
How to use imported css styles in GWT correctly

Imagine you created the following simple widget with UiBinder: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt; <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <ui:style type="my.package.Widget1.Widget1Style"> .childWidgetStyle { ...

unexplained spacing in horizontal panel in GWT

hi, i am adding widgets to a horizontal panel, and i want them to be all once next to the other on the left corner. even though i have set the spacing=0 and alignment= left the widgets still have space between them. they are spread evenly in the panel. please see the code here for the widget C'tor and the function that adds a new tab ...

jquery ready not waiting for plugins to finish loading

The following gwt jsni method code only "works" when I have firebug open, I presume because its slowing down the page rendering long enough for the external js files to finish loading. What am I doing wrong that its not waiting for the jquery plugin to finish loading before attempting to execute? private native void makeHtml(Element ...

favicon for my GWT webapp is not showing

I add a favicon.ico under my war directory but it is not showing up when the app is running in Development mode. Why? When I run the Mail sample app in Development mode, its favicon is shown correctly in Firefox. Info: I'm using GWT version 2.0 in Eclipse galileo ...

WAR files and Subversion

Hi How should I handle WAR files (using GWT) along with Subversion in Eclipse? The problem atm. is when adding the war folder to SVN, it includes all the compiled code, which I don't have a option to filter out, making svn checkouts long and pointless. I don't want my compiled class files on my subversion server, and I don't want svn ...

Make Java GWT Web project installer?

I developed a GWT Web Project but I also want to distribute this product as installer to my customers. I needs some programs that make web installer. This installer will be exe. And when the user clicks this exe, it will install tomcat, run tomcat and deploy project war file. Have you any suggestions ? ...

What Files to Deploy to Tomcat?

What files do I need to have to deploy a GWT web app to Tomcat, preferably in a War? Can't quite distinguish if Build.xml is actually needed when there is already a 'war' folder when you create a new app via the wizard in Eclipse. Can someone advise? ...

Skipping GWT compilation in Intellij-Idea 9

It seems to me that since GWT 2.0's development mode runs until your project is complete there is essentially no technical reason to run the actual Java->Javascript portion of the compiler when developing. Unfortunately in Idea 9 before your application server starts up the GWT compiler runs and the output is bundled into your .war. Th...

GWT Alternate Button to FileUpload

Hello, Im writing some java code and im hitting a wall, with FileUpload, i am trying to get a alternate button to activate the filebrowser from the FileUpload. I tried to dispatch the event from one to another, tried to extend FileUpload to have a button that triggers some action but no luck. Fileupload upload = new FileUpload(); Butt...

GWT test with external server

Hello, I have a server-code that's written in Python, and I have a client-code that's written with GWT. Now I want to run automation testing on the GWT against the data from the Python server. From what I searched, people recommends using the Selenium, but I prefer to have a GWT-test that has more visibility into the client-code. That ...

Eclipse Output Folders

Hi With following structure, how can I make Eclipse build the WAR file correctly? I need following folders to go into following output folders: mail/src into mail/war/WEB-INF/classes mail/www into mail/war/ I have tried setting the Output folders in Eclipse, but that doesn't result in anything but Eclipse magically deleting all WEB-...

Using Vaadin widgets in a GWT application

Is it possible to use widgets from the Vaadin-framework from within a GWT application? I know it works the other way round, which is also documented in the Vaadin docs. But I didn't find a descrption for integrating Vaadin widgets in an ordinary GWT application. ...

GWT with type overlay for twitter search results

Hello, I am trying to adapt the GWT tutorial for making requests for json data on another site to grab search results from twitter ( I cannot figure out how to adapt the overlay type however to fit the twitter results which come as: {"results":[ {"text":"@twitterapi ht...

Hide GWT output folders in Eclipse

Hi How can I hide the output folders (/war/com.projname.EntryPoint/) in the /war/ folder in Eclipse's Package Explorer? I've tried setting the folders to 'Derived' but it doesn't chage a thing. ...

Extending GWT's Widget Class

I'm making a new class called 'Cell' which extends the GWT Widget class. The purpose of this class is to be a cell in a spreadsheet -- it therefore must be able to switch between being a GWT Label object and a GWT TextBox object. The only way that I can think of doing this is by making Cell extend Widget and include a private Widget cal...

Accessing an custom class from a JDO Class.

Right, I don't know if I'm barking entirely up the wrong tree here - I'm finding JDO and the Google AppEngine a bit tricky to get the hang of. Anyway, here goes. I have a class that contains another class as one of it's internal variables (see player1) @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION) public class JDOGa...

GWT with -noserver

I'm making a GWT project that uses PHP to connect to a DB2 database. When I compile the project and deploy it to the server (copy the contents of the WAR directory over), it works fine, obviously in hosted mode I run into the SOP issue since GWT is on port 8888 while the php script is running on port 80. I'm trying to get the -noserver ...

Selenium Testing of GWT 2.0

How can I make a selenium click() work the same as a manual mouse click? I have recently upgraded GWT from 1.7.1 to 2.0. Some selenium tests (SeleniumRC v1.0.1, IE7) are now failing. It seems that the method is not selecting a GWT TreeItem. A manual click will make the TreeItem go blue (ie. look selected and have "gwt-T...

GWT : How to Read Hidden Box value??

I Have a hidden box in my HTML. How I can get it value in my GWT when onModuleLoad?? the hidden box will content a value pass from another page. Now I can see the hidden box content the value but I fail to get the value in my GWT onModuleLoad. HTML page: [code] <% String sSessionID=request.getParameter("NA_SessionID"); if(sSessionID==...

GWT app and Hibernate under Eclipse

Hello I have a GWT app created by GWT wizard under Eclipse. I also created a separate project (called Model) in the workspace where I put Hibernate classes and mapping hbm.xml files. Now I'd like to properly reference this project from my GWT project so that Hibernate configuration can successfuully load classes and mapping files from G...