
qt design issue

i'm trying to design interface like this one i'm using the QT design and programming with python well on the left it's a treeWidget but what is on the right side ? as everytime i change the cursor on the tree all widgets replace... thanks :p ...

Writing to the command line in a windowed app

I'm trying to get my WinForm based C# to cooperate with the commandline too, but I'm having difficulty getting it to play nice. For example, I have this code: [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string s in args) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(s); Console.WriteLine("Stri...

Display CMD output in my GUI (java)

How might I get the output from a CMD process to display in my GUI? This is the code I'm using to run the process: try { String line; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c \"e:\\folder\\someCommands.cmd\""); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); while (...

Custom scrollbars

Hey everyone, I'm working on making an application with adobe air and I have a div that uses overflow-y. In order for the UI to look nice and sexy, what's the best way to replace the ugly default scrollbar with a creation of my own? Thanks EDIT: Everyone remember that this is on adobe air, not on a browser (I know better than to to me...

Writing a GUI in squeak

How can I write a GIU in Squeak? I'm a Smalltalk newbie and I'm using Cincom's VisualWorks at the moment but I'd like to give Squeak a try. I see that Squeak has Morphic for graphics but for the life of me I can't seem to find a package to write an MVC based GUI. ...

Advanced GUI and database in c#

Do you have any idea how to present all rows from let's say table with the possibility to click on particular row and open that way another window to edit? I've got no idea how to create this. I would like to avoid access like creation by built-in wizards in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Perhaps you know where I can find more informat...

Is there a Python library that allows to build user interfaces without writing much code?

I am writing editing front ends in Python since several years now, and I am fed up with micromanaging every UI detail of a window or dialog every single time. Is there a technology that allows me to, say, specify the relations between a GTK+ Glade-designed interface and the tables and records of an SQLite database to do all the middle m...

SVN admin management GUI tool

any GUI Admin / Management tool for SVN repository on windows? please suggest. thanks in advance ...

I need to represent allocation of 100% of some resource between 3 owners in GUI - any recommendations?

For 2 owners the answer is easy - use a slider with one owner on the left, the other on the right, and slide to control the percentage of each. How do I do it with 3 or more owners? Specifically I'm talking about JAVA Swing-based GUI, but am mainly looking for the design idea. Thanks! ...

Is there a Python library for easily writing zoomable UI's?

My next work is going to be heavily focused on working with data that is best understood when organized on a two-dimensional zoomable plane or canvas, instead of using lists and property forms. The library can be based on OpenGL, GTK+ or Cairo. It should allow me to: build widgets out of vector shapes and text (perhaps even SVG based?...

Trouble Updating Title in JInternalFrame GUI component.

Hello, i am trying to update the title of a JInternalFrame component in my Java Project. The component is an instance of my ImageFrame class which extends JInternalFrame, and in my code I call a setter method in my ImageFrame class which updates the title attribute. I ran a Unit test and know that the attribute is updating properly, bu...

QT GUI internals - widget painting?

I've been using QT for a while now and I've been wondering about something regarding the way the GUI is painted in Windows. Is it really painting all the buttons, edit boxes, combo-boxes, check-boxes, tabs etc' on its own using QPainter or is it somehow using the native widgets? The fact that it can do custom styling and skinning sugg...

Why does a Rich Edit control ignore character formatting on trailing whitespace?

I have a Unicode rich edit control v4 (based on MSFTEDIT.DLL). I'm using WTL, which I don't believe is interfering. The test OS is Vista x64. The application is 32-bit Unicode. All text is added programatically, and the control is read only. The user gets to pick the fonts used for inserted text, and those fonts can vary across the text...

Blackberry UI Programming Resources

I am new with Blackberry programming and Java in general. I do have previous experience with C, C++, VB, and quite a few others. However, this is my first foray into the Java world. I have found lots of information on MIDP classes, but would rather use native RIM API whenever possible, especially for UI elements. Specifically, I am l...

Where can I find a SVN application that will display the whole tree (or branch) graphically as a map

Due to some bad practices regarding branching within a project in work, I am looking for an application that I can point at a subversion server and produce a map that will graphically outline the rats nest that exists. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Liam ...

Regular expression extraction in text editors...

I'm kind of new to programming, so forgive me if this is terribly obvious (which would be welcome news). I do a fair amount of PHP development in my free time using pregmatch and writing most of my expressions using the free (open source?) Regex Tester. However frequently I find myself wanting to simply quickly extract something and th...

GUI concurrency

What is the best way(s) to keep the User from getting confused by this "Race Condition"? This could be a really silly question. One GUI, with a window supporting mouse operations of the objects in that window. Example, the User can move,push etc an object from A -> B. (This will have a impact on a couple of servers so it is a simple op...

How do browsers UI elements available on the mobile phone platform?

I'm designing a website for the high end mobile phones, and I want to know how the different UI elements (e.g. buttons, check boxes, list boxes, textfields, etc) look like on different mobile browsers (eg safari, webkit, IE, etc) on different devices (e.g. Nokia, iPhone, etc). Can you offer some advice how I can get access to these witho...

UI Element Naming

What naming conventions do you use for user interface elements (including dialog boxes)? Controls: I use [Descriptive Name][Control Type] (e.g. OKButton, MainTableLayout) Windows: I use [Descriptive Name]Window (e.g. SearchWindow, CustomerListWindow) Occasionally, I will shorten a control type name if it is still legible ("Grid" inste...

simple cross-platform c++ GUI console -- how to?

I'm writing a game and I'm wound up in needing a console for simple text input; filenames and simple values. Using SDL, my console looks the following at it's simplest: class Console { public: typedef std::list<String> InputList; enum Result { NOTHING = 0, ENTERED, ESCAPED }; static const String& GetInput() { return...