
Designing UserInterface for LOB App in Silverlight

Hi, I'd like to know what's now modern and trendy at designing user interface in business apps? My old Windows apps used modal windows very often. For instance there's a list/datagrid of invoices. User wants to add a new invoice, then empty invoice form modal window popups, then user can select an existing customer in another modal form...

WinForms: How do I make a collapsible UI region on the form, like Visual Studio's toolbox?

I want to add a collapse/expand capability to a Windows Form. Is this built into the splitter control? Is there a tutorial for this UI technique? The immediate project I'm thinking of is a simple UI, Windows Forms. It has 3 panels, one oriented at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. I want to be able to collapse the ...

WinForms: Make a collapse/expand image button

This is a followup to this SO question: How do I make a collapsible UI region on the form? I'm making a winforms app with a region (panel) that is expandable or collapsible. I used the expand/collapse bitmaps from the VS2008 Image library, for the buttons. I put those two into an ImageList. I wanted the button to have no border...

Sticky button in GWT

hi, can i create a button in gwt that onClick stays pressed and if it looks pressed onClick releases it? and the button has a different styles in each state? any idea? ...

How to dock CPaneDialog to MainFrm and.. ?

Hello, I have problem with CPaneDialog. I tested with SetPaneSize MFC feature pack sample projects. What is weird is that CPaneDialog can't be docked to MainFrm while CDockablePane can be. The CPaneDialog is also a child class of the CDockablePane, but it can't be. Only DockToWindow( &other_CPaneDialog_instance... ) is possible. If I ca...

BlackBerry - Creating custom Date Field

i want to create a field that looks like this ....can any one tell me how this could be done which field could i use where in i can select values by using the trackball/wheel or in case of storm i could slide... ...

What language should I learn to create command line scripts and GUIs?

I am a "self taught" PHP programmer. So I've never taken any Computer Science classes. I've been doing more things via the command line lately and I'd really like to automate this a little more. The problem is, I don't even know where to start. I know PHP. I can create web applications. I know how to do stuff on the command line. But I ...

An iphone picker that rotates left-right?

I've only seen it in a VERY few iPhone apps... but it looks like a picker that rotates left/right (instead of top/bottom). They usually put it on 1 line of a tableView... to allow the user to quickly pick between a small number of choices (like 3-10). How is that coded? ...

Guideline for GUI design with dozens of fields in Web Application

I am looking for suggestion and guideline for Web GUI design. The requirement from the business needs dozens of field for reading and for data entry on the same screen. In our previous design of our apps, we tried to - use almost every pixel of space [1] - keep fields logical, related fields close together - prevent scrolling - NO ...

stack overflow in swing at processKeyEvent

Hi, I'm battling an error I don't quite understand. I have a class in Java, let's call it DownloadTable derived from a JDTable. Each of these classes implement KeyListener. I'd like the base class JDTable to handle some keystrokes, so I put this.AddListener(this) in its constructor and create a key handler public void keyPressed(K...

How should I arrange my projects/classes in .NET to avoid circular dependecies.

My program is attempting to draw grammars in C# & WPF. I have: 1 DataStructure project which describes a tree structure of how it should be visualised. Each node in the tree relates to a symbol in the grammar. Nodes at the top define the rule for that nonterminal symbol. 1 Drawer project which describes the user controls in WPF. I nee...

how can I delete data from my GUI table??

I have this frame and I want to delete its table data and then enter some data. But I have this exception why? Please help me. my BirthList frame: public class BirthList extends javax.swing.JFrame { private Admin admin; List<Birth> list; /** Creates new form BirthList */ public BirthList(Admin admin) { initComponents(); thi...

i need calculator buttons to be able to work.

hi. i'm making a calculator and need to get my buttons to work but i don't know what to do. i have 2 ways of inserting numbers. 1) physically write the number in the field 2) push a button and the corresponding number should appear in the field. i don't need the +-*/ and only 1 input is needed. when = is clicked my formula (number -1 ...

validating correct answer with loops in python

Sorry for the non descriptive question I had no idea how to word it. I'm trying to write a program (GUI) where I ask the users questions and then in return they answer and see if they are correct however when I enter the correct answer it's still showing as being incorrect. My code looks something like this. prompt for question 1 txt...

Combining graphics with a user interface in Java

Hey guys I've got a nice text based java program that I'd like to add a GUI to. I have dabbled with Netbeans and shouldn't have too much of a problem getting the components in place. However, the program will have to dynamically update images within the interface window, and I'm not sure what the best way to go about doing it is. Ar...

UI Development vs Server Side Development

I have recently been given the opportunity to move from large scale server development to UI development (applications on handheld devices etc) and am trying to find the pros and cons of each world before making a final decision. The general impression I get is that server development allows for a wider range of languages and technologi...

[WPF] The "visible area" of a control ?

Hi, I have a Canvas within a ScrollViewer. The Canvas have a size of 600x600 and the ScrollViewer 400x400. If i scroll to the right side, i can't see 200pxl left side of the Canvas. Therefore my area of Canvas begins at x=200 but actually the visible area at x=0. Is there any way to get so "visile area" of a control by a property or some...

Creating the Phone App's in-call view in iPhone

Hello guys, I'm trying to create this sort of "pop up action sheet" view similar to the in-call view in iPhone's phone app. I believe this is a custom view, since I can't seem to find this in any apple references. But somehow the Google app and Discover app both have this view and look awfully similar (I've attached the images below). ...

Android: How to programatically set dialog size?

I want do set size (in px) of dialog based on screen resolution, so I have to set dialog size programatically during runtime. Dialog layout is defined in xml with all standard views, so it would be nice to have better way to set dialog size than override-in top view's onMeasure(...). Thanx (Android 1.5 SDK) ...

Android - Activity that does not fill the parent screen

Any idea why this doesn't create an activity that looks like a popup instead of an activity that completely fills the screen? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="300dip" ...