
Handling user driven resizing, position changes in Java Swing

Hello, I'm currently building a Java Swing GUI and I was wondering how user (mouse, say) driven resizing is handled. My problem is that when I try and resize my main window, or when some other window opens over my application, then my application's window gets distorted - all it's parts don't change well in response to the resizing o...

Python PyGTK. What's this component?

I'm trying to write a simple GTD-style todo list app with python and gtk to learn python. I want a container that can select an individual list from a lot of choices. It would be something like the list of notebooks area in tomboy. Not a combobox. As you can probably tell I'm a beginner and the terminology is probably off. Can you p...

How to find width of JTextField given no.of characters?

I have a JTextField which can accept a fixed number of characters (eg. 10 characters). I want to restrict the width of the TextField to exactly take that many characters. So given the no.of characters, is there a way to find out the width (pixels) it will take? Assume that we know the font. ...

qt - widget - positioning

Hi, I want to place some widgets in a parent widget in some random places, like one button at Point (10,10) and another at (15,40),etc. How to achieve this. QGridLayout is pushing everything into row column style. But I want to put the widgets whereever I want,Can anybody help me? ...

Placing a Button in UltimateListCtrl using wxPython

I'm new to Pythong and I have been trying to get a button within UltimateListCtrl. I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here is my code: try: from agw import ultimatelistctrl as ULC except ImportError: # if it's not there locally, try the wxPython lib. from wx.lib.agw import ultimatelistctrl as ULC self.table = ULC....

Modifying the cursor of a resize grip in a WPF window ("CanResizeWithGrip" + "WindowStyle:none")

Hello. Seems ilke none of the other StackOverflow questions answers this specific question. Or it may be lousy search skills... I have a ("CanResizeWithGrip" + "WindowStyle="none"") application written in WPF / C#. The application resizes sideways only (MaxHeight and MinHeight are the same), so I would want the cursor of the ResizeGrip ...

Adaptive Keyboard applications

Folks, Can you see any potentially breathtaking applications for these unique keyboards ? (youtube videos at the bottom) The main crux is where can a constantly modifying input device generate higher productivity as against a normal input device? Can the keyboard's input device be ...

Unit testing UI application.

Can a UI application be unit tested? Lets consider a UI application which has a simple login form. What would form part of unit test for this UI application. Should the backend response validation form part of unit test for login form? In my opinion, It should include; appropriate rendering of UI components in the form. enabling/Di...

silverlight 4 - expander - UI virtualization

I have a silverlight application that is showing some data nested in expander control. So I have 1 expander for root element and then some textBoxes and expanders for content. All thing together looks like a big tree. And all works great with low number of elements to show. But when I have huge data (like 2000-20000 elements) to disp...

Display of MATLAB workspace variable into GUI funcion

I have a variable in the MATLAB workspace and I want to pass this variable to a function in my GUI. How do I achieve this task? ...

Qt - widget - update

Hi, I am having a widget with a push button. I want, for every click on the push button one label should be added in the widget. I am giving the code below, but is not working. I don't know why. Somebody help me? class EditThingsWindow:public QWidget { QPushButton * add; Q_OBJECT public: EditThingsWindow(); public slots: void addBut...

Is there an easy way to drag items around in a ListView to change their order?

Let's say I have a ListView of items: Cat Dog Mouse And these are bound to the ListView via an adapter to a database. What I want to be able to do is to be able to re-order the list view,. For example I want to somehow drag "Mouse" up to the top of the list above "Cat". Once I have an order set, I then want to "save" the list and i...

Java GUI How to Popup Message Windows like MSN Messenger

My Java application sometimes stays at system tray, just like MSN messenger does. I need popup a window to display some formated texts. Sometimes there is more than 1 message entry. I need to display them all. I am new to jave Swing/GUI. Anyone has idea or experience on this? ...

Automated Testing For Heavy UI Apps

How do people test heavy UI applications? Specifically, the UI is in a web browser in an SVG or Canvas element. Like, say most of the application is drag/drop and resizable and different things that happen as a result of dragging to a certain place or resizing to a certain size. What are some strategies people use today? ...

Creating native toolbars with SWT

I would like to add a toolbar to my SWT application. The requirements are as follows: I should be able to create several toolbars Toolbars should be draggable I want an option to hide some of the toolbars I want in general only one line of toolbars I need to store/restore the system state after application restart. I used SWT.CoolBar...

Canvas or SVG UI Components

I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms. What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies? ...

Promote to custom widget in a namespace

I have MyCustomWidget in a namespace MyNameSpace namespace MyNameSpace{ class MyCustomWidget : public QWidget{ }; } How do I promote a QWidget to MyCustomWidget in my UI form? It doesn't seem to accept a custom namespace. ...

Impact of web platform on GUI

Hi all Web based systems (Client Side GUI only) are known to be platform independent, But, are they development-platform independent too?? To the best i know, Client Side GUI will always be built using HTML and JavaScript/VBScript or Java or etc which are supported by all OSs and Browsers to make it independent. I am concerned about the...

Pyqt tabs like in Google Chrome

I would like to have my pyqt aplication have tabs in the menu bar like Google Chrome :) Any suggestions or a simple example on how to do it? I did find these relevant link: - ...

how to do a zoom in/out with wxpython

how to do a zoom in/out with wxpython? what are the very basics for this purpose? I googled this, but could not find much, thanks!! ...