
Flip a label throught design panel in Visual studio

Is there a peramerter or setting that I can turn on or use to rotate a label 90 degrees? I want to use it through the design panel. I would like to avoid having to do it through code if possible. Im currently using c# as my base ...

Access VBA verticle scroll bar

I am building a quite complex form in Access. I would like to have a vertical scroll bar control that will scroll through a list of pictures. What I want the scroll bar to actually do is change the pictures in the picture control when it is scrolled. Is there a way to insert a vertical scroll bar into an Access form where the scroll eve...

How do I dynamically get a list of all PythonCard components in a GUI class?

Here is a sample resource file for PythonCard: { 'application':{ 'type':'Application', 'name':'Test Sounds', 'backgrounds': [ { 'type':'Background', 'name':'Test Sounds', 'title':'Test Sounds', 'position':( 5, 5 ), 'size':( 300, 200 ), 'components': [ { 'type':'TextField', 'name':'fldFile...

GUIs vs TUIs in Python

I'm interested in doing rapid app development in Python. Since this is mainly for prototyping purposes, I'm looking for a way of creating "rough" user interfaces. By this, I mean that they don't have to look professional, they just have to be flexible enough to make it look the way I want. Originally I was going to do this by creating a ...

Architecture for displaying dynamic data in real time

Executive summary: What kinds of sound architecture choices are there for displaying thread-safe, dynamic data in real time using Swing? Details: I have recently completed writing a multi-threaded, automated trading platform in Java. I say "platform" because I have made it very easy to implement new and multiple trading programs by su...

Java Interface for Multimedia Keys

Anyone has experiences about interfacing with multimedia [or Fn Function] keys in Java? There seems to be an incomplete discussion regarding multimedia buttons in Java here. There is also a library, JIntelliType, which can be used to register global hotkeys in Windows, but only works for registering globally, not media keys. ...

How should I do rapid GUI development for R and Octave methods (possibly with Python)?

We are a medium-sized academic research lab whose main outputs are new statistical methods for analyzing large datasets. We generally develop in R and MATLAB/Octave. We would like to expand the reach of our work by building simple, wizard-style user interfaces to access our methods, either web-apps like RNAfold or stand-alone applicati...

Kiosk GUI layout

I need to develop a GUI for a self-service kiosk. The kiosk will take food orders (i.e pizza, burgers, salads) and provide the ability to pay using a credit card. Can anyone suggest the best GUI layout or approach? I want to make it intuitive and simple. I want to minimize the number of button clicks. If you can provide examples, that wo...

What is the best way for starting graphical interfaces programming in C?

I have some knowledge in C/C++ but only using the Console. I'd like to start programming some graphical interfaces, but I don't have the minimal idea where to start. I've heard of GUI applications and DirectX applications. I'd like to know which is the best for start programming? Which libraries also is good to use and some tutorials...

Why will BoxLayout not allow me to change the width of a JButton but let me change the height?

I'm trying to get the Layout of a JDialog of mine to fit a particular look that a program in which I'm porting to Java has, I've used several LayoutManagers before with great success yet for some reason I cannot seem to get this working at all. My goal is to have the Right (East) side of the JDialog contain a "Find Next" and "Cancel" but...

TCL hangs when trying to close TCL pipe

When launching tclsh and typing this: close [open "|tclsh" w] it works fine. But, when in ~/.tclshrc you have package require Tk, the same line makes tclsh to HANG! The same issue is with all GUI packages like Tk, Itk, Img, Iwidgets, however with not GUI packages like Itcl, it worsk fine. How can I fix this issue? The point is to m...

How to hide the gui in netbeans?

Hello, I have created a new DesktopApplication in Netbeans. When I start it, it shows the gui directly on the screen. How to hide it after startup? Something like this: DesktopApplication1.getApplication().getMainFrame().setVisible(false); after the initComponents(); method doesn't work. Is there a way to hide this window after start...

UI design: display events in different timezones on same calendar

I'd like to show events on a calendar for my web service's customers. There are four scenarios possible in regards to timezones for these events: An event is local to the customer and is in the same timezone. For example, a meeting with a local business. An event is physically located in a different timezone than the customer, but it i...

Qt uses CSS to color objects? Is there another way to go about this?

I am learning PyQt from this site. The tutorial is building a widget that colours a square. In this, they are using CSS to colour the square, rather than give it some sort of concrete property of colour. Why is this? Is there another way to do this without CSS or is this the preferred method? It seems awfully strange.. ...

Qt: Advice about dynamic UI

I'm trying to make an UI that contains a list of such items: User can change the count of the items, so the UI is dynamic. What are the best components to get user input, like in the picture? Is it multiple QLabels and QLineEdits? What is the best way to manage them? ...

GUI in java, private classes for listener not working

Hello, I am trying to make a GUI in Java, using something along these lines: public class GUIApp { DrawingPanel dp; buttonPanel bp; ova = Oval; public GUIApp() { JFrame win = new JFrame("Drawing App"); dp = new DrawingPanel(); bp = new buttonPanel(this); //Settings for panels and frame ...

Do we need to unit test the GUI when using proper abstraction?

With a good design pattern like MVP, MVC, etc we aim to move all logic out of the GUI. That leaves us with a light weight GUI which ideally just need to "bind" its buttons and fields to properties in some business logic layer. This is a great approach as this layer will be free from GUI stuff, and we can easily write unit tests for it. ...

gui hangs even with thread

Hi, I have a problem with a java gui and opening a document. My problem is the complete gui hangs until the document is open, but I already threaded the action... I have this action listener: this.EditButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { ...

printing selection of JTable

I want to print only selected rows in a JTable. My approach is to make a new TableModel, copy the selected rows there, add the tableModel to a new JTable and then print this new Table. My Problem: It doesnt work as expected, I just see a black line with the height of the rows, if i select lesser rows the line is smaller) but no content. ...

Control positioning & binding

I have been using WinForms since the first framework introduced and invested a lot of time and effort in it. Now I am attempting to move to WPF and, honestly, it's not so easy. Now I have a task, I need to implement a simple wizard, each page of which has a aligned to center group of controls. The group contains a set of buttons, four b...