
GWT MouseOut event on a Composite

I have: created a Composite, initWidget-ed with an AbsolutePanel added some Widgets to the Composite in the Composite constructor attached a MouseOut handler What I wanted to reach is detecting when the mouse is out of the Composite (or AbsolutePanel), but the MouseOut handler is fired whenever the mouse is out of any wideget in th...

In GWT I'd like to load the main page on and a dynamic page on - I just can't make it work.

Hi, I have a question for which I'm sure there must a simple solution. I'm writing a small GWT application where I want to achieve this: : should serve the welcome page : should serve page xyz, where xyz is just a key for an item in a database. If there is an item associated with key xyz, I'll load...

Web application development - options

I am working a resonably sized java project that needs some sort of web based admin. Just so we can remotely fire up the initializtion class, change some of the variables etc and have a a generally pretty(ish) front end. I've come across the google web framework, which looks like an option and it seems JSP is another. I like the fact t...

How to include a UI binder widget into another UI binder widget

Hello, I am trying to include a UI binder widget into another one: I am building a form with UI binder and would like to include a fancy button done also with UI binder. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you! ...

Good replacement of GWT for

I know Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google Wave and Google AdWords. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It can be integrated in java based web applica...

How do I encode/decode short strings as Base64 using GWT?

I need to encode a short String as base 64 in GWT and decode the base 64 string on the server. Anyone have utility class or library for this? ...

Moveable Panels in GWT?

I need some panels in GWT that have moveable functionality. This is so that if you have a series of event-driven panels that have to be displayed on screen, they aren't all directly on top of each other. This can cause problems when you want to compare two different panels or want to close panels in your own order. I'm currently using P...

How to organize GWT project with multiple modules and shared server?

I have three GWT modules that will have some code in common - typically domain classes - and also share the same server instance. My first thought was to organize it like this: app1/client/ app2/client/ app3/client/ server/ shared/ The modules would then have in their descriptors: <source path = "client"/> <source ...

Running a GWT application (including Applets) inside an IFRAME from an ASP.NET 3.5 app?

We are looking at integrating a full-blown GWT (Google Web Toolkit 2.0) application with an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application. My first gut reaction is that this is a horrible frankenstein idea. However, the customer has insisted that we use this application developed by a third-party. I have almost NO CONTROL over the development of t...

Keeping iPhone application in sync with GWT application.

Hi, I'm working on an iPhone application that should work in offline and online modes. In it's online mode it's supposed to feed all the information the user enters to a webservice backed by GWT/GAE. In it's offline mode it's supposed to store the information locally, and when connection is available sync it up to the web service. Curre...

How to catch key-pressed event with UIBinder

Hello, In GWT + UiBinder you can catch clicks like this: @UiHandler("cancelButton") void onCancelButtonClicked(ClickEvent e) { // cancel code goes here; } Is there an equivalent for key pressed? For example if the user presses the ESC key then we cancel an action. Thank you so much. ...

How do I make Eclipse automatically include jars I place in my WEB-INF/lib folder into my project?

When I was doing JSP/Servlet programming, whenever I dropped 3rd party libraries into the WEB-INF/lib folder, they were automatically included in the project classpath. In GWT, this is not the case. Anyone know why? I loved how easy this was in JSP and I'd like these jars to be included automatically the same way. ...

How to reload web page in GWT

How to reload the web page in GWT? I want to reload the page after a user logged in the system and then it will show the personal status on top of the page. Any idea how? Thanks a lot. ...

Java: Static string array on server side class

I want to keep a static string array to save variables passed from the client when it calls the server, and then to be able to access them from the client with a getter. for some reason i can only get very basic type (int instead of Integer for instance) to work, everything else throws a null pointer exception. here is a code snippet. ...

Trying to get UIBinder to give me a span not a div

Hello there, I am building a widget with UiBinder and I need to have it enclosed in a span but UiBinder only gives me divs. E.g. HTMLPanel => div, HorizonPanel, FlowPanel, VerticalPanel all divs... Does any one know a solution? Thanks! Daniel ...

how to Use GWT RPC in env with separated server: static content server and dynamic content server

Try to use GWT RPC in our application. Our application serve static content and dynamic content with different base url. for example, url to foo.jsp may have http//localhost/context/foo.jsp served by websphere, for img/js inside that jsp, we will have url like http//localhost/uistatic/foo.js, served by iis, and GWT generated code wi...

linking gwt combobox with database

I created a gwt app with a gxt combobox. I have it where it pulls data (a list of names apprx 5000) from the database places it in an array which in turns places it in a store. That is then placed in the combobox using set store, so when a user starts typing in the combo it searches through the store for the name. My question: is this t...

(nested?) anonymous inner classes for buttons

I've used an anon inner class to get a button obj: Button modButton = new Button("Modify"); modButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { //TODO: link to a pop-up, and do a refresh on exit } }); I want to use this in an arbitrarily sized GWT FlexTable (which is bas...

Scaling an Image in GWT

Changing the size of an Image Widget in GWT changes the size of the image element, but does not rescale the image on the screen. Therefore, the following will not work: Image image = new Image(myImageResource); image.setHeight(newHeight); image.setWidth(newWidth); image.setPixelSize(newWidth, newHeight); This is because GWT implement...

GWT RequestBuilder - Changin URLs

Hi ! I'm using GWT to dynamically load html snippets from php script. I define the snippet i want the php script to return in the url (test.php?snippet=1). Now in GWT i have a function "getSnippet(int snippet id)" that uses a RequestBuilder to retrieve the snippet. It works perfectly fine, but it bothers me that i have to create a new R...