
Max width of LinearLayout

How can I set max width of horizontal LinearLayout? So if the contents is short (say, some text), the layout shrinks and if the contents is longer - it will not expand more than some max width value. I prefer doing it at the XML level. Pls let me know if my question is not clear enough. Thanks in advance ...

GUI from XML+Schema

Hello. I have a complex XML+Schema to configure my system. I'm looking for a quick and dirty way to give my users access to that XML but in a simple GUI that also validates the entries. Is there some tool that can generate GUI (preferably C#) from the XML ? Thanks, SW ...

Tkinter button command activates upon running program?

I'm trying to make a build retrieval form, and seem to have issues with the buttons... I'm a novice at Python/tkinter GUI programming (and GUI programming in general) and borrowed the skeleton of a Hello World app, and sorta built off that. In the code below, I've set the "command" option of my Browse button to call my class's internal ...

Why is a menu item disabled when using SWTBot?

I've written up a GUI test using SWTBot to test the Extract Method refactoring. I use editor.selectRange() to select a statement to extract into a method. But, when I run the unit test, the Extract Method refactoring menu item is disabled. Thus, SWTBot fails to invoke the refactoring. The whole project containing the above unit test is ...

What UI Technology to use?

OK.. I am sorry for asking an often asked question once again, but I AM CONFUSED! First my requirements. To develop/ deploy on Windows XP/ 7. Easy to use and visually appealing for a not so tech savvy user. Regular reporting of data of a Non Profit Org. Having .NET as the preferable back end, as I have already devoted a year learning ...

Cross-platform GUI toolkit in C or C++?

I'm looking to write some simple GUI applications in C or C++, and am stuck for choice between the cross-platform toolkits. Keep in mind that I am developing in Ubuntu, preferably without an IDE, and preferably with good cross-platform support. What are the pros and cons of some of these toolkits? Which have you had the best experience ...

gtk: indicate a button should be pressed

What's the best way to indicate on a GTK interface that a button should be pressed / to "highlight" the button? The use case is that I have a set of checkboxes representing various settings, but for them to take effect, they must be submitted to a server. I want to indicate that the currently checked settings have not been sent to the se...

Two Tkinter Images...

I have written a simple GUI in Python using the Tkinter library. This GUI has to display 2 images, one on top and one on the bottom. When I place the two images on the window, there seems to be a white line between the two. How to I place them so this doesn't show up? I am programming on Windows 7 with Python 2.6 ...

Windows form/WPF too large, how can i split it up?

Hello people, I'm about to create WPF application. So far at uni the only way we have ever done GUIs is to have one main window with one code-behind file for handling its button clicks etc.. My issue is that as the application grows, the GUI grows, and the size of the code behind file can get really out of hand! I have identified abo...

wxPython: Assigning text labels to ticks on a slider

Hi, A wxPython program that I'm writing uses two sliders as part of the GUI. These sliders represent a three state switch with the states "On Full", "On Medium" and "Off". I'd like to be able to assign these labels to the ticks on the slider. Is there a way of doing this without having to subclass or position separate static text contro...

OnLongClickListener on childView disables OnTouchListener on parentView

Hey I have an AbsoluteLayout which has an OnTouchListener. Inside this layout there is a much smaller LinearLayout positioned dynamically. The OnTouchListener works as expected. Now the problem comes when I add a LongClickListener to my LinearLayout. That disables my OnTouchListener if the touch hits the LinearLayout but it is still tr...

refresh JFrame after adding new Components

I want to add some new Components to my JFrame while runtime when pressing a button. This works so far, but i have to resize the window by hand to see the new components! is there any Action i can fire or a method to call to refresh the window? ...

Swing GUI Development with Spring

Are there any decent tutorials out there for building Swing GUI applications using Spring (v3 preferably)? ...

Does Python have a cross-platform GUI toolkit that uses native widgets?

Python has many GUI toolkits. If I understand correctly, these toolkits typically take on the responsibility of rendering their own widgets (rather than relying on the operating system). This achieves cross-platform support at the cost of having widgets that don't necessarily look, feel and behave exactly like their native counterparts. ...

Synchronize with Swing: Wait for the UI

Usually one is looking for a way to update the UI while something in the background is still working. My approach there would be either use a new thread or simply use SwingUtilities.invokeLater. However, right now I'm in the completely opposite situation. I have a button that calls a static method which does some magic (not important he...

Grid layout with box inside

I have a grid layout, consisting of 4 columns. Just one row. Inside each grid layout box i have a box layout so i can stack things on top of each other. The problem is, i have 5 things in column one, 4 in column 2, 3 and 4 are irellevant for now. The issue is i want the items in columns 1 and 2 to match, but because the 2nd has 4 items...

java- gui design aesthetics

Hi, I am new to GUI design, and would like to know if there is somekind of standard "project" that I can find a set of "standard"- or not- images for my various components, e.g. buttons, jtree etc so that my GUI looks nicer. If there are icons by theme, would be great.I am using NetBeans but it seems that there is no library of icons in...

Fire action in JPanel subclass

Hello all, I know how to use an ActionListener class to pick up an actionPerformed event - however, I've implemented my own JPanel object and something I can't work out is how I create an action and indicate it has been performed such that an external action listener can pick up on it. Specifically, I wish to intercept an action of an i...

Comprehensive tutorial for beginners on how to write Windows GUI programs

I'm trying to learn how to write Windows GUI* programs in C++, using Visual Studio 2008, but I haven't found any more comprehensive tutorial for beginners. The more comprehensive tutorials I have found are either only about how to make buttons, menus, etc. OR only about how to write basic C++ console programs. What I haven't found is a...

WPF Real Time Multithreaded Stock Trading Application

Hi All I am building a real-time multi-threaded application in WPF, but i am having difficulties in updating the UI. I have a background worker thread that contains logic which determines what trades to send into the market. When a valid trade is sent to the market, i receive status updates on these trades via events in my main applica...