
How to get UI to look right

I am having a problem getting the ListView to display properly. It currently looks like this with the following xml code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wr...

Detecting where a change event came from

I have a bunch of JTextComponents that fire update events to a common model. The model then fires out change events to the other components so they can all be in synch. How can I detect which one fired the event initially so as not to fire the event back? I ask this as I'm currently getting an expection due to attemtping to update the...

Stop a tablelayoutpanel from scrolling

I have a C# .NET 3.0 project that uses a TableLayoutPanel containing several rows of controls. If I scroll down such that the top item is no longer visible, then remove a control in one column and replace it with a new control, the TableLayoutPanel scrolls back to the top. /// the panel in question private System.Windows.Forms.TableLayo...

Pretty .Net GUI Library Like using in Yahoo Messenger

Please, advise me any .net gui controls library for create user interface like in Yahoo messenger or like Trillian. May be this will be easy skin-based interface library or other. I need only simple controls ex. buttons, listview combobox, checkbox and other therefore library must be small. I know DevExpress and Infragistics libraries bu...

Win32: Displaying a Stock Icon in a Dialog Box under High DPI

Hi, I've got a dialog box where I need to display the standard Information icon. Here's my RC code: ICON "",IDC_ICON_INFORMATION,18,70,21,20 I process the WM_INITDIALOG message as follows: HICON aIcn = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_INFORMATION); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWnd, IDC_ICON_INFORMATION, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM) aIcn, 0); Everything wo...

UI Design/UI Components - Why isn't it a solved problem yet?

I've been thinking about the on going "revolution" in UI design and metaphors for interacting with the computer via a GUI and I'm suprised that as long as computers have been accessible through GUI's that programmers are still searching for the best way to allow the user to interact with their programs. It seems that most of the work ce...

What does the parameter to Paint.setTextSize() represent?

I'm trying to write a resolution independent Android game. I have some text I want to render onto the canvas and use Paint.setTextSize(...) to set the size of the text. What does the parameter represent? The height of the letters in pixels? I'm not sure how to set this parameter based on the density or size of the screen either. I gener...

In wxPython how do you bind a EVT_KEY_DOWN event to the whole window?

I can bind an event to a textctrl box np. The problem is I have to be clicked inside of the textctrl box to "catch" this event. I am hoping to be able to catch anytime someone presses the Arrow keys while the main window has focus. NOT WORKING: wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(self, self.OnKeyDown) WORKING: self.NudgeTxt = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, s...

How to make Silverlight UserControl fill webpage?

I am building a webapp in Silverlight 4.0 and I would like it to have it expand to fill the width and height of the web browser. However, I can only get it to remain top center at the moment. I have a Grid with 3 rows, 2 columns and Controls inside these which fill the cells. Therefore I only believe that I need the Grid to stretch to t...

j2me touch gui looking like android

Hello i would like to remake a program i made for android in android it looks pretty nice and is very touch friendly now i need to make it for symbian what would be the best approach to achieve similar graphics and functionality i tried searching in j2me but the graphics look so very outdated :( here are some screens of the android i...

What is the best solution to bind objects in wx.DC?

So, for example I draw some objects on wx.PaintDC, such as lines and rectangles. Now I want next: on mouse click I wont know which object was clicked. Of course, I can see what object is the closest, but what about more exact answer? Maybe even not standart wx.DC, but such things as FloatCanvas or something like this. So, what's the be...

How to get better at CSS, laying out designs and UI Programming?

Hi all, I am pretty familiar with CSS and have used quite a bit of javascript and jquery also little experience of layout designing and working closely with Photoshop. But, somehow I don't feel as confident as when programming with database or C# side and face lot of problems when I am working with designing UI and laying out elements t...

Git GUI to checkout single file

I have several version of project stored under GIT.. Now my requirement is that I need to get one specific file from one of the previous version. Reading this forum I came to know that it can be done by Git Bash. Is there a way to checkout one particular file using Git GUI Thanks in advance ...

Redirection of a GUI console application

Hello, I have a Delphi 7 (not 2007) application (lets call it App1.exe) that the IDE thinks is a GUI application but in the DPR, a compiler directive that makes it in to a console application. Example: {$IFDE MAKE_CONSOLE} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$ENDIF MAKE_CONSOLE} During the build process, MAKE_CONSOLE might be defined. The problem...

choosing a file in python - simple GUI

I would like to use the simplest library to choose a file in local directories. My program has nothing to do with a fancy user interface. It can take all the input from the console. I don't want users to enter an entire path to the console. That's the only point I need a simple user interface. Can you suggest me a simple, cross platform ...

RoR UI for Readonly Emails

Hello, I am build a application to pull incoming emails from a mailbox and display them in read_only mode to users. Users should NOT compose any emails but just readonly access to email list and email content. It should support both text and rich text html emails as well as attachments. Can you please advise me how to go about this? T...

Would it make sense to have two GUI threads for two independent forms?

At work we've got a very CPU-intensive Windows Forms application. It's running on a server with 24 cores. As the Windows Forms model involves a single GUI thread processing a message pump, it seems that a rich, complex GUI is not making good use of the capabilities of the system. Am I wrong in saying this? So my coworkers were discussi...

GUI Best Practice: When designing a webbased management interface, it is best to use a detail view or to use forms with values as primary view?

To clarify the question, imagine having a paginated list with clients. When clicked on a specific client the system will open the 'view client x' view in order to show the client details. Now, will this view be a 'simple' list which displays client details? Or will this view be a form with input fields showing the client details and a...

Winforms Updating UI Asynchronously Pattern - Need to Generalize

Setup: Main MDI form with a progress bar and a label. Code in Main form. public delegate void UpdateMainProgressDelegate(string message, bool isProgressBarStopped); private void UpdateMainProgress(string message, bool isProgressBarStopped) { // make sure we are running on the right thread t...

Regression testing on Apple WebObjetcs GUI

Hello. I have recently started a new job in a company that depends heavily in an application developed with Apple Web Objects. It happens that this company does not have a way to make automated tests whenever a new update is received, weather with bug fixes or new features. We have no access to the code since it is a proprietary applica...