
GUI Pattern Question: PropertyChangeListener vs. Specialized View Interface

I'd like to pair a Model with it's View through an interface. I want to control when and how often the view is updated. So something like PropertyChangeListener wouldn't work well (where an event is fired after each property is set). I'm not developing for a specific GUI framework. The goal here is the ability to swap out different GUI ...

Want a new language beside Java with strength in GUI

I am new to programming. I'm studying Computer Science, and programming is probably going to be a career I'm going to pursue. Next semester we're going to have a large project where we are going to program Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications and we're allowed to pick our own language and platform. I have to say that I'm not so h...

Swing: why wont my custom component repaint?

Item is a simple model class. ItemComponent is a view for an Item which just draws simple rectangles in a given spot. A bunch of ItemComponent instances are put into a parent component that is added to the JFrame of the application (just a simple shell right now). The view has two different display styles. I want to adjust some proper...

Conversion between managed and unmanaged types in C++?

When I use a GUI in C++ the text fields are stored as managed strings, i think. I need a way to convert them to standard ints, floats and strings. Any help? ...

Column selection in ListView (MFC)

I want to select a particular column in a ListView. When I search for it I always find ways to select row-wise only. Any idea how do I do it? Also how do I get the selected column index? Using MFC-VS2005. ...

Table UI C#

I need some GUI that can hold 3 columns of of text (that i would like to be aligned). I'll add and delete rows. What control can i use and how do i add in the 3 items? ...

GUI programming with CSS

Hello! I am going to write a simple layout system for a game GUI. I thought about the various layout systems used in GUI, such as absolute positioning, Java’s layout managers, springs and struts and the like. In the end I found out that I prefer the layout as viewed by CSS – padding, margin, floats, blocks, inlines, etc. Have you ever se...

Help me find the best of WPF

I would like to find what people got the most out of using WPF, in particular: The best and stunning UI examples out there Dark corners that no other UI can implement with ease and style (say MFC or GTK) Professional examples with code Suggestions? Probably the best book on the subject is WPF in Action with Visual Studio 2008 ...

Windows pointer bitmap not being correctly updated

So, I'm writing a text editor, using MDI. I have a frame window, child windows and each child window has a text-area window. Now, my problem is the pointer. It's not setting itself to the correct bitmap. So for example, if I move the pointer to the border, it correctly turns into the left-right drag icon. That's all good and well - ...

How to start a UI thread in C#

Hi, I know I can start a new worker thread from with .NET. But how do I start a new UI thread (like in MFC)? I don't mind if the solution is restricted to Windows boxes only; I also would like the solution to be purely .NET - no p/invokes to CreateThread, etc. Any input appreciated. ...

What's wrong with calling Invoke, regardless of InvokeRequired?

Hi, I've seen the common setup for cross threading access to a GUI control, such as discussed here: All the web hits I found describe a similar thing. However, why do we need to check InvokeRequired? Can't we just cal...

wxPython: Calling an event manually

How can I call a specific event manually from my own code? ...

"Spotlight" like component for Swing?

I am just thinking about ways to improve the user experience for our data entry application and thought about a Mac OS X Spotlight like search bar which allow the user to search for arbitrary terms and pick from a list of choices that match the terms. I imagine something that is capable of showing categories (like contacts, appointments...


I'm on a project where we try to build a GUI replacement for an old application. Before we really implement the functionality we've started prototyping with Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) and GWT (Google widget toolkit, a Rich Internet Application). What is your experience with RIA and RCP GUIs? When does it make sense to use RIA and...

Question about JInternalFrames.

I have a frame that once it's minimized, I'd like to minimize other frames related to it. If the frame is no longer minimized, I want to restore the other frames too. How should I go about doing this? EDIT: nvm, it works. ...

JTextArea with strange behaviour when resizing the JFrame

Hi. I'm using some JTextArea in my Swing application. The surrounded JScrollPane is added to a JPanel using the GridBagLayout manager. // Pseudo Code ---- JTextArea area = new JTextArea(); area.setRows(3); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(area); JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); p.add(sp, new GridBagConstraints( ...

Visual-small size language

I need to develop a simple Windows application with 6 or 7 forms. Its main purpose is to manage files and launch a external program. These are my wishes, in descending importance order Free Be Visual, I mean, the possibility to paint forms and object in the screen. Possibility to carry it in a USB pen-drive. I need a light/small s...

How do I use the wx.lib.docview package?

I'm currently working on a simple wxPython app that's essentially document based. So far I've been manually implementing the usual open/save/undo/redo etc etc stuff. It occurred to me that wxPython must have something to help me out and after a bit of searching revealed the docview package. At this point though I'm just not quite sure...

Delphi Win32: Speed up dynamically created controls (Parent property)

We have a GUI of several frames that build their contents dynamically. Each frame creates panels, labels, edits, comboboxes etc to be used as input fields. This is working very well and we are also planning to let each frame build its content in separate threads. However there is one big problem: it is rather slow! Creating the control...

How to link to a package but only optionaly execute an action based on existence/availability of package at runtime?

From the perspective of a cross application/applet java accessibility service, how would you link to a package but only optionally execute an action based on existence/availability of a package (being already loaded) at runtime? I think what I'm interested in here is a way to resolve the class identity crisis but rather than the issue b...