
Gzip compression not working over HTTPS

I have enabled gzip compression for my website via the following in my .htaccess: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-...

Way to gzip files like CSS, Javascript once and save them for serving to client instead of processing and gzipping every time a request is made

I believe this would be a more CPU friendly method, can it be implemented with php ?, instead of gzipping content for every request, I compress the files once and serve those instead =). ...

How to determine WCF message size at the encoder level

I am building a custom encoder that compresses WCF responses. It is based on the Gzip encoder in Microsoft's WCF samples and this blog post: http://frenk.wordpress.com/2009/12/04/gzip-compression-wcfsilverlight/ I've got it all working, but now I would like to apply the compression only if the reply is beyond a certain size, but I am...

Extract xml data from gzip file using apache tika?

I am working a project in which i need to extract xml(sitemap)data from gz file using apache tika[AM NEW TO TIKA]. the fie name is something like sitemap01.xml.gz I could extract data from normal text file or html,but i don't know how to extract xml from gz and extract the meta and data from xml... I searched Google for past two days. D...

Cannot gzip excluded sitemesh pages

In a servelt application, I've added a Gzip filter (/*, REQUEST) and config it be the first in the filter chain. It works fine with Sitemesh's filter (/*, REQUEST, FORWARD) except that when the request is excluded as specified in deocorators.xml (e.g. for ajax request), the gzip filter throws an illegal state. The gzip filter comes from...

Silverlight, SOAP, and GZip - troubleshooting

How do I turn off gzip compression on my SOAP requests from Silverlight 3 or 4? I'm getting a 500 error from my server page (asmx) and for some reason the debugger doesn't catch it. Because the 500 error response is encoded I can't tell what the problem is from Fiddler. Or if I could turn it off from the asmx side that would be fine too...

GZipped files not being served for websites hosted on IIS 7

I have enabled static compression for the websites in IIS, also I have the following settings in IIS applicationHost.Config file. <httpCompression directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed Files"> <scheme name="gzip" dll="%Windir%\system32\inetsrv\gzip.dll" /> <staticTypes> <add mimeTy...

Testing if gzip is working locally

I've a local wamp setup and installed the deflate_module in apache. I've also set up the following rule in .htaccess. <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript text/javascript application/javascript application/json </IfModule> But how can I test if ...

Enable GZIP on a PHP server?

I was going on a binge to increase speed of my website and optimize what I can within reason, one thing I wanted to go into was editing some Apache/MySQL configurations so I can decrease page loading time, I wanted to try something with .htaccess but I hate 500 errors that ensues, as I got PHP I'm wishing to do GZIP compression there. W...

Mongrel Gzip Compression

I would like to compress my mongrel's output, I found this plugin, but it's from 2007, and I could not make it work. I have haproxy balancing among several mongrels on my server, I've apache, but it's used only for static content, so mod_deflate doesnt affect the page itself. Any suggestion? If haproxy could compress, that would do it...

How do I enable gzip compression on a coldfusion at the directory level?

I'm supporting a legacy application on ColdFusion 7, and the pages are full of painful amounts of whitespace that I'd like to gzip away. I know I can: manually compress everything in an index type file (reference) enable it in the web.xml (which I don't have access to) But can I just throw the right < cfheader > or something akin to...

Apache2 won't Gzip my js/css

My server doesn't seem to gzip my css and javascript files. It works for HTML. Here's my config: http://pastie.org/1105941 And here's my result: http://i35.tinypic.com/audv0k.jpg Also tested Google Page Speed, and made Apache2 log the compression results. They say the same. What could be wrong here, since it does compress the HTML? ...

gzip with codeigniter

Is there anyway to gzip with codeigniter? If yes please share Library, plugin or helper... Thankyou! ...

In rails, how to g-zip a combined javascript file which generated by the 'javascript_include_tag'?

I was thinking javascript_include_tag with :cache option would g-zip the combined javascript file automatically: <%= javascript_include_tag 'j1.js', 'j2.js', 'j3.js', :cache => 'js_all' %> But it just generate a file which simply combined all those javascript files in plain text mod; Then how to g-zip the combinded file automatica...

What compression format should we use; should we lay DEFLATE (.zip) to rest?

With most Linux distributions dropping gzip and bzip2 in favor of LZMA2 for compressing their packages, and many open source implementations for many platforms, I wonder: Shouldn't we lay DEFLATE and the .zip format (which unfortunately got bastardized over and over) to rest, and move on to other, modern ways of distributing our (source)...

IIS 7.5 ASP.NET-4 Gzip compression

I just can't seem to get GZIP compression enabled for my ASP.NET 4 application. Only javascript files seem to get compressed. The page, css and others dont get compressed. The response header of a not compressed CSS file is: Content-Type text/css Last-Modified Mon, 09 Aug 2010 20:10:34 GMT Accept-Ranges bytes Etag ...

[Emacs] View the contents of a gzip archive in hexl mode

I want to write a function, similar hexl-find-file, that will open a gzipped file and show the contents in the hexl-mode. How would I do that? ...

gzip compression excepections?

Hi, Is there any way to project what kind of compression result you'd get using gzip on an arbitrary string? What factors contribute to the worst and best cases? I'm not sure how gzip works, but for example a string like: "fffffff" might compress well compared to something like: "abcdefg" where do I start? Thanks ...

Decompress GZip string in Java

I can find plenty of functions that let you decompress a GZip file, but how do I decompress a GZip string? I'm trying to parse a HTTP response where the response body is compressed with GZip. However, the entire response is simply stored in a string so part of the string contains binary chars. I'm attempting to use: byte responseBodyB...

How to Benchmarking : bandwidth improvement from using GZIP with cURL (PHP)

Hi guys, I am trying to benchmark the bandwidth saved from setting GZIP to active with cURL(PHP). I did this by curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'); Below is the documentation for CURLOPT_ENCODING : The contents of the "Accept-Encoding: " header. This enables decoding of the response. Supported encodin...