overview. What's nice about PyGTK: Glade fil...

Ideas for alternative context menu layouts

I'm trying to, find / come up with, a cool alternative to the old trusty rectangle-list-o-buttons context menu. I have seen some suggesting laying the item out circles in a circle, and they call it a pie-menu. And as you click a circle, it expands to have items around it etc. (

WPF ListItem Zoom on Event

Let's say I haven a Listbox, or as I do right now a Wrap panel with items bound to it. The items use a custom data template utilizing a custom control if that matters. Now I want to react to a click (or any event in general) and zoom an item towards the user, overlapping surrounding items. Basically a more detailed view of a particular...

looking for (N) steps GUI kind of thing

i dont sure if this question is for this group but i don't know where to ask im looking for GUI examples that gives the user for example make X in 4 steps kind of GUI especial for none teachi folks ...

JavaScript/HTML hover menu/toolbar

Don't really know how to formulate the question. A picture is worth a thousand words: Here, cursor hovers over "Home" item, and the toolbar to the left pops up. Is there a standard way to do this? Preferably with jQuery. ...

Create List of Control Groups in VB.Net?

I'm building an control interface for a system that consists of 1-4 modules. In my interface, each module has its own control set, grouped in a groupbox. I only want to show the control groups for the modules that are actually connected and hide the rest. This is easy to do with the visble property. I also want all of the groups to b...

Is there any free, Project Managment CMS that can interact with SVN and has nice GUI (not Trac)?

Is there any free, Project Managment CMS that can interact with SVN and has nice GUI (not Trac)? ...

How do you set a background image in a frame with pygtk?

I mean like a frame with some widgets which overlap the background (the image), basically how do you partially overlap/clobber an Image? Like a background in a Firefox theme, for instance. ...