
Blackberry change color of child fields on horizontal manager focus

i am having array of horizontal manager which consist of editfield,dropdown,label and button,i place all these array of horizontalfield manager in one vertical manager to make a table like grid like strcture.I can make it but i want to do that if we get focus on horizontal manager then all components in the horizontal manager should give...

c# winforms: Getting the screenshot image that has to be behind a control

I have c# windows form which have several controls on it, part of the controls are located one on another. I want a function that will take for input a control from the form and will return the image that has to be behind the control. for ex: if the form has backgroundimage and contains a button on it - if I'll run this function I'll got...

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?

I am using an activity with the dialog theme set, and I want it to be full screen. I tried all sorts of things, even going through the WindowManager to expand the window to full width and height manually, but nothing works. Apparently, a dialog window (or an activity with the dialog theme) will only expand according to its contents, but...

What dpi resolution is used for an iPhone App ?

I am working on a template for an iPhone App and was wondering what dpi resolution is used for it ? 300 or 72 ? I am not sure and I hope somebody can answer me that question. thanks in advance farid ...

Blackberry - background image/animation RIM OS 4.5.0

Please help me, how to set a background image for screen and How to do animations on any-field or on text? Thank You.... ...

When I am trying to align fields vertically, they aren't behaving what I expected?(Blackberry JDE4.5.0 eclipse)

I am using Eclipse & JDE 4.5.0 plug-in. How to align fields vertically. Can we align fields like LEFT_BOTTOM,RIGHT_BOTTOM, LEFT_VCENTER, RIGHT_VCENTER, CENTER(vertically & horizontally), BOTTOM_CENTER, etc...? Please help me.. Thank You... ...

How to change the font color of blackberry label field dynamically?

I have one label field and three buttons with the name of red, yellow, blue. If I click the red button then the label field font color should be change to red; similarly if I click the yellow button then the font color should change to yellow; likewise according to the button color the color of font should change in the label field. Can...

Search component for WPF textbox

I'm looking for a WPF textarea component that would allow the user to search inside it. Something similar to the notepad, but as a reusable component. ...

Datagridview - remove part before the first column..

hi, i was wondering if when using the datagridview control you can remove the thing that looks like a column before the 1st column. I think its used to select rows but not sure what its called. there is an image of what i am talking about here... Thanks! ...

scrollable select consistent accross browsers?

I need to create a dropdown, which can contain 100s of options. I need a scrollbar to appear and be consistent across all browsers. Google came up empty: Is there a good URL that describes if this is consistent or not? Thanks. ...

InkPicture control on scrollable control 'jumps' when clicked?

I tagged this with C# because that's what I'm working with. Might be true in VB, too. Doesn't really matter for me wiht this project, though. Apologies in advance for the wordy-ness. If any one would prefer, I have a small project I mocked up to isolate this very weird behavior. To observe: 1) Create a simple windows form project 2) ...

Eclipse fails to start via an application launcher

Hi everybody. The problem: elcipse-3.5.0 (Galileo) spits with an error when I try to launch it by clicking its launcher. The curse sound like this: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following location...

Excract JPanel into new class in NetBeans

This is similar to this question, except the code is already written. I have JFrame JTabbedPane JPanel X <...> JPanel Y <...> JPanel Z <...> all defined in the same class, but I want to move each panel into its own .java file. I really don't want to manually copy-paste from the underlying .form and .j...

Set Max Width for Frame with ScrolledWindow in wxPython

I created a Frame object and I want to limit the width it can expand to. The only window in the frame is a ScrolledWindow object and that contains all other children. I have a lot of objects arranged with a BoxSizer oriented vertically so the ScrolledWindow object gets pretty tall. There is often a scrollbar to the right so you can scrol...

Java gridlayout with empty cells

I want to show the status of some files in a Java GUI. Each file has a label and a button, the colour of the button represents the status of the file and clicking performs various operations. All this is working, the problem is that they are not showing correctly. I want it to appear as [Label 1] [File 1] [File 2] [Label 2] [Label 3] [F...

WPF: ComboBox without dropdown button

I want a ComboBox which has no dropdown button but can still be opened when I click on the text in the combobox. Is this possible with a WPF combobox? ...

Fixed Panel Height in a SplitContainer

I have a WinForm containing a bindingNavigator at the top and a splitContainer with two horisontal panels below it. The splitContainer fills the space not occupied by the bindingNavigator. I would like to set the bottom panel to a fixed height of, say 100 pixels, and have the top panel fill the rest of the space. This is my current cod...

How do you prevent your application from feature overloading

I'm a single shareware developer and many times i make the mistake of adding too many features into my application. For example different ways to filter and display informations. One of the reasons is that during programming i often see some ways that might be easy to implement and may give some benefit for the user. But often they tur...

java - adjusting jslider looks on windows laf

Hi all, been trying this for a while now and can't seem to get it to work. I wrote a little GUI app that uses the OS's default Look And Feel. While I wrote it on linux, it is mainly intended to be used on Windows. The JSliders under linux are fine by me, but on windows the thumbs(sliders? I don't know the right word) become very narrow,...

WPF: StackPanel item auto-height question

I have a Stackpanel and want that the items automatically set their sizes regarding to their contents but the items should not automatically fill the height of the Stackpanel (But Stackpanel should have auto height according to largest item). I also tried WrapPanel which has the same problem. I want the TextBox "test" be be vertically c...