
In WPF, What is the best way to create toolbar buttons so that the images are properly scaled?

Specifically, I'm looking to use the 16*16 32-bit png images included with the VS2008ImageLibrary. I've tried manually setting the Height and Width attributes of the image, adjusting margins and padding, adjusting Stretch and RenderOptions. My attempts to create toolbar buttons have all led to either Improper Scaling (blurry icons), the ...

GUI in python

Duplicate: Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications I want to create a GUI application in python. Which library is best one ? ...

Cross platform GUI Programming with D

I want to start programming with D. I have a simple application in mind that needs a GUI but I want to make sure it's portable to Linux/Windows/Mac equally well and with minimal (no) change for each platform. wxD is looking like the contender of choice because I know the wx toolkit already. I see fltk4d as a contender and a (unfinishe...

What are good interactive GUI builder packages for Perl?

I'd like to write some interactive GUIs in Perl. I've used TclTk but it looks dated. I've written QT code for C++, but the PerlTk module hasn't had a release in several years. Googling around I see other possible options. What are good packages for this, including basic windowing, menus, drawing canvas, scrollbars, and so on. ...

looking for free c++ cross platform GUI framework

Hello all im looking for cross platform GUI for free for commercial project ( that means i can't give the code ) no GPL and i guess no LGPL what else its leaving me ? wxWidgets ? Thanks ...

Why is my text cropped?

When i try to add a text block to a border element, i only see part of the text. I rotate the text after adding it to the border and that is causing the problem. Increasing the width of the border fixes this issue. But, my border needs to be only 20 units wide. What am i missing here? <Border Name="BranchBorder" ...

how to set JTree "ctrl" selection mode to be always enabled

Hello, I have a JTree that implements multi selection logic. This works great when I do all my selections using the mouse + Ctrl key pressed. If user makes selections with the Ctrl key unpressed it breaks my logic. I can't really see why it breaks but I think that a possible solution is to always indicate the TreeSelectionModel that t...

Changing font values from PT to PX in Flash CS4

Just bought Flash CS4 Pro, and for some reason the font sizing is no default Points not Pixels. I can't see anywhere to change this. Anyone got any ideas? Regards ...

How to design multi-threaded GUI-network application?

I'm working on a small utility application in Python. The networking is gonna send and recieve messages. The GUI is gonna display the messages from the GUI and provide user input for entering messages to be sent. There's also a storage part as I call it, which is gonna get all the network messages and save them in some kind of database...

Automated testing of Windows Forms

We're doing automated acceptance testing of our windows forms apps. We're using Fitnesse to have our business people write the tests, and then writing C# fixtures to carry out the tests. We're currently looking at both UI Automated (using project White) and just running the code itself. I'm curious as to what other people do for this ...

Highlighting labels Windows Forms

Is there any way to make a label on a .NET Windows form to be highlightable to allow for the text to be copied. I have attempted to do this with a text box that was made to look like a label, but this results in a flashing cursor. ...

GUI Error Reporting

I'm using a background worker in order to get data from a database. My problem is that I'm struggling to report any errors in the database activity. I've tried straight up spawning a Dialog (Windows Form that I've created) from the DatabaseUpdater class. However, this hangs and I'm left with a white box instead of the error message. I'v...

Mdi form ensure visible

I am developing a c# .NET app with MDI forms. When the Mdi children are moved around and using the scroll bars some forms will be outside the displayed area. I would like to do to the Mdi children something similar to TreeNode.EnsureVisible() which moves the TreeView scrollbars until the Node is fully visible. Calling Form.Activate() doe...

questions re: current state of GUI programming with Python

I recently did some work modifying a Python gui app that was using wxPython widgets. I've experimented with Python in fits and starts over last six or seven years, but this was the first time I did any work with a gui. I was pretty disappointed at what seems to be the current state of gui programming with Python. I like the Python lan...

How can I best implement a Fade Button Effect in Swing?

I have a JButton which, when pressed, changes background color from active to normal: final Color activeButtonColor = new Color(159, 188, 191); final Color normalButtonColor = new Color(47, 55, 56); I want to fade the active button color back to the normal button color when a specific task has finished executing. I'm using SwingWorke...

Force-directed layout in C++

Are you aware of an open source implementation of force-directed layout in C++ used for GUIs? Preferably BSD/MIT/Apache or other (non-GPL) license. ...

How to make a resizeable rectangle selection tool?

I'm trying to write a very simple photo editor using C# 2008 or QT4. How to make a resizeable rectangle selection tool like the photoshop did? ...

How can I force my WPF main window to have a Vista look on a XP machine?

I'm developing a WPF application and I wonder if it's possible for the main window to have a Vista look. Some applications like MS Live Messenger and Google's Chrome already do that. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

I want to create a GUI to implement a solution to a specific optimization problem.

There are certain nodes which are located at fixed distances from each other. At each of these nodes, there is a certain demand of water (in units of m^3/sec). The nodes are connected by a network of pipes, where the length of the pipe connecting different nodes is fixed, and the flow rates through each pipe segment is calculated backwa...

Silverlight Form Generation

I am working on a typical data entry system in Silverlight. Most of my screens are basically view/edit screens. I am using a DDD approach and have domain objects for everything. A typical scenario is something like a User object with a user edit and entry page. After working on this for a few types of objects, I am seeing a pattern...