
Using GZIP with html pages served from Amazon S3

Does anyone know of any problems serving gzipped HTML pages using Amazon S3. I have the need to minimize the file size of our HTML files (ie serving up compressed HTML, CSS and javascript files) - but am concerned that either: Amazon S3 does not serve up gzipped files correctly to the browser that requests it. Or, Some browsers have tr...

Enable gzip compression in a Grok - Zope - PasteScript environment

Hello everyone! I am trying to make my server send gzipped data. I have a grok application that runs over Paste (Paste-1.7.2-py2.4.egg) I have been trying to google how to make all that environment to serve data in gzip... But without success... I think the answer comes in http://pythonpaste.org/modules/gzipper.html but if I do this: ...

If we do not support IE6, does it make sense to gzip Javascript files for IE?

I am using the Django GZip middleware (django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware) to compress content if the browser allows compression. If the browser is Internet Explorer (MSIE) and the content is a Javascript file, then the middleware does not gzip the content. My understanding is that the middleware avoids compressing in this case beca...

How to read a char[] object into a tango.io.compress.ZlibStream?

I have a D program with Tango and I'm trying to uncompress a gzipped string. unfortunately I don't have A stream to it, but the compressed data is stored in a char[]. how can I uncompress it using tangos tango.io.compress.ZlibStream? I need another char[] with the uncompressed data. I've been trying this for hours now. I'm not very fami...

I'm attempting to force gzip compression on a page using GZipStream but the browser says I'm using unsupported compression

I'm tring to implement what Steve Souders discusses http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2010/07/12/velocity-forcing-gzip-compression/ about forcing gzip compression I've got a module that's running this: void context_PreSendRequestHeaders(object sender, EventArgs e) { var app = sender as HttpApplication; var request = app.Request...

How do I track the download progress of gzip encoded web content?

I'm writting an iPhone client that downloads stuff from the net. Since the cellular network is not so fast, and files might be big, I wanted to improve upon the activity spinner with a progress bar. So far so good, I'm using NSURLConnection and checking the Content-Length header to see how many bytes I will download. Then, in the didRec...

How to defeat gzip (or other lossless compression)

By pigeonhole principle, every lossless compression algorithm can be "defeated", i.e. for some inputs it produces outputs which are longer than the input. Is it possible to explicitly construct a file which, when fed to e.g. gzip or other lossless compression program, will lead to (much) larger output? (or, betters still, a file which in...

How can I compress a wide character stream using boost::iostreams?

Hello everyone, I'm working with some code which writes to a wostream. I'd like take its output and write it to a gzip'ed file. This seemed like a good job for boost::iostreams. However, my attempts so far at this haven't been successful. (in all the below, assume using namespace boost::iostreams and that I have some function void my_...

visualization of compressed (deflated, gzipped) content structures

I have some ideas I would like to experiment with relating to data compression, but am finding it difficult to decipher some parts of how the standard are applied "in real life". I would like to look at some sample compressed files to observe how the the blocks are arranged and the huffman tree(s) are structured. Are there any tools in...

How do I parse the gzip file header from a gzip stream in C#?

I am forced to use an older version of the SharpZipLib and the standard Microsoft libraries to perform this. I have a gziped file whose name is different than the filename inside the archive. I need to parse the gzip file header to return the original filename. Here is documentation on the gzip website: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip...

boost gzip reading files with trailing garbage

Hey, I'm using boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor with boost::iostreams::filterimg_streambuf to read gzip files. some of my files have what zcat calls trailing trash % zcat somefile data data data gzip: somefile: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored What I want is for boost gzip to behave the same way. When trying to decom...

Given a decompressed gzip file, is there any way to recreate the exact original gzip file?

Given a gzip file Z, if I decompress it to Z', is there any way I can recompress it to get the exact same gzip file Z back? After a cursory reading of the DEFLATE format, I am guessing no, as any given file may have multiple representations in DEFLATE stream format, and there is no way to determine which one was originally used. Can anyb...

IIS6 GZIP root directories that load a URL not compressing?

Hello, I just enabled GZIP for IIS6 with these instructions: http://weblogs.asp.net/owscott/archive/2004/01/12/57916.aspx According to the Google Chrome Developer Tools Audit, it's working for CFM, HTML, HTM, JS, CSS but it's not working when the site points to: /projects/ --- This is what shows in the browser In actuality it loads: /...

Send GZipOutputStream XML using Blackberry to RoR web server

Hi, I tried to post data from Blackberry device using GZipOutputStream, on the server we use Ruby on Rails to capture the request. Somehow the request contain unknown characters, it looks like this : Parameters: {"format"=>"xml", "action"=>"inspections", "\030\031\000��bbrequest"=>"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n<rqsCreateInspection><verA...

What could lead to the creation of false EOF in a GZip compressed data stream.

We are streaming data between a server (written in .Net running on Windows) to a client (written in Java running on Ubuntu) in batches. The data is in XML format. Occasionally the Java client throws an unexpected EOF while trying decompress the stream. The message content always varies and is user driven. The response from the client is ...

How to enable gzip for images in iis7?

Hello. I set dynamic compression and static compression on in iis7 manager. So html,css,js content is compressed ok and i see in headers Content-Encoding:gzip, but not with image formats: jpeg, gif and even bmp. ...

Decoding gzip (using PHP sockets)

Ok, so there is this PHP implementation of Last.FM API some guy wrote and I'm using it for a small project of mine. His implementation doesn't request gzipped data from Last.FM servers so I decided to modify his implementation to work with gzip to reduce bandwidth. I have no problem in requesting gzipped data, that works just fine and al...

Extract 1 file from tar.gz with bash

Is it possible to programmatically pull a single file from a decently sized .tar.gz without extracting the entire tarball to disk? Essentially I need to get inside large tar.gz files over the network and extract 1 small text file. It seems somewhat over-the-top to pull and extract the tarball to disk, then pull the file out, then delete...

Why does gzip/deflate compressing a small file result in many trailing zeroes?

I'm using the following code to compress a small (~4kB) HTML file in C#. byte[] fileBuffer = ReadFully(inFile, ResponsePacket.maxResponsePayloadLength); // Read the entire requested HTML file into a memory buffer inFile.Close(); // Close the requested HTML file byte[] payl...

FTPWebRequest: trouble downloading GZipped files

I'm downloading xml files that are compressed using GZip using System.NET.FtpWebRequest. The files I receive are about twice the size as the files on the server and System.IO.Compression.GZipStream does not like them. It returns the following error message: System.IO.InvalidDataException : The magic number in GZip header is not correc...