
Can I insert a test into a qt event window?

I am attempting add some tests to an existing QT GUI application using QTest. The GUI uses quite a bit of complicated start-up code so I'd rather not write another main() to start it again. To me, it seems like the easiest way would be instantiate the app and then run the tests on it. I am just not sure, however what function I could p...

java - why does graphics.drawString() not redraw?

Hi all, this is beyond me (be forgiving, it's late). I'm subclassing a WindowsSliderUI, because I want it to draw a bigger thumb (is that the right word?)(that's working) and also display the value of the slider just above it (like, for example, gtk look and feel does)(that's broken). I'm overriding the paint() method, and at the moment...

GetDesktopWindow alternative when running as service

Hi, I am trying to test my WinForm app as part of the build (which runs as a service). I am using GetDesktopWindow and EnumChildWindows to find the controls I am interested in. This works perfectly when I run it in interactive session from the console, debugger, etc. but fails to find any control when run as part of the build. What can I...

How to decide GUI Framework for desktop application project

I am working on a new small utility desktop application but I am not really able to choose the GUI framework to use. I have worked on both JAVA,C# and C++, so language is not really a constraint. My criteria are:- A very well designed architecture, something like QT. It's better if it follows typical C++ design methodologies. Layout ma...

Java: testing thread access to "not thread-safe" methods.

My strategy for threading issues in a Swing Java app is to divide methods in three types: methods that should be accessed by the GUI thread. These methods should never block and may call swing methods. Not thread-safe. methods that should be accessed by non-GUI threads. Basically this goes for all (potentially) blocking operations suc...

How can I ensure that a dynamically created Form will be a child window in the process tree of windows?

Hi, I am still trying to test my WinForm application, however some of the testing tools don't work because the custom dialog forms I dynamically create are not child windows in the window tree (in Win32 api sense). I am using Spy++ to browse and search for windows. If I use the Finder Tool on these forms, some of them are found as direc...

GUI for history recorded by Envers

Some time ago we began to record all changes of our EJB3 entities with the help of Envers framework. And now the question is - what GUI can we suggest to users to view this history. The main requirements are: rather easy to implement (cause viewing history is not a service with very high priority) easy for users enough that they will...

Cancel scrolling in Layout Manager

Hi, I can't find solution for the following problem. I have custom list field, which overlaps the boundaries of its layout manager. List field consumes navigation events from manager to highlight currently selected row with special color. Layout manager is configured to support scrolling. When I scroll trackwheel down, layout manager in...

Qt-GUI with several "pages", how to synchronize the size of several QWidgets

I am currently writing a wizard-style application using Qt4. I am not using the wizard class however, since going next/back does not make sense from every step in the process. The user starts off at a "hub"-window with five buttons, each of which take him to another window at a different stage of the process. At the beginning all but th...

Download link to exact terminal icon?

Hey guys, Does anyone link to download the exact terminal icon from terminal? Thanks, Kevin ...

Qt doesn't find QStackedWidgets' slot setCurrentWidget

I am writing a wizard-style application in Qt that uses a QStackedWidget to organize the individual pages of the wizard. Now I want to switch between the pages, which should be possible using the function setCurrentWidget(...): I have a simple main class that instantiates a QWidget audioconfig. Then, it adds this QWidget to a QStackedWi...

java wait for dialog to be closed

Hi, i have a small program where an element is draged and dropped, when the drop is performed i open a dialog (extends Jframe) where some text should be entered. The Problem is, that i want to wait for this dialog to be closed (actually the ok button to be pressed so i can read out the data from the textfield), than analyse what the us...

WPF: Embedding TextBoxes in TextBox

Is is possible to embedd a TextBox in another TextBox. It does not have to be a TextBox, any editable text-component will suffice. I tried it with TextBox and got compiler errors. Reasoning: I want to create some kind of source code editor. I want that string literals in my source code are allowed to contain all kinds of special charact...

IllegalArgumentException when setting Image in Jigloo

I am trying to make GUIs in SWT using Jigloo and when I want to set images to Labels or Buttons, I can see them in the preview pane. However, when i compile and run it, it throws SWTResourceManager.getImage: Error getting image img/game/front/test.png, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null The code it generates l...

Is there a portable OpenGL UI Library (Buttons, Lists, Windows, Dropdown etc)?

I'm searching for a OpenGL User Interface Library like WxWidgets but not OS dependent. It would have to provide callbacks for user input since this is OS dependent. If something like this doesn't yet exist (which I doubt because most games have most of the Basic UI Elements) is there a OpenGL HTML/CSS renderer? ...

Free or affordable MacOSX Style Icons

I would need about two dozens of MacOSX style Toolbar Buttons for mostly typical stuff. I don't need exclusive rights on the icons, so i would like to purchase an icon set. There are hunderts of icons sets available for free and purchase for Windows Style. But i haven't seen any for MacOSX now. Thats strange. I know about a few icon s...

TabControl transparent background

I'd like to know if there's some way to render the background of a TabControl transparent (the TabControl, not the TabPages), instead of taking the parent form background color. I've some forms with custom painting where I draw a gradient as the background but this gradient doesn't paint behind the tabcontrols. I tried setting TabControl...

Books for GUI framework creation

Could you please recommend some books I would need to read in order to learn how to build a custom GUI widgets? Or better yet, how to build a GUI framework? Any programming language will do, I wanna learn the concept behind this. ...

Java's setPreferredSize won't resize JPanel

Hi all, I am struggling ( ! ) with java GUI development. All these small things that make obvious sense just don't work. I'll explain what I am trying to do and where I am failing (this is quite frustrating): I've got this graphics2d object which resides inside a panel. Now this graphics draws an image, it can go on and draw forever. t...

Handling gui with different threads

I'm new in qt and c++, and I have a problem with threads. For example, if I have a gui with two QPushButton and one QTextEdit, is it possible to set values to the QTextEdit from a thread (different from the gui main thread) without freezing the gui? // These are the values that I want to set from the thread for(i=0;i<100;i++){ ...