
Flex - HTTPService and gzipped responses?

I have a Flex client making RESTful calls to a webservice using HTTPService. The server is returning JSON responses, which we would like to compress. Can Flex using HTTPService handle gzip-encoded responses? If so, what steps are required to make it work (e.g., which headers to set, how to decompress, etc.)? If not, can you suggest a ...

gzip a folder in mac for iphone usage

Hi, Is it possible to gzip a folder with 50 files and extract it in iPhone ? ...

GZip with Mobile Browsers

I'm targetting a couple of web projects at mobile users, and noticed that some of the standard tools (JS libraries, json transfers, xml etc) are quite heavy for mobile data plans. I'd like to be able to implement gzip'd resources, and probably mod_deflate/mod_gzip to try and reduce the amount of bandwidth used by these devices. However...

tar.gz using .net

I am a fresher to .net. is that possible to create a tar.gz using .net enviroment ? if yes how ? ...

Enabling readerQuotas on WCF GZip Encoder Custom Binding

Hey there, I have enabled compression of my WCF service by implementing the sample GZip encoder featured on on MSDN and everything is working great, however now need to transfer my reader quotas across to this binding, as I previously had these customised when I was using wsHttpBinding. This is my GZip binding as declared in my Web.con...

What is the difference between httpCompression and urlCompression?

Looking at the node in a Web.config, I see that it allows both httpCompression and urlCompression elements. What's the difference between the two? I just want to do standard gzip, which one should I use? ...

Download torrent form torcache.com using php.?

As the server is using gzip encription I am getting an error torrent while downloading. <? $path_parts = pathinfo("http://torcache.com/torrent/56A250DC4CD64F6C304631897F1108D413FE76C7.torrent"); $name= $path_parts['basename']; $d="torrent/".$name; if(!copy($f,$d)) { echo "not copied"; } else { echo "copied"; } ?> Then i used this ...

String base64 decoded un-gziped from little-endian 4-byte int to java int

Hi, I'm trying to implement TMX files in Android and I was hoping someone could help. Based on the TMX guide, in order to get the GID's I have to first base64 decode the string, then gunzip the resulting data if the compression attribute is set to "gzip" as in the above example. Finally, you can read 4 bytes at a time for each GID f...

How to easily, transparently, serve gzipped html files to the user's browser?

The user, when he clicks a link, needs to get my compressed html file that his browser will uncompress automatically, without any fuss. What must I do on the server side to accomplish this? Thanks! -- ben ...

Why am I getting error LNK2001 when linking to zlib.lib?

I'm working on a project that already contains the gzip library as follows: zlib\zlib.h zlib\zlib.lib zlib\zconf.h I would like to use the gzip functions from this .lib but am getting the following errors: Compress.cpp Linking... Compress.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _gzclose Compress.obj : error LNK2001: unr...

The fastest GZIP decompress library in .NET

Which .NET library has the fastest decompress performance (in terms of throughput)? There are quite a few libraries out there... GZipStream DotNetZip Xceed Zip for .NET SevenZipLib SharpZipLib | community sponsor of Xceed Zip for .NET ...and I expect there are more I haven't listed. Has anyone seen a benchmark of the throughput pe...

Creating the same .tgz file on different machines

I'm using giternal, which compresses the .git directory of the external references into a .tgz file. Unfortunately, every time I "freeze" the external, a new .tgz file is created for the repo. Even though the contents of the .git directory are the same, a new .tgz file, with diffs, is created. This leads to repo bloat. Is there a way t...

Which zlib functions are compatable with WinZip?

Using deflate() I was unable to open the zipped file using WinZip. Are the gz() the only ones compatable with WinZip? or is there some sort of mode I must call deflate() with? Thanks. ...

Compress Document folder in application sandbox of iphone

Hi I need to compress the Documents folder in the application sandbox and upload the compressed file to a server. I've been able to send files from iphone to the server, but am stuck in regards to compressing the folder. I'm using the ASIHTTPRequest libraries for connecting to the server. Any body can point me to the right direction. I...

Reading last lines of gzippped text file

Let's say file.txt.gz has 2GB, and I want to see last 100 lines or so. zcat <file.txt.gz | tail -n 100 would go through all of it. I understand that compressed files cannot be randomly accessed, and if I cut let's say the last 5MB of it, then data just after the cut will be garbage - but can gzip resync and decode rest of the stream? I...

Reading a GZIP file from a FileChannel (Java NIO)

I need to read/unpack a .gz file given a FileChannel. I've played around with extracting GZIP archives using GZIPInputStream, but this won't take a FileChannel. I don't have access to the original FileInputStream that the FileChannel was taken from. If someone could tell me a good way (or at least any way) of reading GZIP from a FileC...

gzipping up a set of directories and creating a tar compressed file

My bash fu is not what it should be. I want to create a little batch script which will copy a list of directories into a new zip file. There are (at least) two ways I can think of proving the list of files: read from a file (say config.txt). The file will contain the list of directories to zip up OR hard code the list directly into ...

Is there a way to determine if a page is compressed or not?

I'm writing a script that can determine if a page is compressed or not, and I've been doing a bit of research and cannot figure out how to determine if a page is compressed. I'd assume that a page compressed would have something in the headers to say that it is a compressed file. Like Content-Type or something. Any help is appreciated. ...

How to pack http request body using libcurl?

Is it possible to send requests using libcurl in gzipped form? How can I do that? ...

gzipped GData POST requests

Is somebody managed to upload gzipped GData POST/PUT requests to Google? Is it even supported or possible? I guess it should be simple as just defining Content-Encoding header with "gzip" but I just get 400 bad requests. ...