
Modify Servlet parameters

Hi guys, I've a GWT Servlet running in a Tomcat 6.0 server. This server acts as a proxy to another service. This final service may be running in different IPs and/or ports in my network. How can I configure my GWT Servlet to connect to any of my services without manually modifying the web.xml file? I'm initializing my servlet with: ...

How do I start GWT devmode on a particular port from the console?

So, within the directory containing my GWT application, I can type in the console ant devmode And it will start up my GWT application as per usual. So far so good. However, what if wish to specify the port as a dynamic argument when starting devmode. Something conceptually like: ant devmode port=8821 Or am I supposed to pas...

How can I capture a component's render event in Google Web Toolkit?

I'm building an application using EXT for GWT (i.e. GXT). In GXT, every component that can be added to a page has an associated Render event that can be captured and handled. Due to some limitations I need to step down to pure GWT for a small portion of my application. Specifically, I want to modify the RichTextArea widget by adding s...

How can I internationalize a GWT UIBinder page with Messages?

Hi, I am trying to internationalize a UIBinder application with property files. Since we have already a lot of translations exposed by the interface (GWT 1.7.1), we would like to reuse these messages. I have tried the following: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&g...

persistence.xml ignores Hibernate and chooses DataNucleus

Hi, I'm toying around with GWT (dunno if this matters) and Hibernate. I've created a a file persistence.xml in META-INF with (amoung) other configuration the line: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence But when I startup the EntityManager it chooses DataNucleus instead of Hibernate (which later fails because it isnt installed (jar are ...

GWT default style IE font size

Hello, I am using standard GWT (2.0.1) to make an internet app and i have this wierd issue with huge fonts (edit: well, larger than normal) with the default style in IE 7 & 8, while FF, Chrome and Safari are displaying fonts correctly. At first i thought it must be on error on my side (i use UiBinder with some custom css) but then I not...

Talking Among GWT Panels using UIBinder Layout

New to GWT here... I'm using the UIBinder approach to layout an app, somewhat in the style of the GWT Mail sample. The app starts with a DockLayoutPanel added to RootLayoutPanel within the onModuleLoad() method. The DockLayoutPanel has a static North and a static South, using a custom center widget defined like: public class BigLayou...

Can I guarantee typing on an argument's class AND interface?

I am using the GWT library. There is a base class called Widget that all Widgets inherit from. Some Widgets implement certain interfaces (for example HasText), others do not. Sometimes I wish to guarantee that something being passed as an argument to a function is of a certain class AND implements a certain interface. For example, I wi...

GWT Application up grade from 1.4 to 2.0

I have an Application written in GWT 1.4.6 Is it feasible to up grade it to GWT 2.0? Where can i found the older versions of GWT i.e. 1.5, 1.6. Do i need to up grade version by version or can i straight away up grade to 2.0?? ...

GWT need to know how to connect to.. or go from one page to another

hi, im new to GWT ive been working on it since recently.. i want to know how can i go from "entry point page" ie, ive been suggested to create the memory by calling constructor on a perticular button Button button = new Button("New button"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent...

Pretty URLs in Google App Engine

I want to pass a parameter 'A1B2C3' to a GWT application based on Google App Engine. I do it like Although it's working, I'd like to use pretty URLs. Is it possible to do URL rewriting on Google App Engine? I couldn't find out how. instead of

Creating a search application on Eclipse with GWT and Protege

Hi everyone I would like to create a search application connected to a RDF/OWL database on Eclipse. I would like to use the Google Widget Toolkit plugin for the front end and the Protege plugin for the database side. Do I need some other "essential" tool for creating this application? Thanks in advance ...

GWT / Java - somewhat basic UI question on sample code

Hi, I was looking through the sample gwt code provided with gwt, and in hacking around with it - i had two questions re. things that we'nt particularly clear to me (code posted below - slightly long: sorry) 1) The popup dialog box doesnt seem to be set to be 'hidden' at first, and even though its been assembled, it doesnt actually show...

How to share stylesheet types across GWT widgets

Hi I'm attempting to create a composite widget, which will show a 'list' of child widgets, but I'm having some trouble getting css to work in this setting. Have constructed a simple demo, to try and figure out a solution. Have tried to specify the parent widget like this <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='' xmlns:g...

GWT: animation and CSS style problem.

Hi! I have a simple animation on group of images, made with GWT 2.0. Images is situated on AbsolutePanel. Animation always goes on one axis (x or y). When the panel has no style, added by addStyleName(...), animation is fine. But if i set the style, wich contains "border: ... ;", animation become on both axis synchronously! How can i fix...

Best GWT blogs?

Aside from the official GWT blog, which GWT blogs do you read? ...

Error in GWT(web application project)?

i created one web application project.I try to run the project but it shows the following output.How to solve this? There is a new version of the SDK available. Latest SDK: Release: 1.3.1 Timestamp: Tue Feb 09 04:30:41 IST 2010 API versions: [1.0] Your SDK: Release: 1.3.0 Timestamp: Tue Dec 15 00:17:37 IST 2009 API versions: [1.0]...

How do I keep a Label, Button, or TextArea as a single line?

Lets say I have a Label, Button, or TextArea object, that contains some amount of text. The way that things work by default is that text put in these objects will automatically word wrap around to the next line. Is there a way to disable this? I am aware that the CSS attribute overflow : hidden ; will stop the scrollbar from showing ...

How do I get the total horizontal width in characters of a Label, Button, TextArea, or TextBox?

The Label, Button, TextArea, and TextBox (abbreviated LBTT from now on) are capable of displaying strings of text. Is there any way to look at a already sized LBTT object, and determine the number of characters that might fit per line of the given object. For instance, let us say that I have a textArea that is fixed in its width. Is the...

GWT carousel widget

Hello, I'm currently working on a GWT project, in which I need to use a "carousel" widget. The carousel widget is supposed to display pieces of information and 2 arrows - when the user clicks on one of the arrow, the content is moved with an animation and replaced with new content. I've been looking through the available widget libs,...